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Interview With Fire!

Recently I was able to do a phone interview with Fire! Not only was she incredibly articulate and fun to talk to, but extremely nice. This will definately go down as one of my favorite interviews! You'll be hearing more from this exciting Grappler in the future. Just be careful you don't get burned!

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Real Name?
Deven Aleece

In Ring Name?

How did you come up with your in-ring name?
Two ways. One is that it represents Louisana. It's fun. Hot and Spicy is what Louisana means to me. So I was going to go with the name Flame. (Second) I was in a tag team with a beautiful Albino woman named Ice, so I became Fire instead. Albino's, typically, do not have good eyesight but she could see a well lighted ring. For our first match we went out and the lights were lowered, and she couldn't see the ring. We had to hold hands so that I could lead her to the ring. She competed in the match but never did another one. So I was sort of stuck with the name.

Currently Hollywood, California. Originally Louisana.

What federation are you currently in?
My roots will always be in the AWF, American Wrestling Federation, and it will always be my home federation.

What federations have you wrestled in before?
Empire Wrestling Federation, Revpro Revolution, Big Time Wrestling, World Wrestling Alliance, Steel kittens.

When did you start wrestling?
2 years ago

What school did you train at or who trained you?
Ric Drasin aka the Equalizer. (

Who is the strongest woman you've seen in the Indy's, Mic skills and ring skills combined?
Luna Vachon. She's amazing and really legitimate.

What's it like working in the Indy's?
It's great. Starting to get a great fan base. I think it's better than the WWE's. The fans love the underdogs. The fans are amazing. The problem is, it's a little frustrating. I don't know if I'll ever get ahead. I've seen so many people with talent and a lot of heart, not get anywhere. But I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't love it.

What is your most memorable moment?
I didn't even realize that my childhood dream had come true. Ursula, who played the farmer's daughter in G.L.O.W., called and asked me to be on Fox news representing Fire on G.l.o.w. And then I saw the news promo. When I was 12 years old I wanted to be on G.L.O.W., and there I was. It was amazing.

Have you wrestled any mixed matches? With who?
Buddy George, American Wild Child, Taro. I had the opportunity to compete with Konan but I turned it down. Konan called me up and asked me to be a part of this show over in Lebanon and I said yes. I knew how important it was to have an American Embassy from my time in Japan, so when I found out that there wasn't one in Lebanon, I had to turn it down. I felt I needed to be safe. I was the only woman going, the only blonde American. I trusted my instincts and it was the right decision because they did have a few problems.

Do you have a gimmick?
Fire's just a country girl with Mardi Gras beads. My dog, Spark, a Chaweenie (she's one half dauschaund and one half Chiuaua goes out with me in a matching cape.

What is the hardest wrestling move you've learned?
There's one move I can't do, I haven't learned to do, and that's the figure four leg lock. I've got it in my head that I can't do it, so it won't come.

What's your schedule like?
Monday thru Friday I'm teaching. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I train. Saturday if I don't have a match, I'm training. Sunday I try to take the day off.

Who are your favorite people to work with?
Lucha Libre Lady Victoria. She's no longer doing this anymore because she had been doing this for 10 years and felt she should move on.

Is there any kind of match you wouldn't do (like a lingerie match, bikini match or Jello match)?
Yeah, I don't think I would do any. My main reason has to do with my stunt background. I don't do anything I'm not trained in. I've yet to go to any wrestling schools that train you for a strip match. I wouldn't do it because I haven't been trained to do it safely. It's something I don't believe in, so my heart wouldn't be in it and it would show. Slipping around in jello would be dangerous because you can't get any grip or a base.

What titles have you won or helped others win?
I have not won a title. I could say that I'm the AWF champion by default because there are no other women. The problem is I'm not in one federation long enough to win a title.

Do you consider yourself a role model?
I wouldn't say a role model. It's a pretty big thing to say. I keep it clean. I want it to be something that a child can see and be entertained by. I wrestle because my 12 year old self wanted to do this.

Who are some of the people you would like to work with that you haven't gotten the chance to work with yet?
Lexie Fyfe, Sonya Blackhawk. A woman named Fyre. I want to have a name match where whoever wins keeps the name.

Who are you biggest influences?
The number one would be the Ballard brothers. They are amazing. Ric Drasin. I'm going to contradict myself here, and I know that it's contradicting what I've said, but Jasmin St. Claire. I know that she use to be a porn star, but she owns her own federation and they are doing good. I'm impressed. I respect her drive.

What has been your scariest in-ring moment?
There was this one match, and I'll leave my opponent unnamed. To make a long story short, the woman thought I was with her boyfriend. She brought her friend into it and they beat the living crap out of me. I was so suprised and stunned that I just took it. It was insulting because I keep my personal life out of the ring.

What WWE Diva would you most like to model your character and career after and why?
I wouldn't want to copy any of them. To do it right you should be original. i do respect them all.

How did you get into wrestling?
I was a stunt woman in Japan. I was done with stunts and I became a school teacher for awhile. I'm currently teaching 5th grade. I was bored and wanted to do something physical. The Equalizer got me started. He thought I'd like it. He started an all girls fed with 15 girls, but I'm the only one still left.

I noticed that you have been involved in acting, stunt work, and coaching softball professionally. Is there anything you can't do?
I can't seem to please my mom. I don't iron. In fact, I wear polyester because it doesn't wrinkle. If it doesn't wrinkle and looks nice, I'll buy it. True Story, I couldn't boil water. I guess I was using a camping pot and after 2 hours the water wouldn't boil. I can't get my dog to bark on command.

Your finisher is the "Stop, Drop and Roll" What exactly is that?
I sit on the turnbuckle, leg scissors their head and do a half moonsault and roll them. I stop, drop and roll them.

You trained with Luche Libre Wrestlers. Can you tell us more about that experience?
It's pretty cool. The men are awesome. They are almost to nice and to good. They were respectful. But they didn't help me by treating me carefully because I'm a woman. But they were great.

What is your entrance theme?
"Calling Baton Rouge" by Garth Brooks

Are you a baby face or heel?
I let the fans decide

Did you experience's in stunt work, acting and coaching softball professionally help your wrestling?
Softball helped becuase I am grateful women can get scholarships for college. There is no real way for a woman to support herself in a sports career. Yeah, there's Venus Williams, then after that there's...who? I'm just looking for a break, I could see myself getting a break in wrestling.

What sort of acting have you done?
I produced my own film called "Mock This". It's a mockumentary. Like Spinal Tap. I worked on 90210 as a waitress in the Peach Pit. As a stunt woman I was hired to be in the front row of a Garth Brooks concert while he was in his Chris Gaines phase. A bunch of strong women were hired to hold back the crowd while acting like fans. I got paid o be in the front row of a Garth Brooks concert.

You're in Hollywood now, are you there to wrestle?
Yep. I wrestle 2 times a month on average. My goal is to be booked 8 times a month.

The Following questions are asking for your opinion on the WWE product, since that is what most people get to see.

Who are you favorite WWE Male wrestlers (past or present)?

I'm going to say the Blue Meanie because I know him and he's a great guy.

Who are you favorite WWE female wrestlers (past or present)?

What is your favorite WWE Storyline?
I don't have cable so I don't watch it alot. Moppy. I hated it so much that I kept watching it. I watched it every week to see if they were still doing it. So I guess the WWE won on that one.

What is our least favorite storyline?
Definitely Moppy.

With the current storylines focusing on HLA and matches like lingerie pillow fights, how do you think the woman wrestlers could move past that and put the focus back on their in-ring skills?
Here's where my faith comes in. At some point, Vince McMahon will have to step down and I believe Stephanie will be the next face head of the WWE. I'm banking on the fact that she is a woman. She has money but she needs to keep her dignity, so she'll bring dignity to the women of the WWE. It'll change female wrestling. I could be wrong, but that's what i believe.

Do you think this focus on T&A will hinder other women's, like yourself, chances to be taken seriously?
No, because in the end if I do what I believe in and what I'm focused on, I'll get what I want. It's a huge fad. Everything is a cycle.

If you had the chacne to wrestle any WWE star, who would be your top choice (You can pick 2 males and 2 females)?
Jackie and Ivory. Tazz and Scotty 2 Hotty.

What do you think of the current WWE women's matches?
I guess when I think it's too much. I've had enough, they'll throw me a bone and I'll get to see a good match.

Do you think women should get more belts (like their own tag team belts)?
It really doesn't concern me.

Do you think the WWE should take a page from the Indy's and let the women wrestle the men more?
Yeah, I don't see why not.

Who is the strongest WWE female wrestler, mic skills and ring skills combined?
Trish, she's so improved.

Who is the strongest WWE male wrestler (mic skill and ring skills combined)?
The Rock. His mic skills make up for any in-ring skill problem.

Do you think any of today's wrestlers (indy or WWE) are going to be legends in years to come?
It's hard to say. Everyone's legends in their own right.

If you could change one thing about the WWE product, what would it be and why?
How women are told to wrestle. They way that we've, or at least I've, been trained to wrestle.

Do you have any advice for others trying to break into the business?
Before you jump in, research it. Don't just go to any school. Make sure you get a good safety vibe.
