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More Violence Needed



The 187 report would like to thank the author of the Truth Report for the much needed information about peanuts. This information has helped may to live a better more digestive life-style.

A stable feud has broken out within the WWA. To end this feud a stables tournament has been set up. The tournament will include the strongest member of each stable. If there is any discrepancies as to who is the strongest member the two will battle it out to resolve the issue. 





             The Nature Boy:

Because After All These Where The Only Nuts Slapping Last Week

Speaking of player what is happening with Baltimore finest. Well we did a little investigating on this issue ourselves and we think that you will be surprised what is happening.

Player Update

With players out there pimpin hoes like this will the rest of us do with our spare time. Here are some possible ideas:


Bird Watching


Make a Scrap Book Of Your Past

As fun as these activities may be for you players would become bored easily with such non-chanelleging events. So what do Players do on there days off? Well true players don't get a day of rest but if they did this is what they would do.

Spy "Hard"

Aside form the pimps and players PepsiŽ has also set out to screw the American public. How can PepsiŽ do such a thing? Again I am glad you asked. Here is the full story on PepsiŽ.

PepsiŽ Screw Job

Hopefully this report opened your eyes to the fact that we are always being watched, the power corporations hold over the US, and a little insight into the rough life of a player.

Check back soon for player updates as well as the results of the stable tournament.