Roleplay Number: 1
Roleplay Title: Rock talks trash about Angle.
People Used: No one really
Win-Draw-Loss 0-0
Next Match: The Rock vs Kurt Angle
Accomplishments: Future WWE Undisputed Champion

(The commercials finish and the WWE sign appears on the screen, the music plays and the intro to the program comes on the TV. A promo then comes on the TV, it shows a preview of the matches coming up tonight on Turmoil. The WWE program then starts and the camera's then focus on a live arena and the crowd are holding up signs such as "Vince sucks", "Freaks" and "The Game". The camera then focus's on The Rock in the back!)

The camera's then go back to the arena and go to the two commentators!

J.R: Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me welcome you to Thursday Turmoil! Tonight we have some great matches on the card! But lets focus on Rock's match! He has Kurt Angle in a first round match and what a match that will be! The Rock will do anything in his power to win.

King: Your damn right and tonight I can tell you this, Rock's dreams will be shattered by our Olympic Hero Kurt Angle and Kurt will pick up the win and advance in the tournament tonight.

JR: Well I can gurandamntee that Rock will win with the rock bottom, his whole career thrieves on tonight and the Rock wont give up until he wins the WWE Undisputed title. But Ladies and Gentlemen Rock is coming to the ring now!


(The Rock walks out of the arena's curtain, he starts to walk down the isle slowly and stops when he gets to the bottom. Rock looks around the arena and sniffs the air. He goes to the nearest steps and goes though the ropes. He walks to the furthest turnbuckle and climbs on it he puts his hand up in the air,

he then goes to the opposite one and does exactly the same thing. He gets down as the sound of "Rocky! Rocky!" is heard by the Rock. The crowd are wild and Rock signals for a mic. He goes to the side of the ring and gets one. He holds it to his mouth and the crowd are still screaming, he waits for it to die down.)

{.::.The Peoples champion..::.The Rock.::.} Finally The Rock has come back to......Turmoil "fan erupt into the chants of Rocky! Rocky!" Well this Thursday at Turmoil The Rock goes one on one, eyebrow to eyebrow, face to face against Kurt Angle! Well do you know what The Rock, the great one feels about this match? The Rock has 2 very big hands, and you know what that means? That means that he is going to lay the smackdown on your ass and then proceed to send you straight to the smackdown hotel! The Rock Says Kurt!, our Olympic Crap, jabroni, Kurt whatever your name is!, The Rock says he is going to take your ass down Know Your Role Blvd. Hang that right, onto Jabroni Drive. and right there will stand the Smackdown Hotel... no no no, The Rock isn't going to drag your ass there quite yet, he's going to take you to a stop on the way The Smackdown Cafe. The Rock says he's going to drag your roody poo candy ass! Into that restaurant and sit your ass down on the floor with the rest of the sick headed jabronis sitting on the floor. Maybe your wife'll Mrs.Olympic Crap or whatever her name is there too... and Kurt Angle, The Rock is going to give you some pie... not just any pie Angle... no no no, The Rock is going to give you some poontang pie... and when that's all gone, and it's all said and done, The Rock is going to drag your ass out of there, take you down the street to the Smackdown hotel, check you in, and beat your ass from room to room to damn room! Until it's checkout time! We will then go to room 666 and see the room that the jabroni called The Undertaker, the so called American baddass! The jabroni whose ass is gonna be kicked in the tourney! Then go onto the room 150 where we have Hulk Hogan, the Hulkster, another jabroni whos gonna get his ass kicked in the tourney by the Great One! Then we will move on to room 347, which will hold all the other jabronis that will get the smackdown laid on them, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Austin, you know all the nobodies the pee-ons. Then The Rock will get your ass, Kurt, take it to the reception desk and check you officially into the smackdown hotel! Kurt I will give you some advice before your match tonight! If you take that advice you will have no match at all because you will be 100 miles away from the peoples champion! The Rock says that Kurt, you have nothing you can do to The Great One this Thursday accept two things, those two things are for take the biggest beating ever and of course to like it! Cause there is nothing else you can do accept for that because The Rock will lay the Smackdown onto you! Well Kurt if you got a little itch for The Rock then scratch it! Because going one on one with The Rock will make you famous

"The crowd start to chant Rock Rocky as The great one is getting into the mood of laying the Smackdown on Angle!" So when the match comes, The Rock is going to walk down the peoples isle! Hes going to proceed to the peoples ring and then be surrounded by the Millions *crowd chant "and millions"* and millions of The Rock's fans each chanting the great ones name *fans start to chant Rocky Rocky!* and proceed to lay the smackdown on Kurt's Olympic ass! Well Kurt, I'll tell you what, you come out here and you have your little celebrations and your little dances well The Rock says this! The Rock tonight at Thursday Turmoil will have his own celebration! It will be called "The Rock kicking Angle's ass" production and by the name you would kind of guess what it is all about, but for the record it will be me, kicking your monkey ass turnbuckle to turnbuckle, commentator block to commentator block the whole f'in mile! Well clearly the great one is getting into the ring with somebody that looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane! But I will tell you all one little thing and that is I plan on putting Kurt in his grave and out of the WWE for once and for all and thats a promise but if some way, some how that son b***h manages to survive this match and still be able to walk I will beat him again and again and again until he realizes The Rock isn't somebody you mess with. Kurt, The Rock is in this buisness for one reason and one reaosn only and The Rock already proved that the reason isn't the fans, and it sure the hell isn't to win some sissy title but it is to become the WWE Champion and well The Rock is going for that title right now he is in the 1st round and Kurt is "in my way", but, you are in my way to the top of the mountain which means, yes that you are in my way of becoming champion so tonight I am going to beat you and send you on a one way trip back to the bottom of the mountain. So Kurt The Rock says you can Just Bring It

to our match tonight because The Rock plans on bringing everything he has to that ring! Kurt, I am saying now tonight I will come out of the match with a 2nd round spot in my pocket and there is nothing you can do about it! Kurt you have 2 hours untill you are out of the world title tournament! Kurt take a picture, you better smile for that camera at the same time because, A, it will be the last time you will be seen with the ability of sitting down and Kurt you better keep that photo for your own special keepings, I will hate to know what you will do with that of a night *crowd cheer* Kurt you better smile cause I am going kick my boot so far up your ass, your face will be disfigured! But Kurt tonight you got a chance to prove The Rock wrong and you have a chance to put The Rock in his place but that just isn't going to happen. You are just another piece of trailer park trash that is failing to realize that The Rock is the man. The Rock is the soon to be WWE Undisputed Champion and The Rock is not only the Peoples Champion but the most Electrifying Champion the world has ever seen. Kurt tonight in that very ring The Rock is going to lay the smack down on you like he has to nobody yet in his career. The Rock says he plans on plating you with a Rock bottom in the middle of that very ring and give you the most electrifying move in sports entertainment... Period! The Peoples Elbow. Kurt, Tonight The Rock is here to teach you a lesson. Yes a lesson Kurt and that lesson is to never ever mess with The Rock unless you are expecting to get that puny little ass of yours kicked. Kurt this sunday The Rock will have the millions and millions of his fans chanting his name over and over again and he will have every single person in this arena, and in their living room standing up in shock as The Rock... PROVES YOU WRONG!!! Well Kurt. Kurt you also seem to want to make a big name about yourself by progressing in this tournament and by dressing yourself white, blue and that stupid shit. Kurt I will beat you on tonight, but don't worry Kurt that beating is just going to be secondary compared to the one that I am going to give to you when we meet again, it will just get worse and worse. Kurt you do realize that you are in a no win situation, yes Kurt just think about it. Tonight if I beat you, no no no WHEN I beat you, you will no longer have the chance be the WWE Undisputed champion you will just be known as the almost champion because The Rock will be the WWE Undispued champion AND the peoples champion. Kurt thats the only situation you get so its no win. Kurt their is only one thing you can do, shut up and like it. So Kurt I quote frankly don't give a damn what kind of match we are going to have, because quite frankly I don't give a damn if its 2 out of 3, all it means is that I will have to kick your ass twice and then pin you twice and leave the third and sit down in the dressing room celebrating. Because Kurt if you see it in my eyes, if you see it though the millions, *crowd chant "and millions"* of The Rock's fan's eyes you will see me kicking your ass all over Thursday Turmoil. Cause Kurt there is nothing better then kicking you candy ass. Kurt tonight there is nothing and The Rock means nothing that you can do about it because The Rock is he most electriying man in sports entertainment and there is nothing you can do about it.

Well It's really great to be here, but it's gonna be even greater to beat the living hell out of that assclown Kurt Angle tonight You know, Kurt thinks he has me beat, but what he fails to realize is, The Rock is a man of many suprises...but don't worry, he will learn that very soon well, tonight when I make the biggest upset suprise recorded in history by not only beating his ass severly, but putting him on the shelf perminantely!! Kurt and I have come a long way....and it comes down to this, only one of us can finish Thursday Turmoil not injured and only one of us can become the man that caused the other person's they're are Rock fans and Angle fans, and I'm sure both will be on hand or watching from home at Thursday Turmoil!! And the Rock fans will be expecting me The Rock to become the victore, while the Angle fans are expecting Angle to some how beat me. Well The Rock will take none of that and will become the WWE Undisputed champion in the near future. Do you realize that you can't stop The Rock, you can't beat The Rock and well obviously you don't because tonight it's scheduled that me and you are going head to head, in a normal match for this place in the next round of this tournament and well quite frankly The Rock will do the same thing again and that is beat your ass 1...2...3! And go on to take the final prize the WWE Undisputed title back home with him yet again. You see Kurt you finally met your match and well you just can't stand that can you? It just rips you up inside knowing that you met someone who can beat you in a match. Doesn't it just rip you up knowing that I was right and you were wrong. Is that why you had this match scheduled? Well, The Rock is going to do exactly what he does best and thats layeth the smacketh down on your roody poo Candyass! Again and again you can try to take this title from me Olympic Boy but again and again I will procede and have success in beating you. The Rock knows that you must know how it feels, how it feels to have gold, well Kurt The Rock will have the WWE Undisputed title gold while you have your ugly face washed up in tears and your white and blue tights. Kurt... The Rock's got sick and damn tired of you running your mouth about how you would beat me, about how you were going to leave me a bloody, broken body in the middle of that ring. But well Kurt you were unsuccessful in doing so and well I did what you claimed that you were going to, and that was leave you a broken body in the middle of that ring. Well The Rock gives you credit, you are a tough man, no not for not being embarassed for walking out here like the biggest jabroni ever. But The Rock has to give you credit for having the guts to let the millions of people that watch Thursday Turmoil to see you get your ass kicked! Thursday Turmoil.... The biggest day in wrestling history up to date. No No No, wait, Thursday Turmoil isn't the biggest, most electrifying day in wrestling history, the biggest, most electrifying day in wrestling history is the day that The Rock decided to come to wrestling. But Thursday Turmoil, the second biggest day in the history of wrestling, it will be me and you one on one, head to head, eye to eyebrow, in the middle of The Rock, no, wait a second, The Peoples ring! And The Rock guran-damn-tee's that there will be a prize to pay for facing me and that is to get your damn foot, turn that son bitch sideways and stick it straight up your.... no no no, straight up Mrs. Olympic Crap's Roody Poo! Candy Ass!


(The Rock thorws the mic away as his music hits again, The Rock then walks out of the ring and heads for the backstage area.)