(Smackdown had finally arrived and Shannon was walking down the hallway. He was wearing some baggy plaid shants with a red belt with silver studds along with some black and red Vans. His hair was in his trademark mohawk. His red form fitting t-shirt said in black lettering, "Apparently Im a North Carolina Loser?!". Shannon Moore hated how everyone was acting differantly towards him. Like they were afraid to even look at him now that he was obviously on Wes Ikeda's bad side. A worker ran into Shannon and he sighed as the worker practically sneered at him. Shannon's duffle bag fell to the floor and as Shannon reached down to pick it up, the worker mumbled, "Stupid @ss Flamer now on Wes' sh!t list!" before he walked off towards the direction of Wes office. "Must be one of his personal workers", Shannon thought to himself as he made it to The Imagi-Punks lockerroom. He pushed the door open and went inside. Shannon put his duffle bag down by the couch and sat down on a steel chair.)

Jeff Hardy *Jeff looked up from the magazine he was reading at the obviously bothered Shannon.* Alright so Wes is a douche bag. What are we going to do about it?

Shannon Moore: *he laughed* Hmmm...you always were one for quick solutions. *he rubbed the back of his neck* Man Nero......I still dont even know what happened! I mean what the f#ck! What the h#ll did I do to him?

Jeff Hardy: I won't pretend like I know, because as far as I can tell you did nothing wrong. This surprised the hell out of me-I was off my game in my match. I really couldn't believe what I saw man. I mean it hit me like a ton of bricks...Dude I should've been out there.

Shannon Moore: *he sighed* Yeah well you were hurting too after your match. I know how those docs can be backstage....they wont let anybody out of their reach if they are patching them up so its cool. I just....*he looked at the ground trying to put words together but finally he gave up*......dont know what to say. *he threw his hands up* You would think that I would be bawling like a baby right now cause Wes betrayed me but all I can think about is Alyssia Kidman!

Jeff Hardy: *Very casually* Yea, sex can do that to people.

Shannon Moore: *he raised his eyebrow* And what makes you think it has anything to do with that considering that I never........*he stammered*....I mean......Im just missing Ace thats all.....it has nothing to do with sex......I dont even like sex! Im The Flamer.....gosh...Jeff.....

Jeff Hardy: If you don't like sex why are you glowing right now? Either that or you and your right hand have one hell of a relationship. Just admit it man-You got laid.

Shannon Moore: *he was taking a sip of water out of his water bottle but it was quickly spit up* WHAT? Oh...god...Nero. Dont say sh!t like that when Im drinking something man. *he wiped the water off his shorts and looked at Jeff and grinned* And how do you know that I apparently got "laid" huh? You got any proof?

Jeff Hardy: I just want you to turn off your cell phone when it's happening. I'm cool if you call me before for pointers or whatever, after may be a little weird, but DEFINITELY not during. You called at least 12 times man. I'd answer, hear God knows what, and then nothing. TWELVE TIMES!

Shannon Moore: *he flung his water bottle at him and it was open so the water got all over Jeff* Dude....shut up! Your sooo making that sh!t up! *he grinned* Anyways it was more like six times. I couldnt help it. I had to tell somebody about it and well Wes was definetly out of the question!

Jeff Hardy: Six or twelve times, I don't care. It was a few too many. Besides, you obviously didn't want to tell anyone since you just denied the hell out of it right now Mr. Flamer.

Shannon Moore: *grinned* Well considering that this was only the second time in my entire life that I have been involved in those sexual activities.....I just....*he laughed*.....man it shows bad doesnt it? I have it so bad for her.....Im like argh....cant stop thinking about her. She's amazing Jeff. *he got seriouse* What do you think about her. I mean she was there through all the bullsh!t with Fred and was there at Ambers house and she's still liking me. I just dont get it. Crap like that would have scared any normal woman away by now. Do you think she's right for me? *he asked out of sincerity and cause he respected and valued his brothers opinion*

Jeff Hardy: *Jeff got up and began to put on a dry shirt* She digs you Shan. And you obviously plowed her meadow-I mean you are obviously pretty close to falling in love with her, if you aren't there now. You guys are exactly what you both need.

Shannon Moore: *he noded relieved that Jeff liked her* Oh...ok. Your right....Its the f#cking giddyness that I got to get over. You wanna know what else we need? Some actual competitors. *he went and began to turn on the playstation and popped in the EBWF 2005 Raw Invades Smackdown* Who we facing tonight anyways?

Jeff Hardy: *Jeff pretended to shoot himself in the head* Cool Freakin' Fire.

Shannon Moore: *he moaned* Havent we faced them like forth times already. D@m you add up all the singles matches we had and its getting up there.

Jeff Hardy: If you're willing to believe it, this is only time number two. Those kultz in Evolution couldn't even beat these two at SummerSlam. Hey-you wanna play a game in the match?

Shannon Moore: Yeah....I think Im going to be.....Ace. *red creeped up his neck and face* Yeah I created her...shut up.

(Jeff and Shannon began to play the game. Shannon won the first match but then Jeff won the following two matches after that. Just about as Jeff was going to pick up his third win, the door of the Imagi-Punks lockerroom flew open. Scotty 2 Hotty was standing in their lockerrom with the Light Heavy Weight Title around his waist. He looked at Jeff and Shannon and smiled.)

Scotty 2 Hotty: HEY! You like my new title? *he grinned evily*

Jeff Hardy: Man, what the hell are you doing here?

Shannon Moore: *he sighed* Scotty get out of my lockerroom. You got the belt now leave me the h#ll alone!

Scotty 2 Hotty: *he laughed* Yeah and I love how you dont have a re-match clause at that! Wes took that away from you and I think its brillant.

Shannon Moore: Yeah and how about I already going into the SummerSlam match I dropped my re-match clause so I wouldnt have to deal with your sh!t!

Scotty 2 Hotty: *he walked up to Shannon and kicked the remote out of Shannons hands and glared down at him* You had better be lying to me about that.

Jeff Hardy: *Jeff didn't hesitate, he didn't even speak. He just walked over to Scotty and slapped him across the face and kicked him with great strength in the gut. Scotty coughed and gasped for breath as he fell to his knees. Jeff pulled him up by the hair and ran towards the open door. He threw Scotty into the hallway.* You do NOT FUCK with Shannon Moore! *Jeff slammed the door and turned back to Shannon.*

Shannon Moore: *he sighed* Well on that note....I think I got all the motivation to go out to the ring. I need to just get it over with anyways....the fans deserve to know that Im alright. *he stood up and slapped Jeff on the shoulder* Thanks bro. I really didnt have the strength to deal with him.....plus.....I would never hit him or Wes. Thats my downfall....Im glad you dont have that problem! *he smiled and headed towards the door*

Jeff Hardy: Once I see Wes, I'll give him the 2 Hotty Treatment, Have fun out there in the ring-I want those fans to see that post-laid glow!

(Shannon rolled his eyes at Jeff as he walked out of the lockerroom, chuckling under his breath. Shannon walked to the gorilla and signaled the sound guy. "Frontline" by Pillar blared out onto the arena. Shannon came running out from the curtain as he got a standing ovation almost instantly. He was holding up his Tag Team Title proudly as the fans went nuts. Shannon was jumping up and down. The noise was defning as the fans cheered themselves silly. Shannon ran down the rampway. Shannon did a flip into the ring and posed on each turnbuckle. The fans were still going strong. Shannon got off the turnbuckle and got a mic from Lilian who smiled big at him. Shannon walked around the ring for a few minutes as the audience calmed down but then almost as soon as they got quiet a loud "WE LOVE SHANNON....WE LOVE SHANNON" chant was heard. Shannon soaked it all in and when he held up the mic and tryed to talk, a grateful smile was seen on his bruised face. He got a little choked up but after a minute, he finally got in control of himself and began to talk.)

Shannon Moore: Thank you....*nodding and pointing to variouse fans*....Thank you all so much. As you can see my face is looking kind of banged up right now and its all because of Wes Ikeda. *extremly loud boos* Yeah I know I look like sh!t but at least my soul is not in sh!t like Mr. Ikedas is. You know what? I dont know whats going to happen between me and Wes. I find if funny that he allowed me to pay for our matching tattooes knowing full well what he was about to do to me the next day. We will just have to wait intill Wes actually talks about it. When that happens The Prince of Punk will have to pay him a little visit! *loud cheering*

Shannon Moore: Tonight me and my tag team partner Jeff Hardy *loud pop* are taking Cool Fire once again. Our Tag Team Titles are up for grabs so the stakes are high on this one.....*he puases and scratches his head*...oh no no...wait. The stakes arnt high AT ALL considering that both me and Nero could beat them with our hands tied behind our back and being blindfolded at the same time! Cool Fire sucks that badly! Im actually kind of relieved that its Cool Fire because I will get an easy match. I want all the Ginkgo Bilobians and Punkers of Shan to know that I am tired...beat up....worn out....mentally exhausted....and emotionally fed up with my life.....BUT....The Prince of Punk will STILL show up and kick Cool Fire's miserable @sses tonight! I have had a hectic schedule since I joined the EBWF and am constantly defending my titles and having matches week in and week out. Alot of people wonder how the h#ll I do it. Well to tell you the truth is because of each and every single one of you! You all chant "We Love Shannon" and trust me it goes not on deaf ears. I hear them and its not going to go to waste either. I love you guys too and that why despite my injured body and my tired soul Im going to push on and treat this match like the biggest match of them all. Im going to go into this and give you a kick @ss match that will be well worth that hard earned money you all dish out! I successfully defended the Peoples Title and thus such am still YOUR Peoples Champion! *loud pop* Now I know I lost my Light Heavy Weight Title but I want Scotty 2 Hotty to know that I aint got beef with him. I only have the best wishes for him so I have decided to not go back after that title. Its his....he can have it. Ive had a nice run with it but am ready for bigger and better things like becoming the longest defending Tag Team Champions with Jeff Hardy in the Imagi-Punks! Cool Fire you guys are barley able to be a working unit much less become the Tag Team Champions! How you think that your going to win tonight is beyond me! What is with opponents coming back for repetative beatings? I mean what is it with you guys. I would admire your never quit attitude IF it was bringing you all some results but alas it is not! You are still losing regardless of how much attitude you bring into the ring. You see me and Jeff Hardy are unstoppable because we are one complete unit. I know how his mind works and vice versa. I understand that your both incredidably stupid and so it makes sence that you two wouldnt be able to figure each other out but good god. Go back to single matches so me and Jeff wont have to put up with your crappyness in the ring! Speaking on crappyness I GOTTA bring up a little thing I found on Carlito. You see Carlito I called you out about your apple fetish and your Puerto Rican background which you were very quick and passinatly to denie. You know, lets take it a little while back. Roll the footage boys!

(The videotron lighted up and Carlito was seen speaking. "Man Moore you really are stupid. In case you know, I'm not from Puerto Rico there buddy. I'm from the Caribbean". The videotron flickered off and Shannon was seen leaning against the turnbuckle laughing. He held up the mic and said, "With that being said lets take a look at this picture". The videotron flickered back on and a magazeen spread was seen. It was a huge Puerto Rican flag with Carlito in front grinning. It said He's Cool....Carlito Representin". Shannon signaled and the videotron flickered off.)

Shannon Moore: Yeah Carlito....you sure are representing.....YOUR REPRESENTING BULL SH!T! Come on bro, how the h#ll do you spout off crap about you not being from Puerto Rico yet you are in magazeens with the Puerto Rican flag right behind you! What the h#ll is up with that? Are you shamed of your latin roots? Next thing I know you will be headed down the Kerwin White road! Come on Carlito whats with you? Why lie about you being from Puerto Rico? I mean that shows me that you have some MAJOR insecurities that you need to get over. I mean your one confusing @ss dude if you "Representin" but are flat out denying where you were born! See thats the thing with you and Cool Fire. There are soo many d@m flaws and countradictions that in the end you two WILL self destruct and be no more than a speck of dirt undernieth my wrestling boots! I dont know why Im stuck fighting you two guys! Im tired of dealing with you two. Carlito your a joke as a wreslter as well as a human being. You must have a split personality when it comes to your roots. Tonight you will get your @ss handed to you by a man who is proud of his roots and who he is as a person. Its common knowledge that Im a proud rainbow waving Flamer and unlike you I do not denie my roots. So Carlito I dont care if your Puerto Rican....from Hawaii....or whatever coconut you crawled out of. The Prince of Punk will kick your nappy head out of this ring! And then there's Kane. What do I say about the Big Red machine?!? NOTHING thats what....cause Ive already said plenty of stuff about him. Kane I still dont understand why your with Carlito. I mean come on this guy is a closet Puerto Rican! Kane your a huge dude and dont deserve to be with a little creep of a dork Carlito! DITCH THE B!TCH! Ive already proved that I can run circles around you. I bet your really embarrased that little guys compared to you, The Imagi Punks totally kicked your @ss! Must be a blow to the ego there Kane. Your size only hinders you and hopefully your beginning to see that! The Imagi-Punks will see to it that your size will make you look so utterly akward and foolish in the ring that maybe and hopefully this time after your both laying flat on your back and beaten that you got it through your thick skull that your no match for us! So Cool Fire come down to the ring tonight and talk your crap out of your @sses and see what it gets you. The same d@m thing it got you last time. A royal Cameron North Carolina, Omeaga Opproved, high flying, fist punching, Charismatic beating, Imagi-Punks obliviation!

("Front Line" hits again and Shannon rolled out of the ring and this time handed the mic back to Lilian who looked surprised that he didnt throw it out to the crowd. He kissed her hand and walked back up the rampway slapping the fans hands. He disappeared behind the curtain. Shannon was walking down the hallway when he saw Jeff Hardy in the middle of an interview with The Coach. Shannon walked up behind Jeff Hardy and smacked him behind the head.)

Shannon Moore: Oh Im sorry...did I inturrupt something?

Jeff Hardy: Well Coach was just about to ask me on a date you asshole.

The Coach: *flustered* I DID NOT!

Shannon Moore: Oh whatever.......yes you did. We all know how ghetto guys are about Enigmas. So Coach why dont you ask us some important questions. We are the Tag Team CHAMPIONS and thus such deserve to have an intellegent interview....if you cant handle that honor than go away! *he had his arm leaning on Jeff's shoulder*

Jeff Hardy: *Jeff looked down at Shannon.* Just to clear things up Coach, I've got a date with this man Thursday night, so the answer is NO! Now like my hetero-lifemate said, we are the Tag Champs around this place, so what do you have to say?

The Coach: *he rolls his eyes* Anyways the media is buzzing with the Wes Ikedas actions. How do you feel your chances of him not interfering in your match tonight since Shannon is on his sh!t list.

Jeff Hardy: Let him interfere Coach. In fact, I hope Wes is stupid enough to come on down. That way I don't have to waste my time looking for his sorry ass.

Shannon Moore: Im not even going to go into that whole thing. This interveiw had better be about our match which is defending our tag team titles against those idiot known as CoolFire. So why dont you ask us some revelant questions!

The Coach: So Jeff and Shannon how do you all feel about facing Cool Fire?

Jeff Hardy: Coach I could fall asleep on the ring apron and not worry about Shannon getting pinned. These guys suck-and the fact that they have another shot at OUR titles says something sad about the Tag Division right now.

Shannon Moore: I agree whole heartedly! They couldnt beat us even if its a handy capt match against one of us going solo. Im actually looking foward to the day Shane and Christian actually become a tag team. Maybe they will be a little bit better as far as competition.

The Coach: That's kind of bold Shannon-Christian did just become World Champion and Shane Helms, well he's Shane Helms! Do you guys honestly think that you can get by the two of them?

Shannon Moore: Ive already beaten Shane 3 times and Jeff has basicly massacred him more times to be able to count. Yeah Christian is the wild card but Ive have been busy since he's return. Its been ME that has carried the EBWF during his little absence and Im going to make sure he knows it.

Jeff Hardy: Shannon's right Coach-It wasn't Chris Jericho, it was the biggest flamer this company has ever seen. Like Shan said, I've beaten Shane some 4 or 5 times, maybe even 6. He beat me once. As for Christian, well there's a reason Shane is his tag partner and not Marky Mark. The Peep Crew fell before the awesome power of Jeff Freakin' Hardy, Coach! What's to be scared of?

Shannon Moore: *he laughed* Yah man and talk about whats to be scared of? Sure as h#ll NOT Cool Fire. You would think they would take the hint that they dont have what it takes to beat us but they must be that stupid!

Jeff Hardy: Truth is Coach these guys blow-I'm not even trying to be funny either. They can't cut it against a real team, and that's exactly what the Imagi-Punks are. Carlito and Kane need to learn that there's just no winning against us.

Shannon Moore: D@m right word up straight in the face like whoa! *he grinned* Dont try to understand that.......*he noded at Jeff and the two traded knowing looks*.....cause its an Enigma!

Jeff Hardy: Like my main playboy hurr says, the sheezy is about to get real breezy son. The Enigma and Prince of Punk are gonna tear it up like only the North Carolina boyz can-Cool Fire you gonna get extinguished! IMAGI-PUNKS!

(Shannon suddenly pushed Coach out of the way hard and the MC fell down. Jeff Hardy laughed and the two brothers walked off talking and goofy off with each other.)

The North Carolina Boys
OMEGA Approved!

OOC Message:
The Imagi-Punks tag teaming X-treme Stlye!

Disclaimer: Copyright 2005. This RP was written by Sunny*Joy *me*. My character is not to be used in any way, verbal or non verbal, without the permission of me the handler. I, Sunny*Joy wrote this RP for the EBWF, and no part of it is to be duplicated without my consent.