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>Who we are
>Things you must know
>Our Disclaimer
>TH Journal

Understand this:

You've most likely ventured onto this site through a fake journal on About my life., or ventured here somehow. What this is set out to do is tell you a little more about us and what we are about. Its also to let you know that none of the stuff that we say in here is real. Its all fake. We just do this for fun.

Please take a moment to check out the rules and stuff of this place, especially if you want to join the party.. Admin is always there to help you. We don't bite.. well unless we are asked too *smirks* and we love to help. Our Admin team is very experienced in the RPG department. We have countless amounts of time behind our belts. And countless amounts of RPG under them too. And just so that you know we take NO RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE JOURNALS. The people that play them take full responsibity for an said actions that they produce. Its their journals not admins.

This site belongs to an RPG game called Temptation High. All of the journals are fake and we are not the real people. We do this for fun.

Just to let you know we have the right to not allow a person to play in the game. It is under the discresion of the admin team. We work hard to keep this place in tact and we do not want things messing it up.

The entire RPG journal has come from It's Scripted. We are a different type of RPG from them but they started it all.

We state once again that we are not the real people.. All of this will be explained in the rules.

Thank you... Jake and Trachelle, Temptation High Owners.