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Jason Byrd

---Status--- Name: Jason Byrd
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 222 lbs
Music:"Fuck It" by Seether
From: Boulder, Colorado
Alignment: Neutral

Ring intro: The lights and videotron both go black as the intro to "Fuck It" begins to play. As the words start, black light starts flashing and a little fog fills the ramp and stage. At this time, Jason Byrd's video starts to play as well. Jason Byrd walks out and begings down the ramp. The the hard part of "Fuck It" starts, Jason Byrd slides in the ring and runs to the ropes. He gets on the middle rope and hols his fist in the air, the other grabbing the top rope to hold his balence. He gets down and sits in the corner until the match starts.

1. Façade Crusher (Double Arm Edgecution)
2.Ashes of the Phoenix (Play of the Week)

One Winged Falcon (Half squirrle moonsault)
Instinct (Complete Shot usually out of nowhere)
Dark Star (Flash Magic into Turnbuckle)

Top 15:
1 Gem Cutter
2 Shining wizard
3 ChokeDrop (Chokeslam position into side effect)
4 Front Dropkick (From anywhere)
5 Moonsault DDT (Jeff Hardy style)
6 Hurricanrana
7 Springboard Moonsault (Jeff Hardy style)
8 Tornado DDT
9 Sieries of Knee Drops using the ropes
10 Swanton bomb
11 Leap Frog Legdrop (Leapfrogging the Turnbuckle to outside of the ring or leapfrogging the top of the ladder to wherever)
12 Twist of Fate
13 Gillutene Legdrop
14 Superkick
15 Orion (Springboard off second rope to spinning enzuigiri kick)

Former XPW Hardcore, Tag Team, and US Champ
Former ICW Tag-Team and World Champ
Former WXWF Critical Condition and Television Champ


Jason Byrd started his wrestling career after he and his former tag-team partner, Phineas Phlyer, were kicked out of the Deavion Preparatory School. They went from federation to federation with their manager, Lesya, becoming crowd favorites in each one. When they came to XPW, the horror in Jason Byrd's life began.

Another wrestler, named Leo Damiani, had not taken lighly to his first loss in XPW. That loss was to Jason Byrd and Phineas Phlyer. Leo Damiani had attacked all three and put them each in a burlap sack. The police found Damiani later that day, with the nearly dead Jason Byrd, Phineas Phlyer, and Lesya inside. Damiani was sentenced to prison for assult and attempted murder.Then they joined WXWF and more travasty happened.

On Febuary 16, 2003, Phineas Phlyer put a 9mm too his right temple and pulled the trigger. Jason Byrd trying to move on with his wrestling career, but more trauma was waiting for him.

Not too long after the death of Phineas Phlyer, Jason was diagnosed with schitzophrania as the evil in Jason Byrd, who called himself James Dugens, released himself and tried to take over.

Lesya, who was Jason Byrd's girlfriend and manager at the time, found an envolope by the door. When she saw "Jason Byrd" written on it, she gave it to him. Inside was a necklace with a silver pendant of a phoenix holding a red crystal in its wings. Jason still wears this necklace as a sign of will. That same will that help defeat James Dugens.

Jason thought he had made it through all of the tough times, it still wasn't over. In June of 2003, Lesya was murdered by another wrestler names Hell's Gaurdian.

Jason then left the WXWF and quit wrestling until now. HCW, be prepared, if possible.