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Welcome to the official web site of Jeremy V! I couldn't welcome anyone anywhere, without thanking Janice and Jenn for all their hard work on this site. They've been supportive from the beginning and I can't thank them enough! Enjoy!

May 18, 2004: Added a new splash page and several appearances
August 22, 2003: Congratulations to the new Wildside Television Champ, Jeremy finally won the title from Rainman in a cage.
August 11, 2003: A new commentary is up.
June 26, 2003: A new commentary is up in which Jeremy talks about WarGames; added a couple of appearances
May 21, 2003: Added a new commentary, a couple of new appearances and changed the splash page.
April 13, 2003: Overhauled the picture page and added some new pictures.
March 16, 2003: Added a new commentary.
October 20th: Added a new commentary and a couple of new results.
October 7th: Added results, a new link, a new pic from Jeremy and a new appearance
September 19: Added several links.
September 18: New commentary and results up.
September 13: Added pics from the TRW show in Elberton and results.
September 1: First commentary up.
August 11: Added a couple of appearances and a promise from Jeremy of a commentary soon.
August 4: Added a few more results.
July 28th: Just want to wish Jeremy a very happy birthday.
July 21, 2002: Added the results page.
July 18, 2002: Site officially opens with biography and pictures

Jeremy and his biggest little fan
All the ladies know it's all about V
Photo Credit: 96.7 The Buzzard
