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Interview with Jami


Name: Jami Lynn

Age: 21

Location: Iowa

What Federation do you see the most shows from? Just the WWE. Iowa doesn't seem to have any Indy Feds.

When did you become a fan of wrestling? Well, as soon as my eyes could focus on the TV! =) I've been a fan since I can remember.

What is the most impressive wrestling move you have seen? That's hard...I'm not really sure. There are so many of them that just take my breath away to see done.

How many shows do you see per year? Well, this last year it was 5

Who are some of your favorite people to see wrestle? Jeff Hardy, Lita, Trish Stratus, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Victoria, Molly Holly, Jazz, Goldust, RVD, Tommy Dreamer and there are a ton more. I like to watch some online streaming videos of the Indy feds, and I really liked what I saw from Gail Kim.

What federations are your favorite Indy Feds? Really, any of them that let the women wrestle in actual matches.

What led you to become a fan of Indy wrestling? honestly, about a year ago. I only recently got really into it though.

What's your favorite type of match? Any women's match where they are allowed to show their skill

What is the most memorable match you've seen? Hulk Hogan vs Triple H. Hulk Hogan was huge when I was just a tot, so to see him wrestle live and in person, that just blew my mind.

Who is the strongest woman you've seen in the Indy's (mic skills and ring skills combined)? I think Phoenix would get my vote there.

Who is the strongest man you've seen in the Indy's (mic skills and ring skills combined)? I'm not really sure.

Can you give us a few adjectives to describe your opinion on Indy Wrestling? Hard, exciting, fresh

Do you enjoy watching the mixed matches (male vs female) or do you prefer to see the women wrestle the women and the men wrestle the men? I like the mixed matches because I like to see the women kick the men's butts. =)

The following questions are asking for you opinion on the WWE produc, since that is what most people get to see on a regular basis.

Who are you favorite WWE Male wrestlers? Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Rey Mysterio Jr, Undertaker, RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley, and more.

Who are you favorite WWE female wrestlers? Lita, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Jazz, Molly Holly and I'm sure Gail Kim will be one of them too.

What is your favorite WWE storyline? Right now I love the Victoria/Trish storyline. In the past, it was the whole Undertaker kidnapping Stephanie one, just because I completely marked out for that one.

What is you least favorite WWE storyline? HLA. I was there in person when they debuted this and wasn't thrilled with it. Either were most of the Iowa fans.

With the current storylines focusing on HLA and Katie Vick type storylines, how do you think wrestlers could move past that and put the focus back on their in-ring skills? Do you think this focus will hinder other wrestlers chances to be taken seriously? Yes, because in most places, pro wrestling is looked down upon. They need to showcase the skill first off, and use the storylines secondly.

If you had a chance to see any WWE star wrestle, who would it be and why? (You can pick 2 females and 2 males). Lita and Trish, Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore

What do you think of the current WWE matches? They are steadily improving.

Do you think the women should get more belts? (like their own tag team belts) yes. They need to bring more women in to accomplish this, but I don't see any reason why they can't bring more women in.

Do you think the WWE should bring back some of the belts they just recently retired (ex. Hardcore, or IC belt)? yes. Because now there is no mid-card belt. You either get the WWE/World belt or nothing.

Do you think the WWE should take a page from the Indy's and let the women wrestle the men more? yes.

Who is the strongest WWE female wrestler (mic skills and ring skills combined)? Trish Stratus or Victoria

Who is the strongest WWE male wrestler (mic skills and ring skills combined)? Kurt Angle or the Rock

Do you think any of today's wrestlers (Indy or WWE) are going to be legends in years to come? Oh yes. Definately Kurt Angle, Triple H, Rock, Brock Lesnar, and hopefully Chris Jericho

Take your two favorite indy wrestlers and put them in a match against your two favorite WWE Stars (male or female)...who are they and who would win? Lexie Fyfe and La Chica Diamante vs Lita and Trish tough to call.

If you could change one think about the WWE product, what would it be and why? more legit women's matches and better storylines

Do you have anything else to say to all the other Indy Fans out there? support our indy wrestlers. Let them know we are out there!
