Results From OOCW Bloody War

Twister vs. Spazz for the super juniors title-They lock up. Spazz gets him into a headlock. Twister reverses it into a hammerlock. Spazz gets him into a hammerlock of his own. Twister reverses it into a waist lock. Spazz hits the ropes and rolls Twister off. He leapfrogs over him and ducks a clothesline. He then goes for a hip toss but Twister blocks it and gives him a hip toss of his own followed by an arm drag. Spazz then catchs him with an arm drag of his own. Spazz takes the legs out from under him for a two count. Twister does the same for a two count. They stand off and the fans applaud. They lock up again and Spazz gets him into a headlock takedown. Twister gets out of it by getting Spazz into a head scissors. Spazz uses his body to push himself up and drop himself across Twister for a two count. Twister bridges up and gives him a backslide for a two count. He then goes for a clothesline but Spazz ducks it and hits him with a dropkick for a two count. He then goes for a suplex but Twister blocks it and gives him a suplex of his own for a two count. He then goes to the top rope but Spazz gets back up and tosses him off the top rope. Spazz then climbs to the top rope and hits Twister with a cross body but Twister reverses the pin and gets a two count. They both get up and they both hit each other with a double clothesline. Spazz is the first to get up as he goes for a Superkick but Twister ducks it and hits him with a backdrop followed by a DDT. He then goes to the top rope and hits him with the Shooting Star Press for the pin.

Venom vs. Maximum-Max jumps him from behind and hits him with punchs and kicks in the corner. He then goes to whip him into the other corner but Venom reverses it and whips him into the other corner and follows it up with a splash. He then whips him back into the other corner and follows it up with another splash. He then gives him a powerslam for a two count. He then slams him down and goes for an elbow drop but Max rolls out of the way. Max then goes for a leg drop but Venom rolls out of the way. Venom goes for a clothesline but Max ducks it and backdrops him out of the way. Max then goes for a springboard dive over the ropes to the outside but Venom catchs him and slams him back first against the ring post. He then throws him back into the ring and covers him for a two count. He then throws him back into the corner and gives him some chops followed by some shoulder blocks to the ribs. He then follows it up with some kicks. He then gives him a clothesline for a two count. He then goes for a powerbomb but Max gets out of it and gives him a neckbreaker for a two count. He then goes for a tornado DDT but Venom blocks it and gives him a northern light suplex for a two count. He then follows it up with a release German suplex right on the back of his head! He then follows it up with the Venom Driver for the pin.

Super Beast vs. Misery w/ Kristen for the hardcore title-Misery brings out a bundle of light tubes. Beast brings out a garbage can full of weapons. He throws them into the ring and goes right after Misery with punchs in the corner. He then whips him into the other corner and follows it up with a backdrop. He then gets a garbage can lid and hits him over the head with it several times. He then gets a crutch and hits him across the chest and then across the back with it and it breaks! He then covers him for a two count. He then slams him down and pulls out a clock. He hits him over the head it. He then lays it across his chest and gets a golf club and smashes it! Kristen gets up on the ring apron and distracts Beast while Misery low blows him. He then gets another crutch and breaks it over Beasts back! He then pulls out a chain and wraps it around his fist and gives Beast punchs with it! Beast is busted open. He then sets the bundle of light tubes up in the corner and goes to whip Beast into it but Beast reveres it and sends him face first into the light tubes and the fans chant OOCW! He then takes a broken piece of glass and digs it into his head! Misery is now busted open as well! He then gets a chair and goes for the Beast Drop but Misery moves out of the way. Misery then hits him over the head with the chair. He then follows it up with the DVD on the garbage can for the pin!

After the match he says he has beaten Super Beast, the Eliminator, and Psycho in OOCW. He says he wants to face the one man he has never beaten and that is Venom. Venom comes out and says he is through with hardcore matchs. Misery says he will make Venom change his mind.

Matt Cool vs. Kash for the TV title-Cool attacks Kash once again from behind as he is coming to the ring. He then continues to beat him down at ringside with punchs and kicks. He then goes for a suplex on the ground but Kash blocks it and gives him a suplex of his own on the ground. He then gets a chair and hits him across the back twice with it and then once over the head. He then throws him into the ring. He slams him face first into the top turnbuckle ten times. He then goes to whip him into the other corner but Cool reverses it and whips him into the corner and follows it up with a clothesline. He then hits him with a DDT. He then gets a chair and hits him across the back and then over the head. He then sets the chair up in the corner and goes to whip him into it but Kash reverses it and whips him into it face first. He then gets the chair and throws it at him when he gets up and dropkicks the chair in his face! He then hits him over the head with the chair again. Cool is busted open now and Kash continues to try and make him bleed more with punchs to the head. He then goes to hit him with the chair again but Cool ducks it and gives him a kick to the chest. He then gets the chair and hits him over the head with it. He then follows it up with a clothesline out of the ring. He then goes for a powerbomb on the ground but Kash blocks it and backdrops him. He then gives him a DDT on the ground. He then goes for the Kash Flow but Cool blocks it. Cool gives him a low blow followed by the Neckbreaker. He then goes under the ring and gets a bag. He then throws Kash and the bag into the ring. He then pours the bag out in the middle of the ring. Its thumbtacks! He goes for a piledriver but Kash blocks it. Kash then hits him with a low blow and gives him the Kash Flow into the tacks and the fans chant OOCW! Kash goes to the top rope but Cool gets up and shakes the ropes. He then gives him a superplex into the tacks! He then gets a roll of duct tape and tapes his hands behind his back. He then gets a chair and nails him across the head with a brutal chair shot. He then continues to hit him with the chair several times more. Kash is busted open badly. He then gives him a piledriver into the tacks! The referee asks Kash if he wants to quit and he says no. Cool pulls him back up and gives him a second piledriver into the tacks and the fans chant OOCW! The referee asks Kash if he wants to quit again but Kash can barely answer him. Cool pulls him up and gives him a third piledriver into the tacks and the referee just stops the match. He then announces Cool the winner and the new TV champion.

Psycho comes out. He challenges anyone to a match for the OOCW title. Kaos comes out and stands at the entrance. From behind Karnage comes in and attacks Psycho. He then sets him up for the Superkick but Psycho ducks it and hits him with a clothesline. He then follows it up with the Psycho Driver. Kaos then hits the ring and attacks the champion. He hits him over the head with the OOCW title and then hits him with the Kaos Theory. Psycho is busted open for the beslt shot. He then challenges him at the next show to a ladder match for the title.