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{Scene opens with Paul Sandler and JC CooL sitting in front of a black background with the ECWL logo in the middle of it... JC is wearing a Psychopathic Records jersey and a pair of baggy jeans... Paul is wearing a tuxedo as usual...}

Paul: First of all JC, I'd like to say that it's an honor to interview you and good luck on your reborn wrestling career...

JC: Thanks Paul... It's really great to be back...

Paul: Well, I guess we can start things off by asking what is the relationship between you and BG?

JC: Brian's a good kid... I've been sitting back for a long time now and I've seen a lot of things go down that I didn't agree with at all... BG has been through a lot of shit in his short career and somehow he always manages to overcome the negativity's... Right now me and BG are what you can call, business partners... See, he may have all the ability and all the stardom but he's still young and many people would still consider him a rookie in this business so I'll be there for him if he needs any kind of advice or career guidance... Stuff like that... And he'll be there for me if I need back up in the ring or incase I need someone to watch my back...

Paul: What do you mean when you say that you sat back I watched things happen that you didn't agree with... You were the Vice President in WXW, if you didn't agree with something why didn't you see that it got fixed?

JC: Well, my job in WXW was mainly to do public relation work and recruit talent... So, that left Matthews and RJ in charge of the booking... So, when I voiced my opinions on things, my ideas always got shot down...

Paul: Wasn't there a short time towards the end of WXW, when you were actually incharge of all the booking?

JC: Yeah, actually there was... And many people blamed me for the down fall of WXW, but if you look at the ratings during that short period of time, then you'll see that WXW was as strong as ever... What the huge controversy was really about was when I booked Ryan Dice versus Hurricane for the World Title... A lot of the wrestlers backstage got upset and said that I booked Ryan in that match because I knew Hurricane was injured and I knew he would be an easy target for Ryan... That's bullshit... Hurricane was the Champion and I'm a firm believer in the idea that a Champion always defends his title no matter what and I'm not talking about the champion defending his belt against the lower carders that you know don't even stand a change at winning the belt... The people want to see the Champion defend his belt against worthy challengers and if anyone out there thinks that Ryan Dice is not a contender for any World Title out there, than they need to get their head out of their ass... It's a simple as that... I booked a match that I thought would draw ratings and it did just that... It may have caused a lot of bullshit in the locker room, but if that's the cost you have to pay for ratings then I'm willing to pay it...

Paul: Now that we got that cleared up... You've got your big return match set up for this Tuesday against the KO Kidd for the US Title, are you sure that you are prepared to step back into the ring?

JC: Hell yeah I'm sure... I'm in the best shape of my life Paul... For the past two years, I've been keeping my self in tip top shape... I've been working out everyday and I've been training with some of the rookies in the ECWL training camp... I think I'm more than prepared to get back into the ring... The real question is... Is KO Kidd ready to step into the ring with me? I mean, sure he's beaten a few rookies and lower card guys, but the only real challenge he's faced so far was Barty B. Badd and I think it was more than obvious that Barty didn't put everything he had into that match... I've been in this business my whole life Paul... When I was thirteen years old, I used to make extra money by helping the local wrestling promoters with setting up their rings and stuff like that... Anyway, ever since then I've been a student of this business and now I'm a teacher... I know what to look for in the ring... I can systematically pick apart a wrestler by using weaknesses he never even knew he had against him... KO Kidd has a lot of weaknesses and this Tuesday, I'm going to pick him apart and walk out with the ECWL US Title around my waist... It's as simple as that...

Paul: You seem pretty confident for a man who hasn't actually competed in a wrestling ring in almost two years...

(JC laughs...)

JC: It's like I told Ryan Dice when he was just getting started in this business... You always think positive... No matter what the situation is, if you going into the ring with no doubt in your mind that you're going to walk out the winner, then most of the time you'll be right... Now, with that said... There is a difference between being confident and over confident... See, no matter how much I think I've got a match in the bag, I never take my opponent lightly... In that ring my motto is this... Aim for the best, but be prepared for the worst... Anything can happen out there and I think I'm prepared for damn near anything that KO Kidd could throw at me...

Paul: I see... KO Kidd has been on a huge win streak lately and many are predicting him to move into the main event picture very soon, what do you think about that?

JC: Well, like I said... He hasn't really been challenged until now... Barty took him lightly I guess and he paid for it, but before that all he did was beat up a few rookies... But, I do see a lot of potential in the Kidd and maybe one day he'll reach that main event spot... I just don't see that happening anytime soon... He's still got a lot to learn about this business and right now he seems likes he's all caught up in the star treatment when he should be preparing for the future and trying to make himself into a better wrestler... See, there is a HUGE difference between a popular wrestler and a good wrestler... Anyone with good looks and a few nice catch phrases could become popular, but it takes someone with drive and determination to become a good wrestler... Does KO Kidd have that drive and determination? Only time will tell...

Paul: Does JC CooL have that drive and determination?

(JC laughs again)

JC: You know something Paul? That's actually a damn good question... I used to have it and I kind of lost it after I injured my shoulder and became Ryan's manager and went on the become the Vice President of WXW... But, that's mainly the reason I decided to step back into the ring... I finally noticed that I was losing my love for this business and it was becoming more of a headache than it should've been... I used to love coming to work when I was wrestling and managing for that matter... But when I became the Vice President and I had to listen to all the wrestlers that didn't have that drive and determination to be the best bitch and moan about wanting a better spot on the card or wanting more money... It just wasn't worth it Paul... Then after WXW folded, I went home and that's when I started to realize that I had lost my determination to be the best... I realized that all the shit that I've accomplished in my career wasn't good enough... I needed to step back into the ring and regain my pride... I might not have lost the respect from the fans, but I lost respect for myself... I'm wasn't meant to be one of those corporate bitches that sit back and do their fighting with pens and papers... I'm a damn wrestler and I belong in the wrestling ring, not in a damn office... So, am I determined? You're fucking right I'm determined...

Paul: With that said... Are pride and self-respect the only things that you are here for?

JC: Come on Paul, I'm the CooLest thing on Earth since air-conditioning... You know before I hang up my boots for good, you're going to see a lot of gold around my waist and I'm starting with the US Title this Tuesday...

Paul: Well, I think that about wraps things up here... Thanks for your time and goodluck this Tuesday...

JC: Thanks Paul, I actually enjoyed this interview... I've been needing to get some of those things off my chest for a while now...

{Paul and JC stand up and shake hands as the scene fades to black.}
OOC: Any feedback on this RP would be greatly appreciated... Email me at or hit me up on MSN or AIM messenger... AIM = JcCooL420 MSN =