The Mathmatical Statistics of applications we have received.
Posted on 10/25/02

-Ok, the site along with the application has been up since about mid August, and we have received about...*counts* ZERO join applications. And thus far the site has received about 860 hits. Out of those 860 *counts* ZERO have sent in an application. As a fraction that would look like this: 0/860, and for those who prefer decimals it would look like this .0 .

I'm not exactly sure as to why we have not been receiving applications, for a period of time it was our fault for not realizing that the join application was screwed up. It wasn't screwed up for it's whole period of existance. Now, we hope to get some members so we can begin having events. Over the course of this weekend I will be spending a good amount of time advertising and talking to people, trying to get them interested.

...And I honestly refuse to reduce myself to using Yahoo! chatrooms (lol). Now, in all seriousness I hope to have some more members, hell I would even be happy if the fraction for our application statistics looked like this 1/860, and once again for the decimal freaks 0.1 .

It's a bird. It's a plane,'s ACTUALLY an update.
Posted on 10/24/02

-Alright here is the deal. We know we havn't updated in quite a while and for this, we are sorry. With this said, I will present you with my next bit of news. There is no WE anymore. No,no,no we're not closing. The guy who took ownership for the IHWF wasn't doing anything so, he and I talked it over and I (Grenade, AKA Lethal Dosage) am now the owner. For those of you who are unaware, I was the one who originally created the IHWF and such. In other news, there was a problem with the join application, so I implemented a new one which requires you to e-mail us the informaton, but eh it's better than nothing. The press conference is nearly complete and should be posted by early to mid Saturday afternoon.

Status: Complete!
Posted on 8/6/02

-Hey Lethal Dosage here, the website is complete . I managed to help President Wallace with many many many (bar notation over the word many) pages. Under the navigation you'll see a credits page, at first we were thinking of calling the page "Lethal Dosage did..." but we scrapped that idea.

One page that I highly recommend you all check out sometime soon is the "Brief History" page, so you can better understand us and what we did in the past.

Website Almost Complete!
Posted on 8/6/02

-Most of the pages have been created and linked. The credits page, the brief history, tag team application, stable application, and staff application will be finished soon.

problem With the "Interfere" Page
Posted on 8/6/02

-The "Interfere" page is not working as of late. It will be fixed by tommorrow night.

Website to be Finished Soon!
Posted on 8/6/02

-Once the last pages have been created and our first interview is posted our site will be finished. The name of our first pay-Per-View cannot be posted yet because we do not have enough votes on our PPV poll to decide.

Old Network Fails.
Posted on 10/30/02

IHWF Headquarters: Richmond, VA

-This past Saturday fans worldwide tuned into what they thought was finally going to be the IHWF press conference. Millions of people expected to see President William F. Wallace and the rest of the IHWF crew, but all they received was some skateboarding show. That's right folks, the conference was never aired. As employees here at the headquarters watched the monitors, realizing that it wouldn't be aired, they kept a close eye on President William F. Wallace's office.

About 10 or so minutes after the conference was originally suppossed to air, employees say William F. Wallace exited his office looking as calm as could be. He left the building without saying a word to anyone. The SBS (Sports Broadcasting Station) has agreed to air the press conference. The SBS has also aired a 10 minute statement made by William F. Wallace.

Related Link(s)
William F. Wallace's Statement

Words from the Boss
Posted on 10/25/02

IHWF Headquarters: Richmond, VA

-Earlier this morning sounds of shouting could be heard coming from President William F. Wallace's office. Other workers in the building chose to disregard this yelling. About 10 minutes ago one of the secretaries received a call from the Richmond Police. Why you ask? Well the shouting that was heard was William Wallace shouting at the President of the Extreme Sports Station. The ESS President reported Wallace for phone harrassment. William F. Wallace has denied ever making this call and ESS President has dropped his claim. The Press conference will still be aired as scheduled, SAturday October 26th.

Idiotic Network
Posted on 10/24/02

IHWF Headquarters: Richmond, VA

-What was originally suppossed to air on August 17th, was never aired at all. Since than irate fans have been calling the headquarters, complaining. PLEASE STOP CALLING! To clear it up, this is not our fault. Blame the network. They refused to air it for a reason in which they would not present us with. After us going back and forth with them for the past two months we presented them with the idea that we could sue them for a breach of contract. They have finally agreed to televise the press conference on 10/26/02. Tune in!

A Big Hit!
Posted on 8/7/02

IHWF Headquarters: Richmond, VA

-Reporters have just told us that the IHWF's press conference was a huge success. It will be telivised on saturday August 17th. Be sure to tune in!

Date of Conference
Posted on 8/7/02

IHWF Headquarters: Richmond, VA

-This evening William F. Wallace told reporters that the press conference will take place at the IHWF's Headquarters here in Richmond on Friday August ninth. Reporters have also stated that Neil Filmore will be first to speak, followed by Wallace Himself. Then the color commentators will speak. The referees, Interviewers, and the ring announcer will follow. Then Filmore and Wallace will close up the Conference. More information will be released as it comes in.

Press Release
Posted on 8/7/02

IHWF Secondary Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA

-Today the President of the Insane Hardcore Wrestling Federation, William F. Wallace told reporters that he would be holding a press conference in Richmond, Virginia in the near Future. Word is - The whole IHWF staff will be present during the confrence. Wallace has also stated that each staff member will be able to speak at the conference. More on this to come soon...

next ppv
latest Interview

- Champions -
Universal ~VACANT~ N/A
Confederate ~VACANT~ N/A
Insane ~VACANT~ N/A
Australlian ~VACANT~ N/A
Tag Team ~VACANT~ N/A

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IHWF poll#1
What do you think of our website's design?

Not bad.......
Sucks @ss

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IHWF poll#2
What should the name of our first pay-per-view be?

Atomic August
Killing Field

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IHWF poll#3
Who do you think the first Universal Champion will be?

Wrestler 1
Wrestler 2
Wrestler 3
Wrestler 4

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IHWF poll#4
What did you think of our first ever Sunday Night Massacre?

An excellent show
A great show
A good show
A bad show

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