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Stupid people.
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Monday, 27/09/2004
Talking about nothing
Mood:  lazy

Hey everyone! I'm just writing to say hi and i find out if my roommate crystal is going to stay on campus all she has to do is take her reading test again. I'm in the computer room chilling with my other roommate and high school buddy delores just bugging out on people. I'm feeling lazy too i didn't get any type of sleep last nite, i took a nap earlier and i'm not sleepy now but i don't want to do my english homework either. So I here avoiding it lol. Well that until I get something to eat and go back to my dorm room then i have to do it. Raw doesn't come on to 9 anyways so i need something to do before then and my homegurl and partner in crime madison is at work so i can't call her to like later on around 8 or 9 so that suxs.
well imma go now cuz i'm just blabbing about nothing. So see ya when i actually have something to talk about it.

Posted by wrestling3/illuzion at 4:33 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26/09/2004
Stupid People part 2
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Stupid people.

Hey everyone this is stupid people part 2. Well Friday September 24th I went to mail out a letter to a friend with my roommate crystal. So afterwards she went into this halloween store to see if they were hiring people. Which the woman said she was but it just for a month. She talked to us for a little bit and told us she was a nurse. So... I was like hey since your a nurse maybe you can help me out. I'm tryin to gain a little weight. and you know what the famous question was that she asked me. If i had a fucking eating disorder which i don't. Then she started to ask me personal questions about my life. Questions that my mom don't even ask me i was like look lady none of your business. She told me to take this shot and i was like ok. i'm so not taking that shit cuz my roommate took it and it kinda of messed up your insides and i'm not doing that. So the plans so imma stick with GNC. Stupid people really do piss me off.
But at the end of the day. I was talking to two secruity guards they weren't bad looking either. they asked me how i was feeling and they were like don't listen to wat other people say you look fine. ok so what your small. but you were just built that way you can't do nothing about it. which it's true so i was like well thanks guys. so i'm feeling a little bit better then friday. But don't u really want to smack stupid people at times. see you soon.

Posted by wrestling3/illuzion at 2:44 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18/09/2004
Two of my Favorites Wrestlers
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Ashlee Simpson- pieces of me
Topic: Wrestling
I have a variety of favorite wrestlers. Some who I like some who I dislike. I like controversy. My favorite wrestler of all time is Shawn Michaels HBK but, I like Bret " the hitman" Hart as well. Some people say why or how can u like both when shawn did this or bret say this about shawn or whatever i say who cares what ever happen happen. Both are great atheletes, both are icons and hall of famers both deserve the respect they earn.

Posted by wrestling3/illuzion at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18/09/2004 12:25 AM EDT
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Friday, 17/09/2004
Don't you hate going to the doctors at times?
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Stupid people.
Hi everyone. How are ya doing today? I was ok until i went to the doctors. I just went in to get a stupid shot for school since i'm living on campus. Anyways he asked me a few questions and it seems like everything fine until he gets to my weight. Now don't get me wrong i eat alot, i can eat like a pig. I have just said right before he asked me. I'm low on weight is there anything you can give me to gain a little since i want to train to wrestle and there going to tell me to gain weight anyways he comes tells me o yea you are very low on wieght that so unhealthy. Then he asked me the most stupidest question if i was an aneroxic or if i throw up my food. I was like what the hell i just told you i'm trying to gain weight don't come out with that shit no i don't throw up. My mom was like man this chick could eat. It like you screwed either way. If your overweight your unhealthy and if your underweight your still unhealthy. It like make up your man what exactly is healthy wieght anyways.
You would think he would have gave me something to take to gain weight no he didn't. He just gave me my shot and that it. So I was like ok. Fine... I told my mom i'm going to gain the whatever pounds I need to gain go back to the doctors and smack him with my health files and be like i'm I healthy enuff for you?. In my opinion I think i'm fine I know I need more meat on my arms. But, i'll get there and i'm going to work out for muscles, then when I get them, I'll shove my foot up his ass.
Anyways that all I have to say for now. See ya later.

Posted by wrestling3/illuzion at 9:40 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 07/11/2004 12:30 PM EST
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