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I always knew I was gonna be a wrestler...

I did, and I never doubted it for a second. I was four years old exactly, the first time Mom and Dad took me to the Greenville Memorial Auditorium to see wrestling. It was a substitute for a Birthday party apparently, and ironically enough, Its lasted longer than any other gift I've ever recieved. I had seen Flair, Dusty, and The Rock n Roll Express on TV right after Saturday morning cartoons, but this night seeing it live was too much! I was bitten! Since that very day, July 28, 1985, I have had an undying passion for this business that you have to feel to understand.

I was born on July 28, 1981 in Greenville, SC. I grew up just down the road in Pelzer, SC on the "Mill Hill." I had Wonderful parents (Patsy and Jerry). My dad was a General Contractor for Siding and Window Companies, while my mom was a mainly a house wife. They struggled a lot financially while I was growing up, but I always had what I needed and then some.

After I was Bitten(see above) I made my parents feel like the trampoline they bought me was money well spent. I think I stayed on that trampoline wrestling for like 13-15 years straight! No sleep. All the neighborhood kids had to wrestle at my house. I just didn't want to do anything else. And when none of the kids in the 'hood wanted to wrestle, I would wrestle the legendary imaginary man! Hell, in my mind I've feuded with everyone from Ric Flair to Michael Hayes to Vader!

When I was 12 years old I met a kid just like me, same interests completely. Its funny because we started hanging out when he told me he had an extra SuperBowl ticket which never existed. I thought he was completely full of shit, and so began a beautiful friendship. This kid wrestled on a trampoline, and all! When we started driving we started going to indy shows anywhere in the area together. It used to kill me to just SIT there knowing I could and would get in there myself one day. He didn't want to wrestle as much as I did, because of his size, but he had the passion. Well, I asked around for 3 years about breaking in to the business, but I was too young. I turned 18 in July of 1999, and was finally old enough. By this time I was working as a Radio announcer for 93.7FM, just as a back up plan to get into wrestling through the back door. If I had to do commentary I long as I got in! On October 7, 1999, the only thing that could stop me nearly did. My best friend, who I spoke about was killed in a car accident, his name by the way was Jason Turner. I can't really speak for the next year and a half, because I did nothing to pursue my dreams. Maybe it was depression, maybe it was lack of focus, and maybe I didn't think I could afford to be trained.

However, I saw the light or the light saw me, because I told myself on the way to fill out my taxes in 2001 that it was time, and if it took everything I got back and then was still time! I found an ad for a CWF show in Anderson, SC so I went. I didn't go to see the show, I went to find someone to train me. I asked Dr. Feelgood about training and he told me to talk to Stoney. So after the show I walked up to this GIANT of a man who you all know as STONE MOUNTAIN, and asked him about training. His response was quick and direct, which was not what I was used to. For five years I had been dicked around anytime I asked anything. Finally, someone says, "I'll train you!" Too easy! How much? $500 was the answer! "$100 down, we'll go from there," Stoney said. And the rest is history. Of course now that I mention it, I never finished paying Stoney! He quit training before I was all paid up, when Reggie Blackwell, who also helped me break in, sold the ring we were using!

I met Bill Behrens at Freedom Fight 2001, and started at Wildside the Following Friday after only three matches prior to my debut.