".... EPIPHANY...."

I’ll be honest with you folks... I never saw it degenerating to this level.

I mean, me and Scotty have been friends for years now, ever since we first bonded in our time with the EWA. Sure, there’s been points where we’ve not spoken for a couple of months, but in general, we kept in contact with one another and regularly checked up to see how the other was fairing.

Then came the day he arrived in the Hardcore Wrestling Federation, and I had the chance to renew a friendship that I thought was in danger of fading out. Ultimately, this of course led us to the Elite and the rest is history, as they say... But even though all friends go through ups and downs, I never expected our friendship to have turned this sour.

But then again, if we take a look back, is it really any surprise?

I mean, just think about this from Scott’s point of view. When the EWA closed its doors almost three years ago, a group of us were offered the chance to come to the HWF and effectively start again. Did Scott Anderson receive such an invitation? NO! He was left high and dry and ended up going to some pissant little wrestling promotion which no-one cared about. And if you think about it, that’s the main reason why he is so bitter towards Shawn Collins, since after all, it was Collins who brought the rest of us here and left him to squander. I can’t imagine how frustrated Scott must have felt during his time with the STD’s, trying so hard not to pummel Collins into oblivion for his snub, but all that patience seems to be worth it now, because it’s Scott Anderson who’s in control and it’s Shawn Collins who is getting screwed over. At least, until this Sunday that is...

Though let’s not pretend that he wasn’t bitter towards the rest of us old ‘Elite’ alumni either. I mean, most of that group of wrestlers came in, did nothing, and were a fast fading memory within weeks. Where as Scott Anderson would have gladly been a part of the original Elite and shaken things up, Collins had chosen a bunch of guys who didn’t have the drive or motivation to make it here. In fact, there were only three individuals out of the entire original Elite that showed any sort of promise at all, and that was obviously Cross, his brother Johnny Thunder, and an incredibly gifted and talented young wrestler by the name of Jon Fuller.

The question on my mind is, who was Scott more bitter towards? The guy’s who came in and wasted an opportunity that he would have loved to take, or the guy’s that came in and didn’t waste that opportunity, but instead become everything Scott Anderson wishes he could have become?

Obviously, Scotty was able to put those differences aside for a long while, as we collectively brought together this new Elite. Any malice he felt towards Cross, JT and myself was put on hold for the good of the group and our cause... Or was it? Y’see, I’d really like to believe that we were about the Extreme Wrestling Alliance. I’d really like to believe that this new version of the Elite was about bringing together the absolute best wrestlers in the business today. But in hindsight, I can’t say that’s true.

See, when Scott Anderson missed out on the Elite the first time around, he missed out on being shown the respect that he should have been shown. He missed out on the opportunities that it created for the likes of Cross and myself, which is why he was willing to do whatever it took to get a similar slice of the action for himself this time around. This latest Elite wasn’t anything to do with proving who was the best, or forcing people to remember the importance of the EWA... It was about Scott Anderson making up for lost time and trying to jump on a bandwagon that I should have ditched a long time ago.

Yeah I admit, I believed in what the Elite was about. Or at least, what I thought the Elite was about, but it didn’t take long for Scott’s ego to warp that. He’d taken that same opportunity, that dream which had been handed to us three years ago and turned it into a full-blown nightmare.

The desire to take that opportunity meant Anderson let his ego get the better of him, and the result wasn’t pretty. What it meant was that Cross stood at the top of the HWF, unopposed for months on end. What it meant was that decent, hard-working wrestlers had their salaries slashed or were even the victims of public firings. What it meant was that the classic duo of Tim and Jeff were replaced by a couple of clowns who can barely string a sentence together without being overtly pro-Elite. What it meant was that this collection of the best wrestlers in the HWF, something I really believed in, was diluted when the likes of Alex Sikes and Lukas Ravage were invited to join. When we had a couple of egomaniacal jerk offs like Matthew Logan and JD Klein as our running buddies and lapdogs. When we killed all competition and came within inches of killing the HWF as well.

Trust me Scotty... I may have thought I wanted what you were offering, but now that I see it all for what it really is, I’d rather eat my own balls than join you guys again.

Honestly, I never wanted to stop being your friend man, but friendship was thrown out of the window a long time ago, so that doesn’t even come into consideration anymore. At least when Hostile Man and myself had our differences, I knew he was just trying to do for me what was right. You though...? You’re just doing what’s right for Scott Anderson.

Well, over the past nine months or so, a lot of people have sat back and let you get your way. Steve Sharp did so. So did Tony Bradshaw and Drake Pearson. And unfortunately, I’ve been guilty of just questioning your decisions instead of making something out of it. Sure, I’ve prodded and poked, but I never really tried changing anything and making a difference until now. But believe me when I say I refuse to sit back any long Scotty. I refuse to let you walk all over me and the rest of this company because if I don’t, you’ll drive this place into the ground. You’ve gotten away with so many sins against the Hardcore Wrestling Federation, but I’m here to make sure you pay the price.

Funny really... How things work out in the end. Really, I guess this confrontation should have happened last month. I guess I should have ditched the Elite and stood up against you sooner, since the symbolism of both Michael Trey taking the World Title from Cross and myself taking every last ounce of power from you would have been the perfect death to the Elite. And believe me, I do wish this phoney sham of an Elite were dead.

Y’see Scott, being in the Elite used to be like wearing a badge of honor, but you’re actions have turned it into more of a scar of dishonor, and that is something I think I’ll probably have to live with for the rest of my career. Something that I might be able to hide from public view, but I’ll have burning my inner self for the rest of my wrestling career. Will I ever prove myself to be above your so-called ‘Elite’? I honestly don’t know, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try dammit. And that doesn’t mean that I won’t try and bring the HWF back to the level it used at under Steve Sharp either... Back to a state much greater than the company we’re apart of today.

I just want you to remember Scott, it was you who chose the stipulation. Double Hell, Electrified Barbwire Death Match suits me just fine. And remember it was you who agreed to put your position as Sunday Suicide Program Supervisor on the line. And just for the record, it’s you who’ll be to blame when I beat you at the biggest show of the year and take away everything that makes Scott Anderson somebody!

For weeks, you’ve tried to wear me down with your cronies. You’ve tried to make Jon Fuller your bitch again, but I’ll be damned if that happens. I’ve destroyed your Killer J.O.S.S, and now it’s just going to be you and me. Jon Fuller and Scott Anderson. Mr. Jon-Tastic and the Shadow Warrior. The HWF Hardcore Champion and the Sunday Suicide Program Supervisor. Former friend and former friend.

I feel sorry for you Scott... Sorry for what you’ve become, and what you’re about to become when I strip you of your power at Parade of Cannibals. But rest assured, however sorry I feel for you doesn’t mean I won’t finish off what was started by Michael Trey last month at American Nightmare. The Elite is on it’s death bed. Their grip over the HWF loosening week by week. And Jon Fuller is going to be the man who puts your mock creation out of it’s miserable.

Make no mistake, Parade of Cannibals 6 is a new beginning... A dawn of new hope for the HWF as a whole.

And it’s the last time we’ll have to deal with the corrupt ‘justice’ of Scott Anderson.

Copyright 2004