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Welcome to the Official Website of the strongest, sexiest and most charasmatic wrestler in Australia - Hardcore Superstar.

Sorry about the lack of updates lately. My computer crashed and I lost a lot of stuff. BAD webmistress! *spanks self* Anyway, some new stuff added recently - check out Hardcore's new Commentary, where he talks about his recent trip to the US. New links added plus look out for loads of new pics in Hardcore's Gallery, which I will be adding in these next few days! Again, if you have any photos that you can contribute to the site, or even any ideas, please email me and let me know. Thank you! - Mz Whiplash.





Questions? Suggestions? Problems with the site? Please feel free to email the Webmistress

All pictures are property of the Official Website Hardcore Superstar and are not to be used without express permission from either the webmistress, or Hardcore Superstar.