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Current Inactive List

This list is of wrestlers who are injured, on vacations, or in jail or suspended. Names will be removed when they're back in action.

Wrestler Reason for absence from wrestling Return Date
Fyre Release of Contract None
Hiwanada Miroki Knee Injury Unknown
Aritomo Sayama Release of Contract None
J. B. Shooter Release of Contract None
Misteriosa de la Noche Became Prime's Valet Unknown
Hazardous Back Injury Unknown
"The Standard" Jason Carter M. I. A. Unknown
The Joker Contract Expired None
Raine Dawson Personally Fired by Hawke None
El Dios Contract Expired None
O' Neil "Technine" Everton Release of Contract None
Masta K Walk Out None
Jason "JaMo" Morley Release of Contract None
John "The Beast" Steele Walk Out None
"Mr. Main Event" Johnny Stryder No Public Information Unknown
Randy Treehugger Contract Expired None
Rob Crisis Release of Contract None
Midnight Mist Release of Contract None
Evil Dead Release of Contract None
Chandler Release of Contract None
"Heavenly" Heather Smith Release of Contract None
"Lovely" Lily Taylor Release of Contract None
Psychoz Release of Contract None
The Ghoul Release of Contract None
Beetle Juice Release of Contract None
Death Knight Release of Contract None
The Submissioner Release of Contract None
Blade Release of Contract None
"The Future" Zane Alexander Release of Contract None
"The Anointed One" Aaron King Release of Contract None
Allura Release of Contract None
Lucifer Release of Contract None
Apollyon Release of Contract None
Hunter Retired by Career-Ending Injury None
Lou Gagliardi Release of Contract None
KiKi MaVia Release of Contract None
Moses "The Mangler" Release of Contract None
"Sassy" Summer Kensington Publicly Fired by Hawke None
Cade Publicly Fired by Hawke None

Dates inside * (for example: *1/1/02*) is the date that the person was added to the inactive list. Or in some cases is when the person's information has been changed or updated.

Personal Vacation: Simply means that the handler has asked to be put on the inactive for personal reasons and they wish to return to the IWF. In some cases the person may be extra busy, or having trouble at home or something around those lines. This is a description of handler inactivity....

Unknown: Descriptions are just what they mean, we don't know why they're not around at the moment. But in most cases the person is just being lazy or something much bigger is going on and they are unable to contact the staff about their absence. This is a description for handler inactivity....

Injured, Suspended, and In Jail: Type of descriptions are pretty self explanatory. These cases of inactivity is based on an "IN" character basis. Meaning that the character is injured, suspended, or in jail and not the handler. Return dates usually tell when the character plans on returning, but sometimes they go with unknown so they can surprise ya. This is a description for character inactivity......

If you have any questions pertaining to these descriptions, or anything about this page. Just email me at and I'll try to help you figure it out.