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Roleplay brought to you by 88
A joint Colaboration of The Hurricane and The FBI
People Used 88
The Hurricane,Shane Helms(hurricanes alterego), And The FBI
People Mentioned 88
Ken Shammrock, and The Nature Boy Ric Flair
Roleplay Number 88
W/L/D Record 88
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This layout was made for the Hurricane in the ???.. by Anthony Mancini..Banners were made by him, And the Tables were made by Will Minor.. So please don't steal....Permission was expressed By the FBI to be used in this Roleplay and i thank them for the oppertunity to use them. it.

Shane Helms

Excuse me MR nunzio can I ask ya a few questions?


hey, hurry ya ass up hea

Shane Helms

How do you feel about your up coming match?


AYe listen up ya pip squeak.. Tha FBI is a Force that'll atke out anyone.. and that bastid Matt Haddy? Well, lets just say, they betta get the chalk ready for the body drawin'!

Shane Helms

So how do you plan on taking Matt hardy out?


lemme tell ya somethin punk.. Theres two things Italions know.. when Pasta sticks to a wall, its done, and when a body sticks to a canvas, its most likely FBI Road Kill... and if you wanna know how I feel... and how me & the boys are gonna whack him, you'll just have to wait!

Shane Helms

ok fare enough...the big questin on everybodys mind is whos going to be the owner of the iwa who do you think is going to win and why?


you aint learned have ya, ya joik.. Say if i say someone wins, and they lose, i'm screwed like a portygue in an Italian Restaurant ya know what I mean? I aint choosin nobody, ya got it

Shane Helms

so your telling me you fear you might lose your job if you choose wrong your italian arent ya..then you dont seem to have the meatballs to choose someone whats up with that?


Yo who da hell do you think you ah? You want me to get Johnny & chuck to whack ya? Do ya? Then I syggest, you take back dat comment!

Shane Helms

ok ok ok im sorry i did over step my bounds but just one last thing there is word by some sources that The Hurricane the iwa's very own superhero has a match aginst someone named ken shamrock but no one has seen or heard from shamrock what do you think is the problem with that picture?Do you belive that this match is a set up by eric bischoff to screw over the hurricane since bischoff didn't want the hurricane in his fed to begin with?


do I look like a friggen crystal ball? Look, woid on the streets.. This shamrocks a bad dude.. but as far as him Goin after us? I aint got no wrries.. and about Hurrishame, We'll whack him too!

Shane Helms

well thank you for your time and please help yourself to the buffet down the hall sponsered by the daily globe…theres meatballs!




King this wednesday live on ppv is No way out we have a great card for both Heat and No way out.


Yeah there are a lot of great matches such as Stacey Kiebler vs Torrie Wilson….I cant wait for that one it should be Puppylicious.


Also the Three big matches scheduled for Sunday night heat Nunzio w/ The FBI vs Matt Hardy

The #1 contenders match for the tag team championships The world’s greatest tag team vs Sandman and Sting

The Self proclaimed Make or Break match between Ken Shamrock and The hurricane…. where The hurricane has to prove himself that he is good enough to be in the IWA.

King At No Way out There are a lot of good matches but the biggest two matches is For the ownership of the Iwa Ric flair vs Eric Bishoff