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Harlee's Hellfyre - a commentary brought to you by the one and only...Harlee! Updated on a pretty regular basis, please stop by again to see new thoughts and feeling about Kane and wrestling in general.

1.31.03 Freaks Are Cool
Beautiful Christina Aguilera

Don't look at me.
Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the fame, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone and the puzzle undone
That's the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words won't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words won't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what they say
(no matter what they say)
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay
And everywhere we go
(everywhere we go)
The sun won't always shine
(sun won't always shine)
But tomorrow will find a way
All the other times

We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down
We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today

Music has a way of moving people. It has a way of capturing the listener and taking them in. Certain songs. I think it says something when a song comes on the radio and you immediatly start seeing someone, thinking about someone, it reminds you of someone, someone you care about. Someone who's touched your life, in hopefully a good way.

I don't normally listen to music of this type, and can't say I'm too "hip" on all the new singers and artists out there right now, but this song played on the radio one day to work and I just had to download it!

I'm sure it won't touch everyone the same as it did me, but hopefully my point will be made by the end of this piece.

The character of Kane is so very powerful! From the very beginning Kane has been one that has stood out from all the rest. Kane has been a leader in fighting for those with differences. He's been "The Freak" since his debut in '97 and was treated by so many for so long with disrespect. Looked down upon, frowned upon, called names, thought of as a "loser" a "retard" a "monster". It wasn't until just the past few years that we've seen Kane evolve into a Beautiful if you will, human being with feelings, thoughts, and the power to make them all know, the power to just simply kick ass!

So, when I heard this song, and even moreso, saw the video for it, I had to relay my feelings on how Kane has come to be the powerful force he has in character, strength, and power within the WWE today. So, here we go....

Don't look at me. Something I'm sure most people have felt at one point in their lives or another. Something that people who are insecure, ashamed, struggle, the list could go on and on, would say. I know I've said it before.

While I don't think that most would be inscure from "fame", people are insecure for various reasons, non-the-less. And then too, ashamed. This one is the one that stands out, being ashamed for one reason or another. Whether it's being picked on at school for some reason, having a physical deformation or handicap, having mental illness, basically not being like "all the rest". I've always wondered, all my life being "not like the rest", exactly what "like everyone else" or "normal" really was?

Kane came out as Taker's younger brother, burned badly, scared both physically and mentally. He was looked upon as no good. Second best to his brother who was wonderful in all ways. Never speaking, never looking people in the eye much less standing up for himself. Not showing any kind of emotion, not feeling, having no heart. Being scared and alone. Filled with pain and lashing out, not knowing any different. That was Kane's reality for so many years.

People all over the world suffer from differences, and it shouldn't be that way, but it is. Through the years, Kane has become "the" spokesman for standing up for yourself. Paving the path for those with differences of any kind, to be cool, to be looked at as still a human being. He's made being a "freak" being "in", being "cool", being accepted. All Kane fans everywhere use a phrase with the word "Freak" and the words "cool" "rule" "kick ass" together in some way. Kane fans want to be the freak, and let everyone know that they are different, whether in some people's case, it might just be by liking Kane that they are different from others...still it's a difference. There are no two people who are exactly alike in the world. And you'd think by now, we'd come to terms with that and just accept it. Not the case.

When Kane started speaking, the character started that real evolution. He started letting people know that he was not a "retard" a "loser" an "idiot". He was different, and yet different, he was okay. In 2001 he made a pretty long speech, when first starting to get mic. time, about why he wears a mask. About how people view him and who he really is. That speech, alone, touched and spoke volumns to soooo many people. To this day, I know of one person who's overcome great odds, stood taller and stronger, lifted his head up higher because of that speech on RAW one night.

For me, Kane has given me inspiration in writing and in life! He's showed the world what I've felt so very strongly for years and years. Kane has touched my heart and tickled my soul. He's brought laughter and smiles to my lips, tears to my eyes, and joy in my life! I look around at the fan's dedications online, what they say has impacted their lives the most, and the common theme is that he showed them that being different in any way is O.K.!

This character of Kane has been one of the most thought out character in the WWE I think. It's been one of the characters that has evoloved the most, that's showed the most feelings, and had a good reason for being in the storylines. I can only hope that the WWE doesn't wreck a good thing and keeps it coming with Kane. I can only hope that they listen to the many people who speak out about how Kane has touched their lives in one way or another and keeps Kane as a positive character for years to come.

While having amazing athletisim, incredible indurance, great strength in mind and body, he's just an amazing, incredible, and great character. I could only wish to meet someone with the characterstics, values, morals one day who's willing to stand up for differences and let others know it's okay.

Through my short life thus far, I've done as much as possible in showing people that it's ok to be different, that it's nothing to be ashamed of. I've always "stood out of the crowd" in both outward appearance and ways of thinking - in mind and thought. It's something I've dealt with for years and

By adding comic relief, putting a smile on our faces, making us think about ourselves as human beings, Kane has been an advocate for those who feel alone, who feel different, who feel like they're the only ones who face problems in the world, who feel that there's something wrong with them physically or mentally. He's made it okay to be that way and even helped in releasing that anger, tension, frustration, of having those feelings. Through the recent years, Kane has turned the heads of many people, grew in popularity, and still is kicking asses left and right, while retaining the same values, the same morals, the same reason for fighting and breathing. Because Freaks are cool!

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