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The Doors Of PwA Premire Wrestling Association Have Opened And Many Names Have Entered This Federation As Such Kurt & Eric Angle, Scott Steiner, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, The N.W.O And Many Many Others And The Competiton Has Been Hot And Heavy Making PWA A Instant Hit But The Doors Have Opened Again And A Cold Wind Has Blowen Through The Federation As A Warning Of Something Wicked This Way Comes, Three Late Arrivals Have Hit The Scene In PWA And Have Promised Shake Things Straight Down To Their Foundation, From The Top With Kurt Angle To The Very Bottom With Bill Goldberg, The Brood Is Here And Is Ready To Serve Out Blood Baths To Whoever They Deem Sacrifical And The Trio Has Their Sights Set On Their First Victims The New World Order, Namely Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash And Hollywood Hogan, Well The Brood Give The NWO A Blood Bath Or Will The NWO Spray Paint Their Backs The Only Way To Find Out Is To Tune Into Revenge This Weekend!

Hogan It Was Your Fault...It Was Your Fault!!!!

"The Arrival Of The Chyld Of Darkness"
Scene: The PWA Arena
Day: Thursday, February, 6th
Time: 3:17 PM

The Scene Opens Up Inside The PWA Arena Where Various Superstars Can Be Seen Gathered Around In The Hallways Preparing Themselves For Tonight Live House Show For The Fans While Other Brag About Their Up Coming Matches On Revenge Live On Worldwide Television, The Members Entrance Door Flies Open And A Dark Hooded Figure Wearing A Long Black Robe With A Hood Covering His Face Makes His Way Into The Building Slamming The Door Behind Him, The Hooded Figure Stalks Through The Hallways Of The Arena Getting Weird Looks From All The Other Superstar But He Doesn't Pay It No Mind Just Keeps On His Course While Muttering Something To Himself, The Figure Continues His Way Down The Hall But Lowers His Head And Moments Later He Bumps Into Something Or Rather Someone That Causes The Hood To Fly Off His Head, The Person That He Bumped Into Is Seen To Molly Holly And The Hooded Figure Himself Is Seen To Be Brood Member Christian, Molly Holly Dusts Herself Off As Christian Fixxes The Sunglasses On His Face

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "Umm...Excuse...Me..."

Christian Grabs His Hood And Puts It Back Over His Head

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Yeah You Need To Be Excused, Not Watching Where Your Going Like Some Reckless Redneck"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "Excuse me! How Dare You Accuse Me Of Not Watching Where I'm Going?! I Think It Was You Who Ran Into ME! Not The Other Way Around, I Think You Owe Me An Apology..."

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "An Apology??"

Christian Sighs

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Fine...Im Sorry That You Weren't Watching Where You Were Going And Ran Into Me...There Are You Happy Now?!?"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "What?! No! Normally I'm Nice To People, But You're Being Really Rude, Mister And It Was You Who Ran Into Me, And It Was You Who Should Tell Me That You're Sorry For Running Into Me, And You Could Have Really Hurt Me! I'm Just A Little Lady, And You're Some...Grown Ugly, Weird Looking Man!"

Christian Lowers His Brow

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Coming From You I Guess My Feelings Should Be Hurt, I Mean Your Not Exactly The Picture Of Modern Day Beauty Yourself, Those Ridiculous Pig Tails In Your Hair Make Your Look Like Your Twelve Years Old, But Fine If It'll Shut You Up...I'm Sorry For Running Into Your And Almost Hurting A Fragile Little Soul Like Yourself"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| " Hmm...If That's The Best I Can Get Outta Someone Like You, Then I Accept! But I'm Not That Fragile, I'll Have You Know, I'm Probably The Toughest Woman Around Here! And If You're Trying To Say That I'm Ugly...Well...Well...Then...You Hurt My Feelings! But I Guess It Shouldn't Matter That Much, Seeing As It's Only You Who Feels That Way, Right?"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "I Could Careless About What Others Think...Your Not Exactly Ugly, Your Just Not...Well...My Type Of Person...I Don't Go For Blondes Much, But I Guess Since Were Talking About Your Looks And How Tough You Are I Guess I Should Find Out Your Name"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| " Molly Holly But You Can Call Me Molly, Hmm...I Don't Think I Know Yours Either, But Seeing As I'm Not Your Type, I Guess It Doesn't Matter, Now Does It?"

Christian Pushes His Sunglasses Up Higher On His Nose

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Molly Holly Huh, I Think I Remember You, Yeah You Were The Virgin With The Big Ass...As Far As My Name Not Mattering, Well For Sexual Purposes I Guess It Doesn't But Just For Your General Information I Am Called Christian, I Am One Of The Three Members Of The Brood That Will Take Over This Federation And Rule It Under Our Own Will"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "The Brood, Eh? Gee, Golly, That Doesn't Sound Like A Nice Name For A Group, If Ya Ask Me, And For You Calling Me A Virgin With A Big Butt, I Think You Better Think First Next Time, Or Else I'll Have To Slap You, Even If I Don't Wanna"

Christian Laughs To Himself

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "No The Brood Isn't A Nice Name But Its The Perfect Name Cause Myself, Gangrel And My Brother Edge Have Cruel Intentions In Store For The Superstars Here In The PWA, Starting On Revenge This Week Against The NWO, But As Far As Calling You A Virgin With A Big Butt..I Don't See You Denying It But If You Wanna Dare Try And Slap Me In The Face Then All I Can Say Is...Its Your Funeral"

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "I Can't Believe I Actually Thought You Were Nice! I Mean, Geez! I Thought You Actually Could've Been A Nice, Sweet Man, But Once Again, I Was Wrong, And If I Had Any Say In Your Little Group, I'd Totally Change That Name, Your Name, And Your Brothers Name, As Well As That Gangrel Dude's Name!"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Our Names Are Fine, If I Had My Way Then I Would Change Your Name...Your Hair Style And Color...And It Wouldn't Hurt For You To Drop A Couple Of Pounds But Thats Just My Opinion, I Never Claimed To Be Nice To You Or To Anyone Else You Just Assumed That I Was But I Guess Thats Your Fault For Judging Someone Before You Even Know Them"

Molly Starts Pouting

|-( Sweet As Homemade Apple Pie 'Molly Holly')-| "What's Your Problem? Picking On A Female Like This I Mean, Normally I'd Defend Myself And All, But That's When Another Diva Yells And Makes Fun Of Me, Not A Male! It Makes Me Seem To Believe That You Can't Pick On Someone Your Own Size, Because You're Picking On Me"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "I Can Pick On Anyone I Choose To Bigger Or Smaller Than I Am, Besides If Your Taking Offense To What I Am Saying Then I Guess It Goes To Show You The Truth Hurts Molly, But No One Is Making You Stand Here And Take My Abuse, Your More Than Feel To Run Away From The Big Bad Man Thats Picking On Your Molly, Or Are You Gonna Stick Around And Be A Tough Little Hayseed??"

Molly Looks Shocked Then Rears Back And Slaps Christian Across The Face, Christian Gets Pissed Off Then Grabs Molly By The Throat And Rears Back To Hit Her But Instead He Pulls Her Close To Him And Kisses Her Hard And Passionately While Shoving His Tongue Into Her Mouth, Molly Fights To Try To Get Away But The Longer The Kiss Last The Less Molly Fights It, Christian Finally Breaks The Kiss Then Pushes Molly Down To The Ground And Heads Off Down The Hallway As Molly Grabs Her Head And Tries To Shake Off Her Light Headed Feeling As The Scene Fades

Scene: The Brood Dressing Room
Day: Thursday, February, 6th
Time: 3:44 PM

The Scene Re-Opens Inside The Dressing Room Of The Brood Where Brood Members Edge Along With The Brood Leader Gangrel Can Be Seen Doing Some Stretching And Preparing For Their Exhibition Match For The House Tonight While Talking Over Their Game Plan And Cracking A Few Jokes About The NWO And Their Six Man Tag Team Match On Revenge, Both Men Begin Laughing But Suddenly The Dressing Room Door Swings Open And Christian Walks Into The Room, Both Gangrel And Edge Stop Laughing, Christian Goes Over To His Locker And Goes Through His Things When Finally Edge Speaks Up

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "So Christian, Little Brother...You Have Trouble Finding Our Dressing Room??"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "No I Didn't Have Trouble Finding The Dressing Room Big Brother...Im Here Aren't I?"

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "Your Late...Where Have You Been??"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "I've Been Around...Just Had Somethings To Take Care Of..."

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "Somethings Are More Important Than Our Match On Revenge??"

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "Yeah Christian I Mean Come On, Were Supposed To Be Taking Over This Federation And You Can't Even Make It To The Dressing Room On Time??"

Christian Slams His Locker Door Shut

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Damn In The Name Of All Things Unholy Just Get The Hell Off My Back Will Ya?...I Just Ran Into A Little Problem"

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "...A Problem??"

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "Well Lets See If I Know My Baby Brother Christian, My Bet Would Be It Was A Girl Problem"

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "I'll Take That Bet...Ten Bucks Says He Can't Get A Girl"

Christian Clinches His Fist And Screams

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Goddamnit I Can So Get Her!"

Christian Stops And Realizes What He Just Said As Edge Laughs

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "Haha I Knew..Come On Gangy...You Lose...Pay Up"

Gangrel Mumbles And Gives Edge His Money

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "Well At Least He Bagged Us Some Fresh Meat For A Change"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "...NO!"

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "No?!..."

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "She's Not That Type Of Girl..."

Gangrel And Edge Raise Their Eyebrows

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "I Mean That She's Not Worth It...We Could Find Better"

Edge Walks Over And Puts His Arm Around Christian

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "And Find Better We Will Dear Brother But First Things First...What Have To Talk About Our Plan Of Attack For Our Match On Revenge Against The N.W.O. You Know..The Nasty Weird Odor"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Why Do We Have To Plan For Them?...I Mean Come On Really...Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett And Hulk Hogan...Please We Could Beat Those Guys In Our Sleep, There No Match For The Three Of Us...I Mean They Can't Even Crack Good Jokes...What Do They Have On Me??"

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "Two Words Little Brother...Ass & Cream..."

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "Never Underestimate Your Opponents Christian, Your Right In A Fair Match The NWO Can't Touch Us But With Scott Hall Lurking Around Ringside I Seriously Doubt That Anything About This Match Will Be Fair, Were Marked Men In This Federation, Everyone Knows That Were The Best So There Gonna Try And Take Out First"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Well If You Ask Me I Welcome The Challenge, I'll Take On This Whole Damn Federation If I Have To, Starting This Week With The NWO And Moving On Next Week To Eric Angle And The Intercontinental Title"

|-( The Tainted Soul 'Edge')-| "Next Week Against The Lesser Angle I'm Sure You'll Get The Job Done Christian But This Week Its A Group Effort, We Have To Watch Each Others Back And Decide Which One Of Us Is Gonna Focus On Which NWO Guy In This Match...Personal I'm Going After Jarrett, I Swear If I Hear Him Going Around Talking About Slapping Nuts One More Time I'm Gonna Scream"

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "Me I'm Going For The Biggest Man In The Match Kevin Nash...The Soo Called Sexecutioner, Big Sexy...He Maybe Big But He Sure As Hell Ain't Sexy...Not Like Me Anyway And You Know What They Say...The Bigger They Are...The Harder The Impact When I Crush Them"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Fine I Guess That Leaves Me With The Leader Of The Pack Himself Hollywood Hulk Hogan...The So Called Immortal...Thats Alright With Me...Cause Me And Hogan We Have A Score To Settle...Big Time!"

Christian Grabs His Hood And Puts It Back Over His Head As Gangrel And Edge Look At Each Other With Confused Looks

|-( The Brood Leader 'Gangrel')-| "And Where Are You Going Now?!?"

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Out...To Take Care Of Some Business"

Christian Exits The Dressing Room And Slams The Door Behind Him As Gangrel Gets Pissed Off And Edge Just Shakes His Head And The Scene Fades

Scene: The Skydome
Day: Friday, February, 7th
Time: 5:03 PM

The Scene Opens Inside The Empty Skydome Arena In Toronto Canada Where A Cameraman Enters One Of The Nose Bleed Sections Of The Arena And Films His Surroundings Then Films The Empty Ring Down Belows, The Cameraman Pans The Camera Around The Arena One Last Time Before Focusing On One Seat In Particular Where The Chyld Of Darkness Christian Sits With His Hand Folded And A Intense Stare Thats Focused Down At The Ring Below, Christian Begins Speak But Keeps His Glare On The Ring Below

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "The Legendary Sky Done Arena Where In Toronto Ontario Canada, The Sight Of WWF Wrestlemania Six, April 1st 1990, A Jam Packed Audience Of 67,678 People Packed Together From All Over The World To See The One Match That Everyone Has Always Dreamed Off, The Match Everyone Always Talked About But Never Thought Was Gonna Happen Until Wrestlemania Six Rolled Around, Now Close Your Eyes And Picture The Scene, The Main Event Of The Card Finally Arrives After A Bunch Of Lack Luster Matches And Finally The Lights Dim, That Music Hits And Every Goddamn Fan In This Arena Jump To Their Feet When That Music Hits The Sky Dome Speakers And The WWF Intercontinental Champion Comes Racing Down The Ramp, Every Fan Goes Absolutely Apeshit As The Ultimate Warrior Enters The Ring And Entertains The Crowd And Their All Loving It...Well All Except One Fan"

Christian Pauses For A Moment

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "One Small Child That Occupied This Very Seat That Im Sitting In Now Didn't Stand Up And Didn't Cheer The Ultimate Warrior No This Child Had Other Intentions In Mind, And By Looking At This Child You Could Tell That It Wasn't The Ultimate Warrior That He Came To See And When The Lights Dimmed Again And That Music Filled The Arena This Child's True Intentions Were Revealed, You See This Small Canadian Child Dawned The Red And Yellow Colors, This Child Had The Yellow Foam Finger And This Child Even Tho He Was A Proud Canadian Sung Along With That Theme Soon Entitled Real American, Yes As You Can Imagine By Now This Little Child Was Here To Root On The WWF World Heavyweight Champion The Immortal Hulk Hogan, And As Hogan Himself Came Out On Stage This Little Boy Heart Filled With Such Joy, Even Tho He Was In The Nose Bleed Section Of The Arena, Even Tho He Had A Hard Time Seeing What Was Going On He Felt That The Hulkster Was Coming Out There And Putting His Title On The Line And Fighting The Ultimate Warrior Just For Him"

Christian Cracks A Slight Sarcastical Grin

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "You See This Child Have Many Problems, He Wasn't The Most Popular Child, He Didn't Have Many Friends, Other Kids Made Fun Of Him Cause He Was Different And His Own Parents Didn't Even Love Him, The Real World Sucked For This Child But Yet He Moved On And He Pushed On Cause He Had One Escape, Where Place He Could Go To Make All The Trouble Go Away And Make It All Seem Worth It And That Was In Front Of The TV To Watch Professional Wrestling And One Wrestler In General...Hulk Hogan, The Hulkster Was This Childs Role Model, Hogan Is What This Child Wanted To Grow Up And Be One Day, He Looked Up In This Man And Every Week Would Sit In Front Of The TV And Watch This Man Week After Week Over Come The Odds And Come Out On Top, He Would Watch Hogan Draw That Energy From Inside And Hulk Up And Beat Any Bad Guy That Stood In The Way Of What Was Right And Good, This Little Boy Was Inspired By This And Every Night He Would Take His Vitamin And Say He Prayers Just Like Hogan Told Him To Do And Tried To Make The Most Of The Stack Of Cards That Life Had Dealt Him And Now This Child Was Here At Wrestlemania Six Watching His Hero Hulk Hogan Defend His World Heavyweight Title Against The Just As Popular Ultimate Warrior"

Christian's Grin Fades Back To A Cold Stare

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Now This Child Was Laughed And Teased Cause He Still Wore The Red And Yellow And He Still Believed In Hulkamania When Everyone Else Was Believing In The Power Of The Ultimate Warrior And Thats Why This Child Was Here, He Had To See For Himself If What All The Other Fans Were Saying Was True, Was Hogan Really Just A Phoney, Was His Hero The Real Deal Or Was Just A Pathetic Excuse Of A Wrestler That Would Crumble And Fall To The Ultimate, And As This Match Waged On The Emotions Inside This Child Changed With Every Blow, His Heart Raced And Sweat Poured Down His Face, Everything Just Child Believed In And Lived For Was On The Line In This Match, It Was All In His Hero's Hands And Yet As Everyone Knows Hulk Hogan Lost That Match To The Ultimate Warrior And Thus Crushed What Little Bit Of Life That Child Had Left, Hogan Killed The Faith That Child Had In Saying His Prayers And Taking His Vitamin, For That Child Life Was Over, His Childhood Was Stolen Away From Him And Shattered Into A Millions Pieces And Its All Cause Of Hulk Hogan...Hulk Hogan Killed That Child...Hogan Caused The Pain And Darkness Within That Child To Grow And Feed On What Little Good There Was Left...A Child Died That Night And Its Hulk Hogans Fault...That Child Was Me Hogan!...I Was That Child!...I Was That Little Boy And You Killed Everything I Believed In!...I Died That Night Hulk Hogan And It Was Your Fault!!...HOGAN IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!"

Christian Stops Screaming And Buries His Head Into This Hands, The Camera Focuses On The Ground Below Christian And What Appears To Be A Couple Of Tear Drops Hit The Floor Right Around Christian's Feet, The Camera Pans Back Up To Christian's Face Which Appears Tear Free As He Leans Back In His Seat And Finally Looks Into The Camera

|-( The Chyld Of Darkness 'Christian')-| "Hogan You And Me Have A Score To Settle Thats Been A Long Time Coming, This Sunday Night On Revenge Hogan I'm Going To Do Just That...Take My Revenge Out On You For What You Did To Me, Your The Reason The Darkness Consumed My Very Being, My Very Soul...You Are The Reason I Am What I Am Today And Anything I Do From This Point On Hogan Is Gonna Be Put On Your Head, Anyone I Destroy From This Moment On Is Gonna Be Your Fault, Whether It Be Eric Angle Next Week Or Your Partners In The NWO This Week, No Matter Who I Dismantle Your Gonna Be The One To Blame Hogan And Now What You Created Is Coming Back To Haunt You, Your Creation Doctor Frankenstein Is Coming For You And There's Nothing You Can Do To Stop It, Hogan I Brought The Lies You Feed Everyone Years Ago About Eating Your Vitamins And Saying Your Prayers, I Thought You Were A Role Model But Now Your Nothing More Then A Has-Been, It All Started At Wrestlemania Six Hogan, Some Thirteen Years Ago...Your Fall From Greatness Started Then And Its Still Going, Your Nothing But An Old Man Trying To Relive Past Glory, Hogan Your Pathetic...You Turned Your Back On All The Hulkamanic's To Join The NWO And Hide Behind A Bunch Of Guys To Do Your Dirty Work, Hell You've Changed Between Hulkamania And The NWO More Times Then You Change Your Depends Diapers, You Call Yourself Immortal...On Revenge Hogan I'm Gonna Show You Just How Mortal You Really Are...You've Gotten Away With The Murder Of A Child For Thirteen Years Now Hogan And Now On Revenge I'm Gonna Take An Eye For An Eye Hogan, I'm Gonna Punish The Murderer But Becoming A Murderer, You Gonna Get A Taste Of Your Wrong Doing Hogan But You See I'm Not Only Gonna Break You Mentally And Emotionally, I'm Gonna Hurt You Physically, I'm Part You Just Where You Belong Hogan...Six Feet Under In A Long Wooden Box, On Revenge Hogan You Meet Your Grim Reaper And The Brood Will Use Your Blood...The Very Fuel Of Hulkamania That Flows Through Your Viens To..."


Christian Gets Up Off Of His Seat And Walks Off As The Camera Focuses On The Tears Still Wet On The Ground As The Scene Fades To Static

--End RP