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'Y2J' Chris Jericho
I'm The Living Legend!

People Used: 'Y2J' Chris Jericho

People Mentioned: uWo Roster

Win/Loss Record: 0-1-0

Subject is On: Fury Match

Titles Held: None Yet

Next Match we be held at: Firday Fury

..:: ( Camera open at a uWo house show in the Staples Center. Where fans are aaitingthe first ever uWo event. uWo fans are holding up signs and the camera circles around the arena showing the sold out crowd screaming. Then the lights suddenly dim and a countdown begins on the X-tron. As it gets to zero a slight explosion is heard and the camera shifts down to the top of the ramp where 'Y2J' Chris Jericho is standing is a 'T' shape with his arms and legs spred out and his back turned against the ring as 'Break Down the Wall' starts playing. He swings one leg over and starts walking at a normal pace down the ramp with a smirk on his face wearing silky leather pants and a black mathcing open overshirt, then he walks up te steps. On the out side of the ring he puts one foot through the top ad middle rope posing for a while. Then he steps in the ring and grabs a mic frm the side of the ring as the music fades and the lights come back and 'Y2J' Chris Jericho cuts his promo as the crowd boos heavily. ) ::..

[::('Y2J' Chris Jericho)::]Now I know you people don't think I'm much since I lost to that Ass Rob Calavara. After you think about it I didn't really lose cause he and his partner cheated when they isolated HHH from the ring. That is over now and I have two matches this week which leads me to Christian! About a few days ago Chrsitian came out to this very ring trying to impress himself talk trash about me and saying I should give up. Everyone knows Christian is a fool, I mean please setting me up against him for a title. Come on that will be the easiest win that anyone will every have in the uWo history. And it's great right now that I put a smile on your face cause this Friday I can whipe that smile off you ugly face when you are tapping to the Walls of Jericho! Oh and you called me silly? Come on now your making me laugh haven't you listened to your music or moreover taken a look in the mirror? HaHaHa! Well then when you hit the UnPrettier you say it's ten times stronger than any other move, that is imposible cause the only move around here is the uWo that is stronger than any other is the Walls of Jericho! But I simply don't know and won't know since you will never e..e..e..ever be able to hit the Unprettier on The Living Legend. This Fury is going to be one Hell of a event after 'Y2J' Chris Jericho proves once again he is the Living Legend when he has the uWo U.S. Title around his waist!

Now let me move on to the rumble. Everyone knows the whole roster is in the rumble. So I get my revenge on Rob Calavara and that is what I will be focusing on in the match, and he will know that the pin he had on me was the best thing that the Living Legend ever recieved. But then when Rob is eliminated I will be in the middle of the ring pounding on every man that gets in my way on my journey to be the uWo Champion. I have to compliment alot of you guess on how you are wrestling cause when we enter the ring to fave each other it's anyones game. Even Christian's, which I doubt but that is true. And since it's anyones game I will take adavetage of it to became the uWo Champion just like whe I won the WWF Undisputed Title. Some say that the odds are different in the uWo, but when I see it everything is the same just the uWo is a better and stable federation. So when I become the uWo Championship everone will know that 'Y2J' Chris Jericho is the Best There Will ever be!

..:: ( 'Break down the walls plays over the P.A. system and Chris Jericho makes his way to the back. ) ::..

I'm The Living Legend!