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23 - 00 - 03
Match Roleplaying For

Hotel Warfare

The scene opens up in a Hotel in The City where The World Wrestling Federation 2K3 Event, Smackdown! is Happening. The Scene opens up as we See Kimberly Page all dressed up for glory, She and Helms are going out to a Fancy Place for dinner. She and Helms are arm in arm walking down the Big Stairs. Downstairs waiting for them are Tony Tran and Trish Stratus. Nathan Tran is just chatting with Vince McMahon on the Couc. They get down the Stairs and The Beutiful Trish Comes up and hugs helms. But zshe grabs his ass at the Same time. Helms Then lets a little yelp.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Oohh. Thanks Trish, Go back to your man.

Trish Goes back to Tony as Tony grabs her arm.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- So, what place are we going to? Trish has been bugging me about that all fucking Day. Just Nag Nag Nag, Thats all she does. And complain she does that good to. She keeps on saying if we don't go to someplace nice, theres gonna be hell to pay when we get back to Our Room. So Frankly Shane, Lets go to Some place Shthouse.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Ha Ha, Tony you never cease to crack me up. But seriously we are going to this Nice Little Italian Place. I actually Rented out the whole thing for all of us. The Bloke Named Guiseppe that owns the Place reckons he knew my Dad so he said $1000 to rent the Place out. Not to Shabby eh?

-:- 'Strausfaction' Trish Stratus -:- Sounds Very Very Good. Looks like somebody won't be getting punishment for not taking me to a good place. *Looks at Tran*

They all begin to laugh as Kimberly asks.

-:- 'Graceful' Kimberly Page -:- I think we should get a Move on. It is about 8:30 an i'am starving.

They all agree and walk out of the Hotel. Vince and Nathan continue to speak on teh couch but wave Neglengantly at Them. They get at The Front and Helms see's the Driver. It is an Old man with a Toupe'.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Hey Driver. Two things i wanna tell you. 1. Nice Toupe. 2. Get us To Little Vinnies On The Corner of 7th and Seaford.

-:- 'Old' Limo Driver -:- Yes Sir!

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Toupe' Nice one Shane. Very Nice.

They Hop into The Limo and The Limo Begins to Drive. Conversation Begins again.

-:- 'Strausfaction' Trish Stratus -:- *Sarcastically* So Boys. Big Match this Week eh? Should be very very hard. Two Tag Teams. Two Verse, you might actually lose your Tag Team Titles.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Are you kidding me Trish? Because have you actaully seen the Two Teams we have to face? Bendetti, Walker and The Insane Clown Posse? What The Hell, Aren't they like Rappers or something? Tran you would no about that.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Yeah They're. They're really Shit to. They ain't nothing to Me. In Wrestling or Rapping. Speaking of Rapping, what you boys and girls think about my Rap Battle tommorow night?

-:- 'Graceful' Kimberly Page -:- Looking forward to see what you got Tran. You Talk big, Hopefully you can tralk abit bigger tommorow because Eminem is gonna be a Hard Judge.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- That may be right. But how can i lose in my own game to a Bastard named Joey Montana.

Helms Laughs as nobody else does. Trish and Kimberly look at him funny.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- What, That was Funny. No sense of humour i swear. But Back to The Insane Clown Posse and Bendetti and Walker. Those two teams ain't nothing to us. Our team is possibly the Greatest Put together in the History of This Federation and Wrestling. Look at us, you got The Hollywood, The Best Wrestler at The Moment. The man who will rule for a long time to come. And then you've got Tony Tran, The Up-And-Comer, sort of reminds me of a young me actually. He will be the Next in the Line of Evolution in Wrestling, After me of Course. And then you have some bad ass rappers and some Try Hard Untouchables. No No No, It don't work like that. Our team is gonna kick ass again like we always do.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Yeah Its like that, Coz thats the way it is. Anyway, Where's Blade? Shou;dn't he have been with us?

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- He didn't catch the Flight with us. He'll be here tommorow. Ha Ha, how good is that. Now we have another member and even better, hes the man taht i beat for the Smackdown Heavyweight Title At Hell on Earth. We've got all the Aces up our Sleeves. MWAHAHAHA.

Helms Continues to laugh as The Scene gfades to black.

The Scene opens up at Little Vinnies on The Corner of 7th and Seaford. We See a Limo out The Front with The Old Driver reading the paper and playing with his Dentures. The UnTouchables are inside of the Restaurant, They have ordered there meals but have not yet received them. Helms is sitting Next To Kimberly and Tony and Trish are on The other side of The Table.

-:- 'Graceful' Kimberly Page -:- I Heard good Reviews about this place actually. Hopefully its as good as The Advertiser said it is.

-:- 'Strausfaction' Trish Stratus -:- So Kimberly. What was it like to screw over your own Husband? Kill his Career. His Legacy?

Kimberly is about to Snap Trish's Head off as Tran Interrupts.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Yeah. I Haven't had The Chance to ask you yet Shane. How was it finally beating DDP. Being The One to kill him off after many men have tried and failed before you?

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- It is Bloody Great Tony. You see, not everyone knows that I'am The Best in this Business now. Everyone knows it. They also know that DDP is over, never to return Ha Ha. The Poor Fans, I Remeber the fans used to like wanna suck his dick, male or female when they met him. I Was like the sidekick. But whos the Sidekick now?

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- He probably lives on the Side of the Street now.

Trish's foot comes up and she takes off her shoe and starts moving her foot around his groin area. Helms starts to smile at her. Grabbing her foot and rubbing it in his groin area. Tran and Kimberly Don't notice. Helms then thinks about what hes doing and puts the foot down. She then frowns at him as Tran stops the Awkward Silence.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- You see that match booked for the Number 1 Contendership of your Heavwyeight Title Shane? Its between Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- I know who it is between. But the fact is that it doesn't really matter who wins, because whoever does will never be able to wrestle again. Anyone that gets in the way of me and my Title Pays. Shawn Michaels, The only reason he beat me is Because Blade interferred. And Jeff Jarrett, Ha Ha. All talk no action. He has a Motor-Mouth and he says he is this and that but if you notice he hasn't proven himself against anyone yet.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Yeah, but you don't need to worry about him because Michaels will kick his ass. Just like we will kick all the other Tag Teams Asses and keep out Tag team Titles. Right?

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Your right Tony. Ever since We got rid of Bendetti and Walker it feels like there is a weight lifted off my Chest. And Just like DDP they will fall victim to a Nightmare. And guess what that Nightmare is?

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- A Nightmare on Elm Street The Series. I got it, you gonna show them the Nightmare on Elm Street Series.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- No You idiot. Im gonna give them My Nightmare, but this nightmare they can't wake up from. So in otehr words, they won't kick out of This Nightmare.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- What about my Tran-Wreck? That should do it also.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Yeah if you really Have to. But i really don't think we will be needing it. Tommorow we will show everyone why we are UnTouchable because if they don't already beleive it, They will soon enough.

Their food begins to be served up to them as the scene fades to black.

The Scene opens back up in The Hotel where they were at the Start. It is 11:00 and All The UnTouchables are sitting on Couches talking to eachother. Just as They are all relaxing after Dinner, The Newest member of The UnTouchables Walks thoruhg the Door with his bags on. Helms and Tran go to greet him.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Hey Blade, I thought you were supposed to get here tommrow. I mean thats when your flight arives doesn't it?

-:- 'Start The Fire' Blade -:- Welln there was a Special flight where a heart had to be transferred from Dallas to here so i asked if i could catch that plane. They gave me the last spot on the plane because they knew who i was.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Yeah Thats cool. So haven't spoken to you since Raw Vs Smackdown. Whats it like to Be an 'UnTouchable'?

-:- 'Start The Fire' Blade -:- This may sound wierd but i feel in some ways UnTouchable.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Ha Ha, Thats cool Blade. So did you guys notice we hold every title on Smackdown except for the womenms title. And When Trish wins that we are set in stone as the Greatest Stable ever.

-:- 'The Man' Tony Tran -:- Hell yeah Shane. We just gotta keep our title this week and we will still have all the titles.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Don't worry that is set in stone too.

-:- 'Start The Fire' Blade -:- Yeah. Come on Shane, i think its about time since we are UnTouchable to have some fun and toy with our opponents this week.

-:- 'Hollywood' Shane Helms -:- Blade, one thing i want you to know is that i never, Ever take it easy on any of my Opponents, No-Matter What. Be Small, Asian, Tall, Fat, Skinny or black ill still kick there ass all the same.

The Three continue to talk as The Scene fades to black.



2 x Curiserweight
(Current) Smackdown Heavyweight Champ
US Champ
European Champ
(Current)Smackdown tag Team Champion

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I Wrestle for The WWF 2K3