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Roleplay Title - Back to where i belong, The United Kingdom!
Mentioned - Damien Spires, Justin Credible and Swifty McVay
People Used - Kobra & Shane McMahon
W/L/D Record - 25-3-1
EHW Achievements - 2x EHW World Champion, 1x EHW United States Champion, 1x EHW Tag Team Champion w/ The Messiah, Former EHW Commisioner, Former EHW Smackdown Owner, Former EHW Owner and First ever EHW Hall of Famer.

If you are going to use this layout, atleast give me the fucking credit. Dont use this, then say you did it. Because quite frankly, you didnt. Just dont steal it . Then you wont have to hurt your head with all these requirements. Have a nice day.
End Disclaimer

7~7..Part Two Of The Assassination..8~8

{{...The Cameras fade into the small pictoures countryside in southarn England in a city called Southampton. The cameras open on the outskirts of this city were you see a Drive way leading for a mile, then a car is seen pulling into the driveway and following on down. The Cameras then cut to where you see the front of the house, it is a huge converted Barn with three dogs walking around and nine security guards walking the parimiters. The car seen just a minute ago then pulls up in front of the house and it stops at the steps leading to the main entrance. The car doors open and Out steps Kobra, and then from the passanger side comes Shane McMahon...}}

Kobra: Boy is it good to be back in my home country, the country were everybody loves and respects me.

Shane: Yeah it's a good idea us flying over here to train for a few days.

Kobra: Well nobody can disturb us, my Wife Stacy and my son Dwayne are up North visiting Family, and all my closeest enemies are over the other side of the Atlantic in America.

{{...Kobra then walks up the steps with Shane closely following, he then pulls his keys out of a pair of worn out old jeans and unlocks the doors. The two men walk into this huge hallway that has about five or six doors lineing the sides. Kobra walks down as Shane follows, Kobra walks to the end of the corridor were there is a door. Kobra then unlocks five pad locks on this door, and as he opens it you see a dark room. Kobra switchs on the lights and you see a spiraling staircase heading down-wards. The two decend the staircase and they walk into a huge Training room...}}

Kobra: You see Shane, this is were i spent my time out of Wrestling. Working on my in ring skills and perfecting my style. Hell i even run Weekly Training seesions for the locals when i am here in the UK.

{{...The Cameras pan around the room, and the center piece of the room is this tatty old Wrestling ring that looks about twenty years old. Then around the ring you see all sorts of things like Punchbags, Weapons, and loads of other wrestling essentials. The cameras then pan around futher and you see Kobra stood by a desk, and on the wall behind it hangs five plauqes. You see the plauqes that were rewarded to Kobra in his times in EHW, firstly on the far left you have a plauqe for winning the Tag Team Titles, then on the far right you have one for winning the United States Championship. He then has two that congratulate him for his World Title triumphs, and then in the middle is a plauqe bigger than the others that is his prove of being an EHW Hall of Famer...}}

Kobra: You see Shane, this is my laboratory as you may like to call it. This is were all my business is done. Hell i used to sit here in the early days and sit here for hours on end waiting for a promoter to give me a callup for some indy appearance.

{{...Kobra then walks rolls into the ring in the middle and stands dead on center. Then there is a knock on the door at the top of the stairs. Then a Security Guard at the top opens the door and down comes EHW Interviewer Mark Loyd...}}

Kobra: Ah Mark good to see you could make it to my home. Now all you have to do is get in this ring and ask me some questions. This is being beemed out live to millions of viewers and i want to set some things straight in the EHW.

{{...Mark Loys anxiously steps between the ropes and approachs Kobra with extreme Caution. Mark keeps his distance though as he asks the questions...}}

Mark Loyd: Well Tuseday night on Raw you were what most people say screwed out of your first win since your comeback. What can you say about this.

Kobra: Well Mark, i was screwed alright, and i am damn well pissed of with it. You see when i was walking down the New York streets last night before jetting over here, i have hords of people running over and saying that how unfair it was for me to lose like that. They told me to give Damien Spires and Justin Credible a punch in the face for every dissapointed fan. You see i am an Icon, and these so called new breed EHW superstars don't respect that. They should respect that i bought the EHW up from the depths more than once and made it the greatest federation in the World.

Kobra: Now Vince used to run around saying he made EHW the best, well he didn't. I made it the best, i made it what it was today. People like Vince are out to make money, while somebody like myself is just out to make a dream come true that i have always had since i was a young lad.

Mark Loyd: Now Kobra, you talk about how the wrestling industry has been your dream since a young age, now could this be anything to do with your fathers influence who was a former NWA World Champion.

Kobra: It has everything to do with my father. You see he fought not for the money, he fought for the same reasons as i do, to give the people of America and the rest of the world somthing entertaining to watch. You see ever time that NWA UK came around this way, my father would bring all the stars around for a big dinner. And when i sat around that table with the likes of The Honky Tonk Man and Ravishing Rick Rude, i instantly relised my dream of becoming a Wrestling Star.

Kobra: Actually Mark you can leave the ring now. I have somthing i want to say to the World.

Kobra: Now i am a man of hounour an no remorse. But now that is thrown out of the window. You see i am not back to reclaim the spot as the best, hell i quite frankly don't care about that anymore. I have been there and bought the T-Shirt many a times before. You see i am thirty six years old, and i am out to prove that i still have what it takes to run with the big guns. Now i am the older generation of the Wrestling industry, but i look around and i see the young era begining. And one man that has impressed me over the Years is Swifty McVay. You see this man is only twenty two years of age. And i heard Cyanide call him a Rookie with not much talent. But that is were he is seriously mistaken. You see i have travelled around and seen Swifty in SXCW, PWF, CCW and VCW, And everywhere he goes he makes a big Impact, hell he was even World Champion back in the CCW days when we both fought under Matt Fury. You see this man is by far not a Rookie, he may be thiught as that because he is a new man around here, but you see anyone who steps into the ring with him has there work cut out, and that is Were Damien Spires comes into the frame. You see Damien this man has been challanging you for a week now, and you keep brusing him away like he is a piece of dirt on your foot.

Kobra: Damien, you are not a man of courage like you say you are. I mean you say you are not scared of me, you say you are not scared of Swifty. But hell you should be. I mean you have a problem with stepping in the ring one on one with Swifty, and damn you have to come down and Attack me when my back is turned just to get one over on me. Damien you are a scared man, and soon you will be like a baby lamb stuck in Barbed wire who can't escape. You r destiny is set Damien, and that is with my right boot stuck up your ass. Damien, you will soon find out the real meaning of pain, and at Survivor Series you will get the Pain. But Damien i get a piece of you at Smackdown on Saturday night, i get to take my revenge that i have been waiting for. Damien, you step into the ring with me at Smackdown, but not one on one, you step into a Tag Team match. And the ironic thing of this scenario is that you have been teamed with a man that we both can't stand, a man who holds somthing that we both want. Yeah it is going to Be Justin Credible and Damien Spires against the Money Express, Kobra and Shane McMahon. Now i didn't like it to much, i mean Shane isn't exactly a wrestler, i mean he is contracted to the EHW as a manager. But then it came to me clearly that in the end, how in the hell are you two going to work together as a Team. Damien i know you are not a man that anybody can trust, because you are just out for yourslef and yourself only. Were as i am out here to prove to the world that i am the greatest. Now i wouldn't have cared if i had been teamed up with some Jobber, because to be honest it doesn't matter. The Fact remains that Kobra on his own is going to whip both your asses around the ring on Saturday night. But the only advantage i have is that i have a partner who is hugely under estimated in the ring, i have Shane McMahon in my ring. He may not be the toughest and most musculare wrestler in the ring, but he has somthing that you lot don't have and that is the brains of the wrestling industry. Just like me he grew up surronded by the Wrestling business. So Damien you talk all you want about how you lived on the streets, because after Smakcdown you are going straight back there, back to the gutters were you belong.

{{...Shane McMahon then steps into the ring and stands beside Kobra...}}

Shane McMahon: Wait a second there Kobra. Now as my Client quite rightly stated that Damien is going back to the gutter were he belongs. But you see i am not completly happy about that accusation, you see sending him to the gutter is fine with me. But why send him there when you can send him to somewhere alot more evil and twisted than the streets of America. Why send him to the ghettos when you can put him straight in to the dark abyss of the World known as Koruption. You see alot of people under estimate my wrestling skills because i am just thought of a spoilt rich kid who comes from a billionair family. Well i may be a rich kid. But you see i have also wrestled some amazing superstars like the Big Show and Steve Blackman. And each time i rose to the occasion to win. I mean i leapt 50 foot last year from the Summerslam scafholding onto a battered Big Show. You see i may not have the wrestling physique as Kobra rightly pointed out, but i have the desire to take everything to another level just to pull the win out of the bag. So Damien you can talk all you want about whether we have had a Cardiac Arrest or not, because tha Fact remains that we are going to beat you on Saturday night, and then my client will go onto Surivivor series to reclaim the gold that is rightfully his.

Kobra: Now it wouldn't be fair if i just stood around here and ripped into Damien Spires, because i always seem to forget about that jackass World champion who holds no respect for the title, yeah i really should talk abit more about Justin Credible.

{{...Kobra then steps out of the ring and walks around the floor as he speaks...}}

Kobra: Now you see Justin Credible did defeat me on Raw, and i congratulate him on that. But come on should i really praise him for winning the way he did. I mean he came out here and i saw the fear in his eyes as he stepped between those ropes, and hell i tore him apart just like i said i would. But you see the only way he could win was via outside interferance. But that doesn't matter thought, i mean i am the best around and both the fans an i know that that is true. But Justin Credible thinks he is the best around just because he is holding my title. Justin ever since you won that title the public image of it has dropped, merchandising for World Title replicas has hit rock bottom, and simply because the fans don't want to have somthing that is worn by such a cocky and arrogant son of a bitch. You see people are more interested in the damn North American title at the moment than they are for the World Title, and it is all because you have the title around your waist. But thats ok, becausei needed someone to look after it while i was gone, i needed somebody to watch it while i was resting. And then when the time was right i would ome back and reclaim the gold that is rightfully mine. Justin the countdown to your Judgement day has begun, and when the sands of time stop, then your title reign will be over in a flash and your ass will be proped up in a hospital bed alongside Damien Spires. And you will just be another guy that thought he had what it took to become big, but all you will become is another Has been, just like all the others who have stepped before me in the past.

Kobra: Justin Credible and Damien Spires you are in my World, i am King of this World, and you just live in it Juinors. So prepare to Feel the PAIN AND THE SORROW, as you will find out that i am........

Kobra: EVERYTHING YOU WILL NEVER BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{{...Kobra then paces eagerly around and punchs the punch bag a few times with some hard right hooks. Kobra then leaves up the stairs and Shane follows closely behind. The two men then walk out onto the pation of the house as they look onto the 15 acres of land behnd the big house. The Scene then fades out as Kobra and Shane stands there looking into the distance...}}