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I would like to thank myself JeremyJack24 for this awesome layout for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Everything on this roleplay is done by me, J.J.F. so dont take it and claim it as your own. If you do I will personally kick the ever livin' shit outta ya. If you want to get in touch with me you can either email me at or contact me on AIM at JeremyJack24. I am not affiliated with the WWE, WCW, ECW, or NWA-TNA whatsoever. I also am not Stone Cold, and also dont even know Stone Cold in real life... if I did, I'm sure You'd be jealous! lol anyways enjoy the roleplay!!!

::.End Disclaimer.::

"The Texas Rattlesnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin

Height: 6'2

Weight: 252 lbs

Hometown: Victoria, Texas

Finishing move: Stone Cold Stunner

Career Highlights:

{ The TWF logo flashes across the screen and it begins this month's ppv... No Mercy. On the screen it shows last weeks match of Stone Cold in the 6 man tag match. Austin is shown giving Big Show the Stone Cold Stunner to pick the win on last week's lightning. Then the camera is shown live at No Mercy where Good Ol' JR is live backstage with a mic in his hand. He starts speaking when he begins his weekly interview of No Mercy.....}

::Good Ol' JR Jim Ross:: Tonight in this ring we will have the TWF Heavyweight Championship match between current champ and the challenger of Stone Cold. This match is expecting to be a memorable match. This will be another classic with Rock and Austin. Tonight before the match Stone Cold plans on having an interview in that very ring. Also we have other great action and Championship matches. No Mercy will be one of memorable events in the TWF. Stay tuned you will not want to miss a beat!

{ The scene fades out and goes off to commercials. When it comes back the camera is out in the parking lot. All the sudden is shows a black Monster Truck pulling up outside the arena. On the side it says Austin 3:16. Stone Cold gets out of his truck and grins as he looks at the camera. Stone Cold grabs his bag out of his truck and starts walking towards the arena. He then stops for a moment and stares at this Porsche, which is outside. On the license plate it says THE GREAT ONE. Stone Cold goes to the driver and starts talking to him…..}

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: Hey do you know who’s car this is?

::The Innocent Driver:: Yes this is he World Champions vehicle, The Rock. I am his driver and he told me park it outside so it wouldn’t get scratched.

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: Do you have the keys?

::The Innocent Driver:: Yes I do. But I am not allowed to give out the keys to anybody. I don’t care who you are your not going to get these keys out of my hands.

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: Your honest I can give you that. Well all I have to be honest to you. I think you are a complete JACKASS!

{ Stone Cold kicks the driver in the stomach and gives him the STONE COLD STUNNER!!! He rolls the driver out of the way and grabs the keys on the ground. Austin gets in the Porsche and lines it up with his Monster Truck. He walks back to his truck and looks directly in the camera. Austin begins speaking…..}

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: Rock I know you are watching me. For one second in your mind you thought I was going to raise hell for you. You thought this thing between me and you is over. It’s not over at all and soon enough your about to find that out. Oh yeah… one more thing. Nice Porsche!

{ Stone Cold gets in his Monster Truck and floors the engine. Then he starts going forward and goes over The Rock’s Porsche destroying it in many pieces. Stone Cold goes over it in many times and then goes to park it in The Rock’s parking spot. The scene fades to commercials. When it comes back it shows Stone Cold walking into the arena with his bag on his shoulder. Stone Cold is heading to his locker room when all the sudden The Rock clotheslines Austin from behind. Austin and Rock both starting punching each other back and forth. All the sudden The Rock low blows Austin and gives him The Rock Bottom. The scene fades and goes to another commercial break as The Rock is talking trash to Austin. When it comes back Stone Cold is in his locker room getting ready for his match. He gets his ring attire on and then walks out of his locker room. He starts walking down the hall and Michael Cole goes up to Stone Cold. He begins speaking…..}

::The Annoying Interviewer Michael Cole:: Stone Cold! Stone Cold! How come you destroyed The Rock’s Porsche?

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: WHY?!? Because it got in my damn way. The Rock is due for an ass kicking tonight. By the end of the night there will be a new TWF Heavyweight Champion.

::The Annoying Interviewer Michael Cole:: Well either way it’s going to be one hell of a match tonight. Match for the ages and whoever wins will be flying high in the TWF. After you destroyed The Rock’s car he attacked you from behind and delievered the Rock Bottom. Do you any comments about that issue?

::The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin:: The Rock might of won that battle but he attacked me from behind. That jackass is going to get an ass kicking he will never forget. Because when he puts his title on the line there will be no attacking from behind. It will be the Texas Rattlesnake right in the face of The Rock.

Victims of the Stone Cold Stunner

Kane, HHH, Big Show

Austin 3:16 Says I Just Whooped Your Ass!