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The Chronicles of Josh Carter

I finally did it. I'd beaten Juggalo two hours earlier, and now I was partying. As the sweat trickled down my forehead, she pulled me close and wiped it with the back of her hand. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on, and I found it hard to believe she thought the same about me. With her dazzling brown eyes, blinding blonde hair, and skin as smooth as satin, she was the girl of my dreams. It seemed odd that I'd only known her for about 30 minutes and I was already in love. But I didn't care at the moment. I pulled her close and we lay against each other silently, as they played my theme song in honor of my victory. I let a tear slip, as the words of the song finally came to some meaning. California is a place to rid yourself of all fear. All worry and pain goes away in California. Maybe this girl was the embodiment of California. As we lay against each other, I whispered softly in her ear. She came closer to me and rested her head between my neck and shoulder. My hands wrapped slowly around her waist, as I stared off towards the huge screen that was showcasing my match. Right then I realized that this could be the end of my low ranking run on Impact. I could be something big. I could really make a name for myself. The only one left was Bostongod. But I had a disturbing feeling inside that told me this match would end the way the other chances I'd gotten like this did: No Contest. Last time Darkhan interfered, and I could feel the contract in my hands that time. But this time I had to fight whoever wanted a piece. Something told me the entire Impact locker room was going to empty out all over my ass and destroy me, and Bostongod would graduate Impact. I watched last week as Justin Satyr picked up a victory over Glass Casket. Maybe that meant something. If Glass Casket fell last week, maybe his partner would fall this week. It was something to think about. Just then, I felt a tugging on my shirt. It was her. She looked up at me with such a sweet, innocent smile on her face.
"Josh...I'm really glad we met each other. I just want to clear something up. I'm not a gold digger or anything like that. In fact, I'm already pretty set when it comes to financial needs. I just saw something in you that sparked these mixed feelings. You're a really nice guy."
I stared into her eyes, and couldn't help but grin out of the corner of my lips. She giggled and kissed me on the cheek before pulling me up and dragging me to the dance floor. Her favorite song was playing. Before I could say anything, we were dancing up on each other like two black people dancing to Nelly or something. God that was racist, forgive me. I tried to avoid dancing too crazily, but girls were all on me. She shot me a look and I immediately stepped closer to her. Next thing I remember was all these rave club lights coming on along with a techno song.

I woke up God knows how much later, laying in a room on a queen sized bed. I felt odd. I had a headache. I rubbed my temple for a moment before looking down to realize that I'd been stripped to everything but my Steve Jason boxers. Don't ask. I heard water running in the other room, and Melisa stepped into the room. She jumped for joy when she saw that I was awake. I looked at her eerily and sat up slowly. She shook her head, and raised a finger, waving it from side to side as she walked over towards me. She climbed onto the bed, and on top of me. I stared weakly at her as she pinned me to the mattress. She giggled again, and I laughed nervously.
"Don't get any ideas, honey. I didn't do anything. You passed out during 'Churicon Planet X16.' and I had Chad and Mike carry you back here. I like you too much know."

"I would hope so. Because I don't have any STDs, and I'm getting tested in two weeks anyway. If I have one, I'm going to assume it wasn't Chad or Mike that did it, okay?"

"Shh. You need to get back to sleep. You've got a long day tomorrow. You have to pack."
"Pack? The hell? For what? I don't remember scheduling any damn field trips, Mel."
"I pulled some strings and got you a wrestling gig in ROH. Your first match is in Ohio against Colt Cabana."
"No, first match is on Massacre.