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WWCF comes back after a quick commercial that took place after a the last match fought between Christian and a young guy trying to climb the ladder in the industry. They have play backs of cretin moments that got a reaction from the crowd including a few moves move from both wrestlers but ending with Christian’s Unprettier. When the play backs stop the camera pans to the announce table with Jerry “The King” Lawler sat at the announce table without Good ol’ JR by his side.

Welcome back folks, I don’t know what to tell you but as you can see I’m all on my own here at the table. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with JR apart from he’s got some business to attend to. So while I’m out here myself there’s no time like the present to talking about my new book.

The book deals with many of my personal matters that you fans don’t get to see on screen including how feel about my past wives and my relationship with my family including my kids. So fans if you’d like to get a view of the real Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler then go out and buy the book I guarantee you a good read, That’s “It’s Good The Be The King...Sometimes” in all your major book stores.

Just as King stops talking the sound of really crap music hits the speakers and the fans get up to their feet to see what’s going on but are sadly disappointed when the see that it’s Jonathan Coachman making his way out from the back. He walks over in the direction of the announce table. Coach takes a seat next to King and puts a headset on and as his crappy music stops he beings to speak.

Hey King, as you told the guys at home JR is in the back taking care of business and I’ve been set out here to take his place for now. There’s no doubt in my mind that just like the show has been going so far we’re still in for a heck of ride.

I’m sure your right Coach and the sooner JR comes back out here the better my night will be

Before couch can say anything towards King’s last comment the speakers have another blast of music coming out of them and once again the fans get up to their feet and a mixed reaction from the crowd fills the area as WWCF’s newest signed superstar John Cena comes walking out from the back dressed in black baggy short pants, white top and black hat. As Cena makes his way down to the ring he doesn’t seem to be too pleased with the reaction he’s getting from the crowd.

He comes to the side of the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and gets up to his feet, he gets a microphone from somebody outside the ring and then steps back into the center and begins to speak his mind on

Before I get started on any business that I’ll be dealing with in the new future here in WWCF I want to get one thing of my chest. The last time any of you fans would have saw me near a wrestling ring I was just another white boy who thought he could rap and in time I was sick of being compared to Vanilla Ice and I ain’t down with that ice ice baby crap. When I made my debut appearance in the WWE back in June 2002 I was the kid fuelled by ruthless aggression and I answered the challenge of Kurt Angle and was within inches of beating that Olympic fool. That‘s the John Cena your going to see here in WWCF, I may be wearing the baggy clothes the raps are gone and the aggression is here to stay. Before I go any further I want to know what sort of welcome that was you gave me on my WWCF debut, How can you even think of booing a man that looks this good?

You all see this body right? I wasn’t called “The Prototype” in UPW for nothing. I got that name because I am the prototype of the perfect man...

Fans Boo

Boo all you want but when it all comes down to one thing all you women want me and all you guys wish you could be me.

Fans Boo Agian

Now that I have that straightened out it‘s time for my WWCF business. Since I first walked through the doors here in WWCF I‘ve came across a few of the superstars in the back and they’ve been nothing but nice towards the new guy and as much as I’d like to thank all of them for their kindness I’d just rather not. You see I didn’t come here to make friends I’m here to do what I love and that’s to wrestle. I’m not saying that I’ll be going around here getting in everyone’s face when there’s no need for it, If I see you in the back and your nice to me I’ll be just has nice and kind back but don’t for one second mistake kindness for stupidity. We are all here to be one thing and that to be the number one guy, to climb the mountain and be known as the best of the best. Just like everyone else I‘ll be doing all I can to reach the top of the mountain and the people I come across are people I‘m gonna have to throw off the side of that very mountain. My goals here in WWCF are simple and that’s to hold as much gold as possible on my way to the top. I know there are people I’m going to come across that will doubt me along my way but I don’t really care about those people. My talent was wasted back in WWE and that ain’t how it’s going to go down here in WWCF...So look out WWCF cause here I come.

Cena drops the microphone to the mat and his music kicks in over the speakers and the crowd sit watching him as he exits the ring. He walks round making his way to the ramp slapping hands with some of the fans that appreciate him but still getting a un-welcome feeling from the rest of the fans. He heads back up the ramp and as he reaches the top he turns back to look at the fans and lifts his arms in the air but once again they do nothing but boo him, The camera zooms in on his face with an un-happy look on it and he shakes his head in disbelieve that they are still showing that they hate him as he walks behind the black curtain and WWCF fades out to a commercial break.

:::Commercial Break:::
WWCF No Way Out Commercial
Companies trying to sell stuff
:::End Commercial Break:::

When WWCF comes back the camera is in the backstage area of the arena with a behind view of a long pair of legs that can only belong to the beautiful Stacy Keibler. The guys in the crowd are heard going crazy at the site of them as she walks down the corridor. She walks past many doors as she walks on but she comes to a stop when the familiar sound of Mr. McMahon’s Husky voice calls out her name. The camera pans back and looks into the office to see Vince sat behind his desk. He gets up from his black leather chair and steps to the from of the desk as Stacy walks into the office and stands in front of him.

Stacy I won‘t take to much of your time it‘s just that I need a job done and I know I can count on you to do it, that‘s if you don‘t mind doing this job for me.

No I don’t mind, what do you need done?

Thank you, I need you to go get John Cena for me. He’ll be in one of the men’s locker rooms.

Vince thanks her again as she walks out of the office and shuts the door behind her. As she walks down the hall Jericho walks past her and enters Vince’s office but the camera stays with Stacy as she comes to the two doors of the men’s locker room. She knocks on one but no answer, She opens the door and peaks her head round and with nobody in there she moves on to the second door. just as she’s about to knock the door opens and the man she’s been looking for appears. No longer in his baggy short pants and white shirt but in his tight green shorts with white strip.