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..::///"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan\\\::..
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..::///"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan\\\::..
><><Hulkamania Is Runnin' WILD><><


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(~Hogan and Jonathan Coachman are standing backstage~)

..::///Jonathan Coachman\\\::. Hulk, tonight is the night. You got Christian in a Cage Match and you could move one step closer. What do you have to say?

..::///Hulk Hogan\\\::.. You know something Coach?! Your right.. Tonight IS the night! Tonight I take on Christian in that cage. But, there was something you miss said, dude. I AM going to move on to that title match, brother! Christian is going to get a beating tonight Coach. All the talking has been done. He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? We will find that out later tonight when me and him are surrounded in that cage. He will see how much of a Icon I am, dude. He will find out that being old doesn't mean anything.. I am not the youngest, but I prooved that many times, brother. I prooved that against Steve Austin.. Edge.. And many other great superstars in this federation. Winning that title has been on the Hulkster's head for way to long now.. I need to make it reality. I need to win that title for all my Hulkamaniacs and drop the bomb on all my opponents. That title will be around the waist of "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan soon, brother. Christian, be ready. Take your pills.. Drink your milk.. Because, brother, what'cha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you!?

(~Hogan walks away~)