*RP Title*: *People Used*: *Mentioned*: *OOC*

It´s Sunday morning and the clock is about half eight. Torrie is sleeping in the hause she´s staying now. The curtains cover the big windows and it´s very dark in the room. Suddenly the door opens and Torrie´s friend and assisstant, Midge, rushes in. She goes straight to the windows and pulls the curtains away so the sunlight comes in. Torrie puts the blanket over her head and mumbbles something. Midge goes to sit on the bed and start waking Torrie up.

{*~Midge~*} Waiky waiky Torrie! The sun is shining and the day looks just perfect. It´s almost eight o´clock and there´s so many things for you to do today! Today is the day for No Mercy! I have your today´s programme right here. I got some more free time for you: your coach had made a very strict programme for you, but I talked with him and told that you need to relax a bit more. You have to feel sharp and strong when you get to the ring. You do want to be the Woman´s Champion, right? The goal is high for tonight, but don´t not too high for you my dear! So, get up now. There´s some breakfest for you and then it´s time to go jogging. I´ll come with you; to keep the eye so you won´t try to take a shortcut!

Midge smiles and Torrie peeks under the blanket and sees that she´s only kidding about that keep the eye on –thing. Torrie feels amused because Midge´s babbling so much, she knows that it´s the way to wake Torrie up. Now Torrie´s sitting on the bed and she looks like she´d want to sleep more. But gathering her power she puts her feet to the floor and sweeps her hair. Midge gives her a robe and goes to look for Torrie´s socks.

Torrie gets up and goes to eat the breakfest. There´s some bread, fruits and juice. When she has eaten, she goes to the bathroom to fresh herself up. Midge has already her jogging clothes on and Torrie puts her on. Then the two go to the car and drive to the place where are the joggingpaths. They take the 5 kilometres way. After they´ve ran the path through, they go back to the car and drive to the hause. Torrie goes to her own room and Midge to hers. Torrie goes to thake a quick shower and then goes to eat and drink water. She doesn´t get to rest before her coach comes with Midge. The coach tells Torrie that it´s time for go to practise the wrestlingmoves and so they leave the hotel and drive to the gymhall. Torrie goes to change her clothes again. The coach and Midge waits on the mat, which they´re gonna practise on. First coach tells how some moves are done and then Torrie tries them on the coach. She goes to kick a boxingbag and practises her slaps and hits. She does that for about a half hour. Midge comes and gives her a water bottle, it´s time for a little brake. After five minutes Torrie and Midge go to the mat and they start to wrestle. Of course, not seriously, but in a practise-way. Torrie spends two hours there and then it´s time to eat. She eats a very healthy dinner which gives her much power. She has an hour freetime now before she goes to the gym to lift weight –not much, or else she would be exhausted on the match- and strech. Torrie goes to her hotelroom and lays down on the couch. She takes a book and reads it.

An hour goes by and the coach comes again. Torrie takes her bags and they go to the car and drive to the arena. The clock is about 2.00 pm. The coach parks the car and Torrie jumps off and goes to her locker room. They agreed to meet at the gym in 10 minutes. Torrie puts the things from the bag where they belong –there´s some make-ups, a towel and clothes. Then she goes to the gym where the coach is waiting. She starts doing an easy work-out things. It´s not supposed to get her muscles tired. She works out only a half hour and then she goes to the massage. Every muscle in her body gets massaged. Then the clock is getting that much, that the programme ends and now Torrie has time to take care of some things. Midge comes to the massage room and she leaves with Torrie. They go to her locker room and talk about what kind of make-up Torrie´s gonna have and which clotes she´s wearing tonight. Midge says that Torrie should eat some fibres and drink now, and so she does. The klock is over three pm and Torrie wants to get to sleep a bit, only a snap. Midge agrees with her, she needs to be rested. Midge leaves and Torrie goes to get the snaps.
