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Roleplay Information

Role-Play Number 88

# 4

Record 88

Single: 001 - 000  Tag: 000 - 000

Next Match 88

Kurt Angle Vs RVD & Austin

Stipulations 88


Alignment 88


Misc Information

 Ratings 88

Smackdown - #05 Rps  PPV's - #38 Rps

 Achievements 88

U.S. Champion (x1)

 Felt The Pedigree 88

- Brock Lesnar -


.:: ( | Start Transmission | ) ::.


|/- The Game's Forward -\|

Forward Ends


Status - On Camera
Location - Time Squre, New York City
Time - 4:00, PM

|/- The First Scene -\|
The scene opens up with trl fans cheering for the show and there favorite music that are going to beplaying over the hour on the show.. then you now see people just standing cheering, people that are probably just on their breal.. They look ready for almost anything, the camera shot goes inside of the building .. and you see more people in the show then Caduce comes out while people are going crazy inside...... then the camera goes into the front of a room, and you see someone just walking through the front door.. You know that this is Triple H smiling because he's going to be on todays so of trl, he has the U.S. Championship over his shoulder as he makes his way into the hallway.. He doesn't really say much of anything apon making his way into the hallway.. then the camera shows the people dance during one of trl music video then it shows caduce getting ready the talk after the video is done and a few minutes pass then caduce starts to talk.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "well...hello welcome back as we just saw the number nine music video from Linkin Park - Somewhere i belong but right now i just wanna welcome here righ now the man that beat Brock Lesnar this past sunday at Backlash he's the WWE U.S. Champion The Game Triple H!!!

|/- Then scene shows....when 'It's Time To Play The Game .. TIME TO PLAY THE GAM-ME' hits the P.A. the fans cheer becauase they hear Triple H music starting then they turns around looking directly in to the direction of The Game. Triple H, making his way to the stage area.-\|

|/- Triple H continues to make his way to the stage, The fans get their flash photography ready for the snapshots to be taken, for Triple H's signature water mist, then he does it and then shakes the hand of caduce as then caduce welcomes him to the show and being talking.-\|

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "Well welcome Triple H this is TRL and finally! we have you on the show here!!

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "I know i have been trying to get on here with you.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "Iknow man i have been try to get you here on this show for along time now but i know your a very busy man but it's great to have you here now?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "You dam right am a busy man but many there's so many people here right now i meam when i was coming to the studio here there was so many fans after the limo i was in, i mean they was running here ass off just to see me! .

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "God, i guess you had a crazy time getting in here but they there's nothing compare to the trl fans here in MTV

|/- then the fans being to cheer after what caduce said as then Triple H wnt ahead and went to the window to see eveybody outside in the cold streets of New York City and then triple h being to talk while looking outside.-\|

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) " god, look at those people there crazy man being out there in the cold streets.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "well those are your fans and am guessing there happy to see you here in mtv.

|/- then triple h start to show off for the people outside who couldn't be inside to see triple h as then for a moment triple h was posing then he stop and move to the center of the stage and then began talking to caduce.-\|

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "Well Triple H is seems to me that your the U.S. Champion -/Triple H shakes his head with a smile on his face and rubs the belt with his hand while it's on his shoulder-\ and by that said i saw on the pay per view that you beat Brock Lesnar?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well that just shows you how good i'am i mean come on i told the whole world that i was going to beat Brock Lesnar in which i did and i show him that's his nothing but a joke to the WWE!.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "wow! -/the fans get in the mood as to what Triple H just said about brock-\ well i guess you did but now that you're the u.s. champion don't it makes you feel that your represidenting the U.S.?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well yea i mean come on now am holding on the u.s. title which i know know am represidenting u.s.a hell i think i may be the champion for a every long time becuse i don't see anybody beating me yet for this title that i have!.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. " ahh but what about Kurt Angle?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "well what about Kurt Angle?.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "well isn't Kurt Angle teaming up with you and as we know that you too are teamng up and face two other guys at smackdown?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "well Kurt Angle right now is not doing anything as i know because hey sure he might be cheering u.s.a everyday but his not the one holding this belt and as for the does other two guys in the ring with me this thurday night well i gotta tell ya that they will play the game but the game is going to run all over them and then on my road to become the wwe champion!.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "wow pretty rougf words from one champion to another but right now we'll take a break and we come back from the break we'll put Triple H i the hot spot as i like to call it the RINGER!

|/- then the fans cheer Triple H, Triple H, Triple H as then triple h starts to shake hands to the fans and starts showing off for them as it goes to a commersial break while a few minuts pass by then the trl music starts and the fans are cheering for hunter as he is in the center of the stage sitting down on a chair just waiting for the ringer to start then it shows caduce talking-\|

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "well welcome everybody back to trl as right now as you can see triple h is in the center of the stage sitting down because right now ten luck people from this room will ask triple h any question that they want and triple h have to answer them so here we start

|/- then the camera shows triple sitting down and getting ready for the people's questions-\|

..::(('first fan Cindy))::.. "What's up with you and torrie?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "well right now Torrie is doing here own this and am doing my own thing but just o tell'ya what we and Torrie have is just bbusiness but don't be shock in the following weeks

..::(('Second fan Eric))::.. "Do you have any advice for me, because i want to become a wrestler?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Stay in shape because i think you need it pal hahaha....

..::(('3 fan Kevin))::.. "How do you feel about working not only with vince mcmahon but also with eric bsichoff.

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "well with Vince am cool but with Eich Bischoff i don't like'em and am sure as hell will never team up with him because i think he can do to hell!

..::(('fouth fan Jesica))::.. "what are you doing tonight?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Going out with YOU.

..::(('fifth fan Nancy))::.. " How does it feels to be with the Playboy Cover girl rather than Stephanie McMahon?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well all i can say is that it's better to be with Torrie because atleast there's two champions walking around but with Steph she's never really been know where because she's always had everything handed to her.

..::(('six fan Michael))::.. " Triple H How Does It Feel To Be The United States Champion?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Like i said before and i'll say it again GREAT.

..::(('Seventh fan John))::.. "What's Going Threw Your Mind SInce Your Good friend Kevin Nash Could Be The Next World Champion.

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well if the big man wanna go for the wwtitle well let him go for it because there's always a dog going after him for the belt.

..::(('Eight fan Blanka))::.. "If Kevin Nash Becomes World Champion What Are You Going To Do

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Celebrate with him but just for a litte while.

..::(('Ninth fan Brian))::.. "Is There Any Chance Of You Bringing Back DX Or The Kliq?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "No not now because as far am concer kid DX or the KLIQ is not coming back right now because as long as am on a roll am good where am at right now.

..::(('Tenth fan Jeffery))::.. "What Do You Want To Do Before You Retire?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Kick Austin ass andd become the WWE Champion!.

..::(('MTV Worker Caduce))::.. "WOW! thanks triple h for you time for answer these question fom your fans here in mtv and hope to see you again here on mtv.

..::[Then triple h music starts as then fans are cheering for him as he shows off then the camera fades to commersial .]::..

Status - On Camera
Location - Time Squre New York, The World
Time - 7:00, PM

..::[Well the sence start showing the world in time squre after three hours from Triple H being in TRL and everybody is waiting for triple h in the enterance as then a black limo comes out and everybody is waiting on who it is then the door opens and it's triple h while his coming out from the limo everybody starts to cheer for him but then as triple h comes out right behind him is the WWE Woman's champion Torrie Wilson as even more people cheer for her then the both of them start walking in the restertaunt as then the the sence then flases to a wwe video intro then after a few minutes of the video it shows back to the world live in time squre then you start hearing the vocie of michael cole as the fans starts to cheer even higher.]::..

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "Well hello Ladies And Gentlemen to The World, I Am Your Host Michael Cole...and My Guest Here Tonight guess Is The WWE United States Champion Please Welcome The Game Triple H and WWE Woman's Champion Torrie Wilson To The Show .

..::[with that side when michael cole inroduce them to everybody triple h music came on then all of a sudden Torrie Wilson and Triple H came out with there WWE Titles on there shoulder with smiles on there faces and then they went to the center of the stage and pose for everybody then they went to sit down on the black couch while they went to site down michael cole began talking to them.]::..

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "well hello Triple H and Torie welcome to the world in time squre.

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well i shouldn't be here tonight because as you see New York City is a dirty place to be but you know when ever your in new york something always happen

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "Triple H My Question Is How Do You Keep So Much Focus In The Ring Knowing Their Are Guys In The Back Who Are Going To Try And Take You Out?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Being one of the biggest men in the ring makes watching my back easier... I mean I know there are people who want to be me and have everything I have had, but it's just the fact that they aren't true championship material Cole... I got this title FIRST try against Brock, the chump shouldn't have arrive at the pay per view knowing he was going to lose the match for christs sake...... I don't mess around Cole, my focus is that I want to win and make sure I take things at my own pace, it's just me against my enemy and like I said being one of the biggest men here means the odds start in my favour there...

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "Speaking Of Brock And Winning The Title, You Are The U.S. Champion And You Have Been Champion for like six days Now Are You Happy Being The U.S. Champion And Looking To Bring Some Respect Back To The Belt Or Are You Ready To Move On To Bigger And Better Things?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "I am the best title holder that's ever held in any wrestling company... I havn't defended this title yet? but...... I would like to move up, who wouldn't but I have a title and while I have this title I go for other titles... I only see one title and hat is WWE Championship belt but rest of sure that i'll get that title because i'll do whatever it takes to get it......

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "That Ties Into My Next Question Hunter, Recently On Last Week Pay Per View Yourself And Torrie Wilson have Had Matches of ya own first You Triple H againsT The Nexts Big Thing Brock Lesnar And Torrie Wilson against Stephanie McMahon, you Two Got Wins over both of those superstars on your respected matches And Many People Think It Was An Upset That both of two won your matches, Others Say That Torrie Paid Off a pretty good price to Eric Bischoff to get the title to her...What Are Your Thoughts

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "It comes down to the fact that Brock Lesnar and Stephanie McMahon, though that we're not losers...... I mean the matches was great, but they are the losers now, but trust me, we won't let nobody beat us...... I guess Jealousy is as they say a CURSE! *smirks* It's like what Hunter and I said earlier before we came here, he and i the best people in the world and that is whatever we touch turns to gold... Everyone wants a piece of us, but they don't measure up to our standards... That's why Triple H and I will remain respective champs for longer than most, we will be the best champions of WWE....

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "I Have To Totally Agree With You On That One but Now Torrie, please let me thank you for turning up today, might I add you're looking gorgeous as ever....

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "Aww thanks Michael! Dont i always? And no problem! Its somethin new im glad to be here....

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "Now this week, at Backlash you won the WWE's Woman's Chamionship match, now please explain how you came to be in this position, pretty much what lead you along the road to make it here? How did you start off in WWE?....

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "Well when i came here i knew i wanted to become the womens champion. Every diva hopes to achieve that and i knew that i had what it takes. But i never expected it to happen at Backlash .But Vince and Eric saw something in me and put me in that match last minute and i won the title proving that i am the best. And i know many of the divas think otherwise but they will soon find out why i am the champion and its because im the best and i worked very hard to get to where i am. And i will continue to work hard to keep the title ....

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "*smirks at Torrie's wink and winks back grinning* Well I am sure you know that you're extreme attitude is one of the things that works in your benefit and well you're also a bit of a sultry diva....Especially to the men... But I am sure being as sexy as you are you knock back offers daily... But tell the fans at home what is your relationship life like with Triple H

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "Well i do get a lot of offers but you know ever since i came here i had my eye on one guy, Triple H. And my relationship with him right now is quite professional although some might disagree. Hunter and I are just "friends " Right now. He is a great guy and im happy to be managing him....

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "but if am not wrong knowing that your in playboy i know and everybody knows that you was going out with two guys at the sametime and with that being said that was RVD, and Kane and now with Triple H

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "Well yes i am in Playboy and of course all the guys wanted me, RVD, Kane, and lots more. And i thought that two guys were better than one and those two didnt a problem with it. And i wasnt going out with either of them, i just have them what they wanted at the time.But i got bored of RVD and Kane. I met Hunter and trust me Triple H is ALOT better than both of them put together... And as Playboy cover girl you meet a lot of guys and i must say out of all of them, Hunter has got to be the best......

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "Now another question, give me one male wrestler you would like to slap the taste out of his mouth and why... Also on the same note give me a female you want to give the Damage to?

(( 'Woman's Champion' Torrie Wilson)) "Thats easy.. Stephanie McMahon is one person i would love to slap the hell out of. She has dont nothing but insult me here whole time here But she wil get whats coming to her on Smackdown. As for the guys, most of them have been pretty nice to me except for RVD. The guy threatened me in his promo. He said he was going to give me a broken nose.. now come on. Do you really think that Hunter here would let that happen.. NO! But if RVD trise anything, i guarantee you he will get more than a slap to the face, ill kick him right in the junk and ill make sure he doesnt say anything like that about me again. Simple as that.......

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "well Torrie since your being on this show right now are you ever going to show the wwe fans what you really got in the package body i mean this is the world would you show sexual things right now?

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "Well you it's people like you get gives woman those type of names i mean Torie don't need to show you people nothing i mean why would she show those puppies if she don't even hardly knows you people...yea sure you seen her on magazine but don't don't mean jack sh*t! and as far am concern Torrie don't need to show nobody nothing to get her famous becaus as long she's with me, she'll always be famous because if you want proof just tell Stephanie!

(( 'U.S. Champion' Triple H)) "so am only going to say this once Austin, RVD at smackdown you'll go down you'll not win because am the GAME and i'am that dam GOOD! and this show is over

..::[then triple h starts while his music is on triple h and torrie stand up and show off for everybody in the place then michael cole starts to talk higher.]::..

..::(('Little Michael Cole))::.. "well thank you everybody for joining us here tonight at the world live and we wanna thank you Triple H, Torrie for joining here tonight so everybody watch smackdown this week at it's always live in smackdown see you everybody!?

..::[then the sences fades away then it show the wwe logo at the end.]::..


' Static '


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