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August 11, 2003
Hello all. Its everybody's favorite letter of the alphabet with yet another commentary. First off, let me backtrack to speak about Freedom Fight 2003. Wargames was hell. It sucks to take a beating like that, but it ended in the biggest moment of my career, so I won't complain. For those of you who don't know, RAIN MAN became the Sole Tapper on that night. By the way Rainman, Quitters never win. Didn't you learn anything in rehab? Also that night Rick Michaels stepped back into the ring in what was a memorable moment for Rick, the boys, and the Wildside Faithful. And who can forget the 4 way ladder match that was awesome and ended with the Azrael turning his back on poor Gabriel.

Fast forward to now...Now I have never put a whole lot of thought into doing the tag team thing on a regular basis, but Brandon P and I have teamed twice as of now, and I must say that I'm digging it. The timing seems right, and I couldn't ask for a better partner. Except for Scott E Smooth, who is high on the list if P turns out to be a non hacker. P confessed that at one point in his career he lost to a certain Chief via a tomahawk chop. Poor guy. I had a ref no sell a superkick from behind one night, if it makes you feel any better. "Mic,, mic" Spoken like a true winner. LMAO!

Now for the story of a random night in Athens Ga.... August 9th, We had a great show in Athens at the Athens Arena. The night started off with a bang as I had a guy come into the bathroom and try to hand me his autograph book and a pen under the stall. Now I'm sorry but when I am in a bathroom stall, its a pretty good chance that I'm preoccupied. Most people would think so right? Well, not this guy. I was shocked that someone would actually do that. I felt like Marshall Mathers. But unlike the Slim J wanna be, I am a nice guy. I did tell him to go on till I finished my business. Then of course I signed his book. Unbelieveable! Too bad we won't be back there. If we did, we could hear the chant of "You screwed Bill" Thats right folks, this p*ssy that owns the place decides that he's gonna change the deal he and our beloved promoter Bill Behrens made. This guy, whose name is Chris something, didn't want to play fair and it nearly cost him more than money. When you've got 30 pissed off wrestlers, its just not pretty. I wish you people could've heard this guy stuttering out all the bullshit a human body can produce in the time he was allowed. He should have thought about what he was going to say before he was asked. This guy is the worst freakin' liar I have ever seen. Maybe I'm just used to being able to look people square in the eye, and lie like hell. Either way, he was standing there spittin' some bullshit, and Jeff Bailey heard something that he didn't like cuz Jeff just straight yelled in this guys face like some kind of ugly stepchild. I wish his spill would've ended with a bitch slap because it damn sure called for one. I was looking around noticing that everybody was on cell phones. Then the PO-LICE come barging in like they own the place or something. Then they tell us to leave. Now this Chris guy has balls all of the sudden and starts being a smartass. Meanwhile Sal, sporting the ever so fresh new Chavis Gear, tells good ol' Chris to lick his balls, followed by a spirited "lick'em" from the rest of the boys. We walked out side and the place was surrounded by cops. Needless to say, it was time to go, because the cops were looking for Sal, and we had other plans. Next thing you know, we're downtown and Sal is making sweet love to a cement bulldog on the street corner. All the while doin' it Doggystyle. I think Scott E Smooth got aroused by that sight, because by the time we reached the next corner, Sal and Scott E are both on another cement bulldog. Scott E is apparently avoiding this dogs teeth as he was stroking pretty quickly, while Sal handled things from behind. Wonderful job fellas!

Ironically enough, after many drinks and a few hours, we ran into our buddy Chris again. I had no choice but to calmly walk up to this prick and tell him my personal opinion of him and the way he does business. Meanwhile he was busy with the One Man Mafia, Mikal Adrian. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't shit his pants. The look on his face when Mike walked up was classic. Somehow this prick never got stuck, unfortunately. Of course, It would suck to be spending the night in jail for sticking him right in the grill. He'll get his. That kind of stuff comes back to bite you in the ass. By the way, thats no threat, I just believe in Karma.

I finally closed my eyes at around 8am. By 8:30am I was soaking wet and so was my bed. That son of a b*tch Sal, poured water in my bed. That shit was cold. But what can you do. I look forward to many more nights out with Kool, Sal, Gilbert, Smooth, Chavis, Pitty, J Mart, Adrian, and anyone else that wants to go next time. We had as much fun as you can fit into one night. We was Thuggin' and buggin' playa! Belie..dat!

Before I run, a few random thoughts:
-Why are Jeff Bailey's punches more devastating than Sal's?
-Is Sky Hardy related to Matt or Jeff?
-Teddy Long is my hero!
-Larry Goodman once said that my chops would be great in the WWE...Womens Division.
-I know this guy that said "I want to get me a daughter so I can....nevermind."
-Smooth is ab-normal.
-I wonder how much hotel maids make an hour.
-Whats a mark? Everybody always calls me that and its not my name.
-Tank fears V

Until next time, play on playa!

June 26, 2003
Well, after the promise I made, I have no choice but to deliver.... so here goes!

Freedom Fight 2003 is the night, NWA arena in Cornelia is the place, and Wargames is the deal! Never in my career have I ever been scared of a match, but this one takes the cake. Wargames dates back to 1986, and has some pretty big shoes to fill. Eight men go in, 4 men come out. Which four will I be a part of? Hopefully the winning side, besides we got Hotstuff Hernandez and Onyx. Iceberg, Rainman, Cross, and whoever the hell Bailey brings better worry about those two. Who is gonna make either one of those guys submit? Not I said the V! As for me and Jimmy Rave, I feel like the two of us have really big shoes to fill compared to those who have been in Wargames before us. First off, NWA World Champion, AJ Styles(Congrats AJ), Rick Michaels, Onyx, David Young, Scottie Wrenn, not to mention the guys who started this WAR...Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Paul Ellering, and James J Dillon.

Before I go any further, let me say that being involved in a match of this magnitude is a priviledge and an honor. At the same time it is nerve wrecking as hell, watching tapes of previous Wargames, and knowing that in a few days that will be me inside the cage. By no means am I complaining about the position I've been put in. Death itself would be too weak to keep me from climbing into that cage and ripping Rainman, and the rest of the NWA Elite apart. Guaranteed there will be a different Jeremy V in Wargames. There is no titles at stake, so no need to follow the rules. Aside from that fact, there are no rules. (Kinda Scary huh?) To quote the great Double A, "You lock us in a cage like animals and thats exactly what we're gonna be." I can pretty much speak for all the guys when I say that "To see Rick Michaels get 5 minutes with that son of a b*tch Bailey is worth any sacrifice that we have to make." I can think of nothing more rewarding than to see Rick Michaels kick one more ass in the building he calls home!

Also on the card at Freedom Fight, a 4 way Ladder match for the Jr Heavyweight Title. Now before I say anymore, nobody has impressed me more in the last six months than Salvatore Rinauro. I hate to say it...I really do, but its true. Not only has he proved to be a dominant Jr Champ, but he's the most entertaining guy in Wildside, besides Manchild of course. He defends his title against Gabriel, Kid Kool, and Altar Boy Luke in what should steal the doubt. One can only wonder, where Slim J was when they signed this match.

Also new NWA Wildside tag team champs, The Impact defend against Future Shock in a match that will answer the question,"was the title victory a fluke?" What an upset it was last week when Cage and Kaos from out of nowhere pinned Future Shock! I personally think that Future Shock took them "too lightly" and let one slip by them. I don't expect that to happen again, but I would love to see it happen. You can bet your *ss I'll be watching that one. IMPACT, IMPACT, IMPACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is also an 8 man tag elimination match. Murder 1, Shadow Jackson, Todd Sexton, and Masada vs. Jeff Lewis, Jason Blackman, Slim J, and Jacey North. And last but not least, returning to Wildside is Tony Stradlin taking on a fitting opponent in Lazz. Should be a hell of a show! (Note: it was announced last week that Lazz won't be there)

In recent weeks, certain questions come to mind...
-When are we going back to Athens? (JULY 12)
-When will Stone Mountain show up?
-When will Hotstuff finally face Iceberg one on one? (JULY 5) (Did you hear the building rumble when these two faced off last week in the tag match?)
-Rick Michaels, will you trade me a HS singlet for some snazzy new tights?
-Will Sal bring Magnum TA's shoot interview back in one piece?(Janice: I hope so because I want to see it)
And last but not least,
-How is Lost Boy Azrael?

In the last few weeks, I have successfully managed Onyx and Jimmy Rave to defeat Jason Cross and Rainman...Managing record is 1-0. And I have been inside the ring with the 600lbs Iceberg. So we can assume that took its toll. My neck has been stiff all week, but come Saturday that pain takes a backseat to the pain of the NWA Elite. Its been a long two years in Wildside, and Bailey has made it a living hell. In one night it could all be worth it. Come see what unfolds, at FREEDOM FIGHT 2003!

Also, do not forget the 200th Anniversary show on July 5th! All Wildside titles on the line!

May 21, 2003
Just when you think that the WWE has reached a low, sleazy point of no return (referring to how they have used Miss Elizabeth's death for ratings for 2 straight weeks), they go all out for the man who has went all out for Wrestling for 30 years. It is something WCW failed to do in its latter years and something I never thought the WWE would do. Thankfully they did. Its about time that Ric Flair, the man who is soley responsible for me having a love for this business, to receive his last Hoo-Rah, gracefully, respectfully, and honorably. Its kind of ironic that they did this in Greenville, SC (My Hometown), as well. When he came back to WCW in Sept. of 98, he did it in Greenville. When they did what they did for the man Monday, they did it in Greenville. I feel like it is no coincidence that two of the most touching Flair moments ever took place in Greenville in "the house that Flair built." Maybe its because I'm from Greenville that I feel this way. I dunno. Maybe it has something to do with him wrestling here every Monday night for years, and frequently for years later.

What I do know is ...the mark inside of me come out Monday night. Ric Flair is one of the only guys left that can trigger emotions. Is it because we all love Flair, well yes, but its more. A week ago on RAW Flair wrestled the Hurricane and triggered emotions from us then because everyone thought the Hurricane was going to pin Ric Flair. Now we all "knew better" but the point is Ric Flair can still sustain belief on any occasion to get any point "over." Not to mention that I can't remember a time since Hogan vs Rock at WrestleMania 18, that any crowd has been so hot for a match. Everyone knows that Flair's best days have long passed, so why is it that his matches are consistently more entertaining than most on the show? Because he is still the greatest of all time. The man is special. He is the epitome of what this sport was, and what it is today. Thank You WWE & Ric Flair for adding to my list of fond Flair memories for just one more night.

I'm watching the Jim Cornette shoot right now...courtesy of the Rookie of the Year Sal Rinauro. Six hrs of priceless entertainment. Its funny as hell, and educational. Saliva 4 life!

Freedom Fight 2003 is coming up...Its an anniversary...It's been 2 years for V in Wildside. One year since the match with Slim J, that many say was our break-out match. Freedom Fight 2001 was the first Wildside show I had seen live. To be starting a week later was more than intimidating. It was an honor to be able to be a part of that same show a year later. As long as my neck holds up, you can bet I'll be a part of the show again this year.

Let me mention guys that should be mentioned...

Sal Rinauro is funny as hell. Bring back the Pheonix Fury Legdrop.

Kid Kool is MIA!

Hotstuff Hernandez is Amazing!

Scott E Smooth is my hero.

Masada vs Smooth would be a dream match! I would pay someone to sign this for Freedom Fight.

BLC is legendary. You people proved it when Dazz returned.

And now for some news on V!
I will be in Ocala, FL on 5/31 wrestling for Bang! Wrestling (Murder One is the chaperone for this trip)

Piedmont, SC on 7/26 and 8/9 for the XWC

By the way Rainman...Last Saturday, I didn't tap!

I can't end this without saying hello to my 6 biggest fans at TJ Whispers in Anderson. I had the worst headache Saturday. Thanks for everything guys. Hope to see ya next time.

I'll be back with more before Freedom Fight...I promise.
(Note to Janice...Remind me that I made this promise)
(Note from Janice: You can count on it, at least once a week)

March 16, 2003
Its been a long time since I last updated my 5 months to be exact, but finally, I have sat down at my computer determined to rattle off a brand new commentary for all of my wonderful fans AS PROMISED! I would like to give a shout out to the fans of the WWC in Greenville, SC, thanks for your support. I'll be popping in from time to time so look out for me. And how could I mention fans without mentioning the Wildside faithful? (who have been on my ass about updating my site!) You guys are great! We as workers appreciate the hell out of you. I think I speak for everyone when I say we give you everything we have each and every time you buy a ticket.

Speaking of giving you everything we have....Hardcore Hell 2003 is just around the corner! What a line up! 2 big nights, Monsters, Legends, Phenoms, Rookies of the Year, and of course me, Jeremy V. I'll get more into all this later! I guess I gotta back pedal a lil' bit so I can touch on everything I haven't talked about in 5 months. I guess one of the biggest happenings over the last 5 months was Rick Michaels' injury. There was a time when it almost (hell, it did) brought tears to my eyes to see Rick try to get up off his couch, because he couldn't. Not alone any way. This is a man that had a dream and for 11 years he has lived it! He has known nothing but wrestling, its his love and his passion. For that to be taken away from him, and to see the look in his eyes when he said that doctors were telling him he's done, it broke my heart. But since then Rick has come a long way. His condition is improving every time I see him, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that the Original Chosen One will be back in the ring hopefully within the year!

Also on my agenda of things to mention is Christmas Chaos, and my Jr Heavyweight Title match against Slim J. Once again, the little b*stard dropped me on my head and beat my ass 1, 2, 3! It was a great match, and I feel like that the Wildside crowd has grown to expect that from us. We delivered yet again with a rematch on TV from the Jan. 6 tapings. This time I was tasting gold when Sal Rinauro felt the need to find himself on the receiving end of a high cross body to the floor. Unfortunately, this was good for Slimmy, and by the time I got back in the ring, the little b*stard was up and dropped me on my head AGAIN. Son of a B*tch!

Next thing I know I'm in Nashville, at the NWA TNA PPV. On February 19th, I worked Jorge Estrada in a dark match. It was one of the biggest experiences of my life, and I had a lot of fun. Jorge was great to work with, and was more than cool! Unfortunately the match wasn't flawless, as I would've liked for it to have been, and I have no more PPV bookings in the near future. I also did a show in Nashville for Bert Prentice on Feb. 8th. I worked a tag match in the Main Event of the show. Shadow was on the card as well. We had a lot of fun that weekend! While I was busy coming up with a counter for the "Anger Management", Sal Rinauro somehow managed to get a title shot with Slim J, and win the freakin' belt. What the f*ck!? This bozo beat Slim J? I don't know how, but it happened. Hell, I guess Slim J is a little embarrassed as he has cleared his schedule of all Wildside appearances. It sucks that his last match in Wildside was a loss to Sal Rinauro.

Change up! In the midst of all of this, I must have rattled someone's cage, because I got a shot at Rainman's World Television title on March 15th. As always, it was a pleasure to work the Rainman. It is amazing how good this guy is! I feel like we had a very good match. The crowd seemed to be really into it, and I was pretty damn close to grabbing the TV title. But in the end, Rainman showed me just why he is the TV champion, and although I don't like the guy, he beat me and I have no excuses. Tony Mamaluke had better bring it to Hardcore Hell, because I know Rainman will. Which brings us back up to speed! Hardcore Hell 2003 is less than 2 weeks away and what a weekend its gonna be! A 3 way ladder match for the Wildside tag team titles that should be nothing short of spectacular. My pick... Lost Boys, they've got the killer instinct they had before back! Iceberg and Stone Mountain in a cage with Bailey handcuffed inside the cage. My Pick...Stone Mountain, you've already pinned him, so do it again Stoney! Rainman and Mamaluke for the TV title! My pick... Rainman, I don't think Rainman knows how to Quit!

Not to mention AJ Styles vs. the Truth, Dory Funk Jr returns to Wildside and a whole lot more. I'm psyched up, and I can't wait. Because on March 15 th at the TV tapings, The Jr Heavyweight title match for Hardcore Hell was signed. A three way double elimination match involving The R.O.Y. Salvatore Rinauro, Kid Kool, and the next Jr. Heavyweight Champion, me, Jeremy V. I'm going into Hardcore Hell for one thing, gold! In this business, you've gotta take advantage of every opportunity, because it just might be your last. So Kool, Sal,be sure to bring it. Because at Hardcore Hell 2003, its gonna be... ALL ABOUT V!

I would like to take this time to briefly speak on the death of Curt Hennig. I remember when Hennig and Scott Hall were AWA tag champs in the mid 80's, so I've watched the guy for years. He was absolutely Perfect in the WWF/WWE, and when everyone thought he was washed up, he showed the world for the better part of 2002, that he could still go on a big time level. So I want to say thank you Curt Hennig. Thank you for the years of entertainment. The image of you walking to the ring with that big smile, followed by the behind the back towel toss, and the gum spitting will forever remain in wrestling fans' minds. It was Perfect! May God be with Curt's Friends and Family.

October 20, 2002
Whats up ya'll!? Its been a while since my last post, and sooooo much has went down since then. First off, I want to comment on the Anniversary show...

Iceberg is now the MAN, and I couldn't agree more. He is unstoppable. I look forward to see where Wildside goes with him carrying the torch. It is first thing that has made sense involving the strap since AJ lost to David in the 3 way dance. Speaking of the Wildside title...It is great to see Stone Mountain back. (by the way, he trained me!) He has been dealing with a lot personally, and to see him back in such good shape is great! I think he's really determined, maybe more so than I've ever known him to be. He's a good friend of mine, and I hope he does what he's capable of this time around.

Slim J and Jimmy Rave had an awesome match. Rick and Rainman bled all over the place. I love the whole Wrenn/Tank vs Future Shock angle. TnT and Lost Boys stole the show again! F**kers!

As you know I wasn't booked for the show, but I was really looking forward to seeing all my boys pull out all stops for another big show. However a few days prior to the show, one of the guys I started in the business with took over the booking for the TRW, and promoted a free show. (which means that I didn't need a SC wrestling liscence to work) He called and asked me to work. No problem. It was nice to work a show with the guys I trained with. Shadow Jackson works there, he's their heavyweight champ. My good friends Silo Storm, Alan Creed, and Legion also work there. I trained with all these guys and they are some of my closest friends. I had a lot of fun. Cruizer, Norton, and Jeff Lewis were also there. It was great to see the guys I haven't seen in a while. I worked Jeff Lewis and we had a great match in front of 170 people. Jeff is a good worker, and Wildside fans have only gotten a taste of this guy. We've been teaming a lot lately. TNT should be nervous...especially Tony, you pelt!

A week later, Wildside had a show at Fleetwood Homes in Toccoa. This was a throw back to my days on the trampoline with my friends in lil' ol' Williamston, SC. We were making our entrances out the front door of a trailer for God's sake! Is this rasslin' or what? Not that I'm above a trailer by any means, because this paticular trailor was far nicer than the one I grew up in...its just the whole trailer gimmick. I just find it funny. Only in Georgia! (Now to be politically correct...they are "mobile homes" not trailers...and you should all go out and buy one from Fleetwood Homes) Anyway, the whole afternoon was just too much fun. It started for me by having a sh*tty match with Slim J. I didn't think I was capable of that. You just don't have a shitty match with him. But I did. It all went bad when on a simple suplex, I heard one of those groans that say "I really wish I could breathe right now. That hurt like hell and I'm just gonna lay here." Not knocking Slim, the ring was stiff as hell, but the rest of the match was the sh*ts. All of his spots were terrible because he was in so much pain, he just couldn't pull them off. Not to mention the fact that we had absolutely nothing planned. Thankfully he was ok, after a little bit of a scare. He still managed to hit the 420 splash. Amazing! Then the miraculous Jeremy V returned to the ring for the Mega Rumble and lasted to the end with Iceberg and David Young. The possibilities were good...If only Iceberg hadn't beat my ass so quick, I could've beat both of them. On the bright side, at least I got out of the way before David threw Berg over the top. That could've sucked! Grass stains on my tights...Did I mention this was a throwback to my trampoline days as a kid? What a blast!

The next weekend, I had back to back nights teaming with Jeff Lewis against the Swingers. I enjoyed both matches and from what people say they were good. Unfortunately, Vinnie broke his leg during the match, and will be out 'till January. The boy is tough! He calmly said "I broke my leg." Now I would've loudly cried "somebody call my mama!" All bullsh*t aside, he is a friend of mine and I know the passion he has for this business, and I know its gotta be tough to know you're gonna be watching for 4 months. It sucks to go from Saturday to Friday without getting in the ring. I can only imagine what he's going through. The docs say it was a clean break, so recovery shouldn't take long. Look forward to seeing you back soon Vinnie!

Also on the card, I got a little taste of working with John Phoenix. Everyone must have been really disappointed to find out that I, Jeremy V, was not the "real" green guy!

I was in Elberton, GA with TRW on Oct. 11th. A show headlined by Jimmy Valiant vs The Masked Assasin. I must admit, it was cool to be on a show with the Boogie Woogie Man. I'm just a mark trapped inside a dream! I worked Rex Rumble and won with a 450 splash. I, Jeremy V, was abandoning my play by the rules attitude. Thats right, I was a heel! For some reason, my bad attitude carried over the next night in Hendersonville, NC for a show with the SWA. Me, Scotty Smooth, and Slim J worked Rick Michaels, Azrael and Nick Fury in the main event. I really enjoyed this match. Finally got to work Azrael and even got to work with Rick again, which is always a learning experience. I just have to work heel whenever I get a chance. We ended the night at Denny's giving some poor waitress hell! We left her with a decent tip, and a lot of missing silver ware! God has blessed me with all the fun I have.

Now back to Cornelia for another TV taping...I worked with Jeff Lewis again, this time against Scotty Smooth and Michael Adrian. Some good stuff to begin with followed by the sh*ts. Maybe its a case of me being my own worst critic, but I feel like the match should've been 10 times better than it was. Important thing here is this...Jeff Lewis and Jeremy V are going to Fright Night! I love big shows, and I love the hype of the crowd for big shows! Two weeks will seem like forever. I can't wait! Leading up to the big show, I felt like the show as a whole, wasn't what it could've been. The few things that stood out that I saw, and I didn't see everything, was the heat between Iceberg and Stone Mountain, and Slim J vs Jeremy Lopez for the Jr Heavyweight Title. What a match this was...what a finish! Lopez is really good. He never misses a beat. And Slim J has been OVER like a M*ther F*cker for at least 6 months now and on Oct 19th in Cornelia, he received the reward he so rightfully deserved. All the hard work paid off. Congrats to ya Slim! You earned it and I'm happy for you! So Slimmy...about that rematch from Freedom Fight...???

Until next time, All Eyes On V!

September 18, 2002
It hasn't been too long since my last commentary, but Its time again. Too much on my mind to stay quiet. First off, I'm really hyped up for the anniversary show coming up! Look at the line up...Iceberg with David Young, Rick Michaels with Rainman, Slim J with Jimmy Rave, Lost Boys and TNT, Scottie/Tank and Future Shock, Onyx with Murder One, and Adam Jacobs with John Pheonix. Also on the card are the Elite Swingers Inc. vs. Total Destruction. I'd buy a ticket to see this one! What a night! I can't imagine a better card Wildside could put together.

I've had a whole lotta fun the past few weeks starting on Aug 17th at Wildside TV tapings when me and Derrik worked Tank and Scottie Wrenn. That was 3 minutes of bumping my ass off. The match ended in a draw. :-) We got friends in the office! Nice pop at the end when they helped us up. Finally got to work the Ticking time bomb! Had a blast!

The next week on Aug 24th in Elberton, GA, where I worked Shadow Jackson in a 25 minte match. God we were having fun in there. We were in front of a capacity crowd of 13! (one paid customer) (webmistress note: ME) So we said "f**k it, lets go about thirty!" The "special" referee for the match was Silo Storm. He is one of the guys who trained with me and Shadow under Stoney. So it was me and two of my best friends in the ring working our camera, because the capacity crowd of thirteen didn't give a shit! It was one of my better matches in a while, but I hate not having a crowd to work with. It was fun to be Jeremy V the heel! We didn't go thirty... but 25 is longer than your average match. At one point about twenty minutes in, I told him I was blown up and Shadow said "Ha we just gettin' started." Just had fun, and "Went into business for ourselves" LOL!

The following Friday I worked with Gabriel against TnT. Tony kept making me laugh during his promo, because he kept saying the word "Pelt." What does this word mean? I would like to know. Pelt!? Where does Tony come up with this vulgar stuff? The match went to a double count out.

The next week on the Friday night show, The Lost Boys and V worked TnT and Rainman. This was probably the most fun I've had in the ring to date. I love working those guys. Last TV, me and Derrik worked a tag battle royal with Shadow, Kid Thrilla, The Swingers, Adam Booker, Frankie Armadillo, Kid Crazy, Jacey North, Dagon Briggs ...And uh check out another sight to get the other one. I can't remember and its probably a friend of mine. This match was a lot of fun. It was my first time to get to work with some of the outside guys. Adam Booker and Frankie Armadillo were really cool. Kid Thrilla was cool too. From what I understand, he'll be back on a regular basis soon. I thought the match got over great and the Swingers really got over. I can't wait to see the Swingers and Total Destruction. The gimmicks are so far apart that the match should be hilarious. The gay guys vs. the badasses!

From last TV...The three way Junior match between Rave, Lopez, and Slim was awesome. Tony Mamaluke and Caprice Coleman had a hell of a match. The handshake at the end was great. Tank and Scottie started a program with Future Shock, and it should be really good. It was good to see Shadow finally make a TV appearance. Even better to see the Swingers get over like they have. These guys should've come to Cornelia a year ago. They are good friends of mine and I'm glad to see them move forward. Believe it or not, at one time I was a Swinger.

I was thinking that maybe I should challenge the winner of the Wildside Heavyweight title match... Yeah, I want a shot! I look forward to seeing who my next opponent will be! The Iceberg and David Young go at it on the Anniversary show. I bet TnT and the Lost Boys steal the show. These guys never cease to amaze me. Rick and Rainman will be another good one. The Junior Tile match with Slim J and Jimmy Rave will be off the hook.

Looking forward to the weekend, see ya then! Until next time Its all about V!

September 1, 2002:
Thank you for checking out my website, and my very first commentary. I'm going to take this oppurtunity to reflect on my first year in this business. Its amazing the difference a year can make! Last year at this time I wanted to be where I am today so bad! Looking back a year ago, I was sitting in the stands at FF 2001, intimidated as hell. Watch the tape. If you were starting with a company in a week, and you had only two matches prior to that in your entire career, you would have been intimidated too. The talent at Wildside was incredible. Guys like AJ Styles and John Phoenix were doing every high spot known to man, Jimmy Rave and Caprice Coleman had an awesome ladder match, and Total Destruction vs The Kohl Twins just made me want to run like hell.

Thankfully I didn't, because now I have a spot in the most talented independent wrestling company in this part of the country and I am tremendously grateful for that. Looking back to this year's Freedom Fight, I can truly say that It was a dream come true to have a match at a BIG SHOW that the crowd was so hot for. A year ago, it was just beyond my imagination that I would ever be in that position. But at the end of my rookie year, I was there. Now granted I have Slim J to thank for the majority of the crowd response, but they were responding nevertheless. It is the most rewarding feeling in the world to come into a locker room after a match and have a standing ovation from the boys. It was the biggest thrill of my life. It was without a doubt the best match of my career, and the biggest show I've ever been a part of. I have unbelievable respect and appreciation for Slim J, and I want to thank him publicly for the match at Freedom Fight among many others. I've been at Wildside for most of his career, and I've watched him go from the opening match with little or no reaction from the crowd, to being the most over guy at Wildside and then to PPV. He has a huge future and I can't put him over enough.

My first year in the wrestling business has been a dream come true. I have learned so much and have come so far. Everything I have put into this business, this business has given right back to me. For every hour I've spent in a ring training or working a match, someone else has took the time to teach me and help me learn. I learn something new everytime I step in the ring, and even on every road trip to Cornelia. For this I have almost the entire Wildside locker room to thank. There are quite a few people that I want to mention that have really took extra time to point me in the right direction so here goes...

Both Rainman and Homicide have really been great. Its amazing how easy both of those guys are to work with. They were the first guys in their position to try to get me over. Why? I don't know, but they did and I'm grateful.

Rick Michaels is the Ric Flair of Wildside. I learned more about wrestling psychology in two matches with him than I have since day one of training. He could make an eighty year old woman seem like a legitimate main eventer. He is That Damn Good! LOL!

Scottie Wrenn has gave me so much advice that I have forgotten more than I remember, and I remember a lot. The trips to the shows are an hour and a half of road stories and brain storms. Its always a learning experience, and its always a pleasure.

A.J. Styles is another one who always offers advice on how to be better. No matter whats going on, he takes time to pass on what he has learned. This guy is amazing, and he is so humble that its funny!

Dan Wilson and Andrew Thomas have always gave me their honest opinion, which I value, because not many of the guys will tell you if a match was the shits. They do and I learn from that.

Even the infamous Jason Cross has helped to point me in the right direction. I can remember many times that he would come up and offer advice or a compliment on my work before anyone else did. And he gave a lot of good advice. I wish him the best in the future both personally and professionally in whatever he may do.

After 1 year in the business, I can only look to the future and anticipate everything to come. I am living my dreams. How many 21 year old men can say that? Until next time... Its all about V!