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Monday, May 10 2004
"It Begins"

Its been nearly a year since i felt the rush of adreneline that comes with walking out in front of tens of thousdands of fans every week. And i've missed it. Since i left wrestling last year shortly of XcW closed i've felt as though my life just aint complete. Me leaving wrestling wasn't just the end of a relationship, it felt like a fucking divorce from a woman i still loved. Heartbreaking.

Looking back i wish i hadn't hung up the boots, i mean, i could of got work elsewhere. But out the time i was very bitter about this business. Within two months i'd had two organisations terminate my contract and close down on me. Both companies that i'd been with on and off through-out my career. One more than the other. Hades Hardcore Fighting. Started a joke - hads its four months of glory - finished a joke. Regardless, i stuck with them and when half the fucking roster stood up and walked out it was me who went back to help. And what happens. BANG, I'm straight at the bottom of the card jobbing to Trent fucking Dranded. It wasn't long before the pay checks stopped coming and the "closed" sign was hung in the door.

Then there was XcW, but at the time, i wasn't really focused anyway. And when it closed it was more like a blessing.

During the last four or five months, i started to wonder what it'd be like to step back inside the ring. To hear the roar of the crowd. To think about it still sends chills down my spine.


Martyn Seas is sitting on his black leather two seat sette in his East London home. Infront of him is a light brown coffe table with a steaming cup of coffee on top. Every now and then He leans foward, picks up the cup, takes a swig the puts the drink back down. All the time keeping his eyes on the T.V. It's ten in the morning and Martyn's getting his daily dose of "Trisha" on ITV1. Suddenly a faint buzzing sound is heard. It's the sound of Martyn's mobile phone ringing in his pocket. He stands up partially and takes the phone from his pocket. The screen reads "Jay"

Martyn: Bit early for you son.

Jay: I know bru', i know. 'Cha-doin' today?

Martyn: I'm watching Trisha right now, But after that nuthin'.

Jay: Trish?

Martyn: Yeah.

Jay: Fuck that, gimme Jerry Springer anyday.

Martyn: Nah dont watch that, it's all false ma.......

Martyn's phone bleeps.

Martyn: Shit i got another call, i'll phone you back.

Jay: 'Ight.

He presses a button and answers the new call.

Martyn: Who's that phonin' me on private number.

?: Hello, am i speaking to Martyn Seas?

Martyn: Who's that, police?

?: No Martyn. It's Mr Greeney.

Martyn: How d'you get my number?

Mr. Greeney: You've still got the same number as when you worked for me.

Martyn: 'Ight, 'ight. So, What d'ya want.

Mr. Greeney: To talk.

Martyn: About?

Mr. Greeney: Business.

Martyn: Okay....

Mr. Greeney: Martyn, i dont really want to do this over the phone. Why dont you come and see me tommorow.

Martyn: Where?

Mr. Greeney: You still living in London?

Martyn: Yeah.

Mr. Greeney: Okay. Trafalga Square. Tommorow at two.

Martyn: See you then.


So after five months of wanting to step back into the ring. I might just have a chance, i'll just have to wait and see.

Copyright of MS & HcW 2004