IWF - Apply
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1. None
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. None

Top Tag Team Contenders

1. None
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. None

This Month's Upcoming Events:
Theme: East Coast USA Tour




North Charleston ColiseumCharleston, SC 
Capacity: 12,000

High Stakes

Dean Smith Center 
Chapel Hill, NC 

Capacity: 21,000


Joel Memorial Coliseum  Winston-Salem, NC  Capacity: 16,000
High Stakes
Norfolk Scope 
Norfolk, VA 

Capacity: 11,000
Richmond Coliseum  Richmond, VA 
Capacity: 12,000
New Years Bash
MCI Center 
Washington, DC 
Capacity: 19,000
High Stakes
MCI Center 
Washington, DC 

Capacity: 19,000
Baltimore Arena 
Baltimore, MD 

Capacity: 11,000
High Stakes
Boardwalk Hall
Atlantic City, NJ
Capacity: 14,000
Hofstra Arena 
Madison Square Garden 
Capacity: 19,000


Personnel Offices:


This application is only for singles applicants. If you are applying for our tag team division, fill this application out twice. Please complete all fields. Incomplete applications will be accepted, but you will have to be asked for the information later.

Part I: Handler Information

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Your Age: (you must be 13 or older)

Part II: Wrestler Personal Information

This part of the application asks for certain information about your wrestlers appearance.

Wrestler's name:

Wrestler's hometown:

Wrestler's gender:

Part III: Wrestlers Athletic Information

In this area, you will find questions asking for your your character's physical appearance, and other information related to the physical and athleticism of your character.

Wrestler's height:

Wrestler's weight:

Division to compete in:

Is your wrestler a . . .

Wrestler's build:

Built Man - well defined/sculpted abs, built pecs, built arms/legs
Muscular Man -muscular arms, a six pack, developing pecs
Average Man - light muscles arms, smooth abs, no pecs
Skinny Man - no pecs, no abs, enough power to suplex a 200lb man
Big Man - Rikishi-type: athletic, powerful, but no speed

Atheletic Female - muscular, well-toned
Average Female - just an average female
Skinny Female - barely enough strength to be a wrestler
Big Girl - heavyset, has alot of power, no speed

Additional features:
In this box,you can put:

  • What color are your wrestlers eyes?
  • Hair?
  • How long is their hair?
  • If they are male(females too...), do they have any facial hair?
  • Do they have any tattoos, and where are they located?
  • Do they have any scars?
  • Any old injuries?

Part IV: Wrestlers Entrance

Entrance music and artist:

Entrance description:
How does your character enter the arena? In this box, you can put:

  • How you enter the arena
  • Does your wrestler use pyro/fireworks/smoke effects? What are they?
  • Does you're wrestler do something at the entry way?
  • How does he enter the ring?
  • What does he do in the ring while the music is playing?

Part V: Wrestlers Ring Behavior

Here you will find questions relating to the way your character looks and acts in the ring.

Ring attire (clothing):
What does your wrestler wear in the ring? Does he/she:

  • Does he wear tights? Does he wear jeans? Cargo pants?
    • Low cut?
    • Short?
    • Long?
    • What's on them? Or are they blank?
    • What color?
  • How about a shirt?
    • Is it a graphical shirt?
    • What's the graphic?
    • What color?

What's your wrestler's ring style?

Finisher name:

Description of finisher
Enter the closest move type:

Finisher Set Up:
This is how your opponent would be set up for your finisher. Also, if you have a special way to do the move, enter it here also.

What is a trademark of your wrestler?
In this box, put any additional trademarked moves you do. Also, if you have a trademark, like the people's eyebrow, put it here too.

What's your wrestler favorite used quote?

Does your wrestler bleed?

Does your wrestler use weapons?

Does your wrestler knock out the ref during the match?

Does your wrestler taunt while wrestling?

Does your wrestler walkout on matches (if losing)?

Is your wrestler cocky?

Part VI: Manager/Valet's Description

Does your wrestler have a manager?

Manager's name:

Manager's gender:

Manager's hieght:

Manager's wieght:

Manager's build:

Manager's additional features:

Does your manager interfere?


  IWF Staff Listing
Name Department/Title
Stephen Johnson, III President/CEO 
Executive Suite
Vacant Vice President 
Executive Suite
Vacant Commisioner 
Management Office
Vacant Assistant Commisioner 
Mangment Office
Vacant Director of Personnel
Personnel Office
Vacant Director of Recruiting 
Personnel Office

IWF TV Show Staff Listing

Staff Members Name Title/Show
Richard Pretlow Senior Commentator 
High Stakes™
Dominique Hodges Senior Commentator 
David Parker Color Commentator 
High Stakes™
James Fitzgerald Color Commentator 
Danny Monserratte
Brandon Artis  

Keisha Avant  

Bryant Wiggins
High Stakes™ Senior Interviewer 
High Stakes™ Interviewer 

High Stakes™ Interviewer 

High Stakes™ Interviewer
John Youngblood  
Tyrone Vaughn  

Matt Macarenas  
Kourtnei Billups
Nightmare™ Senior Interviewer  Nightmare™ Interviewer  Nightmare™ Interviewer  Nightmare™ Interviewer
Bill Clinton Ring Announcer

IWF Ring Officials

  Officials Name

  Specialty Match

  Brett Hinton/Senior Official    All Match Types lsited below
  Derek Harkey Singles Action, including triple threat matches, four corners matches, triangle matches, etc.
  Josh Farthing Tag Team & Group Matches, including elimination, royal rumbles, battle royals, etc.
  Jonathan Jones Tag Team and Singles Hardcore Matches including cage matches, Hell in a Cell, hardcore cage matches, hardcore matches, etc.
  Josh Kinchlow All Odd Match types, including rooftop rumbles, acid pit, elimination chamber, etc.

  All trademarks are of their respective owners.  The name Stephen Johnson, III is a fictional character and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is strictly and purely coincidental.  The names "High Stakes" and its logo, "Nightmare" and its logo, all Pay-Per-View events and their logos, are ™ of International Wrestling Federation.   © 2002 International Wrestling Federation, an international Entertainment Company.  General rights are granted to persons and groups wishing to use only the layout on their webpages.  All other rights reserved and are protected under all applicable copyright laws under the US Code Title 37.   Copying protected sites without express permission is a violation of US law.