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People Used 88
Triple H,
People Mentioned 88
Kurt Angle, Stephanie McMahon, and Rey Mysterio
Roleplay Number 88
Next Match88
Triple H vs Rey Mysterio
W/D/L Record 88
|- 1 - 5 - 0 -|
Championships Won88
None Yet
This layout was made for the Triple H in the ACW.. by me.. Anthony Mancini..Banners were made by me, And the Tabls were made by Will Minor.. So please don't steal it.

[The scene opens with "The Game" by Motorhead playing over the WWE speaker system. After a few seconds of the music playing someone walks out from behind the Smackdown set. Its Triple H in a black HHH shirt and long black pants. He walks down the ramp and looks at the ring with a mad look on his face.]

[Triple H walks up to the ring and grabs the middle rope with his left hand. He puts his right knee onto the ring apron and steps up onto the apron with his left foot. Triple H bends down and gets into the ring. He walks over to the ropes and looks over at the ring announcer. The ring announcer walks over and hands Triple H a microphone. Triple H takes the microphone and walks to the middle of the ring. He raises the microphone up to his mouth and begins to speak.]

Triple H: "This week has been horrible! I been beat down by a pyscho named Kane and then when I was with my future wife Stephanie McMahon we were victimes of a bloodbath. I been hearing all the rumors and I know everyone thinks in the back of their mind it could be me setting this up. Well I'll tell you like Stephanie told Michael Cole a few days ago. It isn't me and it never would be me. Since Stephanie and I are getting remarried at WrestleMania the is no reason I would ever harm her. Even if we weren't getting remarried I would never ever be heartless enough to bloodbath a beautiful woman like Stephanie. You all have to know that and face it that there is no way your going to turn Stephanie and I against each other. No way in hell will that ever happen and you all better figure that out. Now after all that bullsh!t I get put in a match this week on Smackdown. Tommorow night my match is against Rey Mysterio. That little punk caught me on a REALLY bad week. Because in the past I lost to Kane and I was caught in the middle of a bloodbath. When you fight a man after all that you know your going to lose. Because my anger is beyond what anyone could or will ever know! Stephanie has backed me up for three weeks now and I done nothing but let her down. Now I face Rey and I won't let her down again. This week will be diffrent from my past matches. I saw Rey's little rap and I guess you could say it was funny. Considering the little punk couldn't see my chin if he didn't look up. This match won't be to great. Cause I can't go in there and look my opponent eye to eye. It will be more like eye to chest..."

[Triple H walks around the ring a few seconds laughing at what he just said. Then he raises the microphone up to his mouth and begins to speak again.]

Triple H: "