Results From HBW Backyard Revolution 3

Tony D vs. Kash-Kash dropkicks Tony for a two count. On the outside Kash his a dive over the top rope. Tony suplexs Kash on the outside after a low blow. Tony pins Kash in the ring for a two count with a a clothesline. Tony slams him down and drops an elbow and then a knee to the chest. Kash hits another dropkick when he reverses the whip into the ropes and then DDTS Tony for another two count. Kash hits the Kash Flow and goes for the pin but Tony gets his foot on the rope. Tony rolls up Kash and uses the rope for leverage to get the pin.

Winner: Tony D

Homeless Jay vs. Karnage-Jay hits Karnage with a chair and pins him but gets a two count. Karnage fights back with some punchs and chops. Jay is whipped anjd clotheslined into a corner. Karnage then hits a bulldog and gets a two count. He set up the chair but Jay revserses the whip into the ropes and gives Karnage a drop toe hold on to the chair and then a DDT. Jay pins him 1,2, but he kicks out. Jay bulldogs Karnage on the chair and then powerbombs him for another two count. Jay is low blowed by Karnage who then hits a suplex on the chair for the pin.

Winner: Karnage

Psycho is interviewed by JB. He says that after Venom is done destroying Kaos he wants Venom in a hardcore title match.

Matt Cool vs. Psyhco in a hardcore match-Matt Cool sets up about six chairs on the outside. Psycho nails Matt in the ribs with his shoulderas Matt is on the apron of the ring. He tries to suplex him but Matt reverses it and suplexs him on to the chairs. He then goes for a legdrop off the apron but missies and lands on the chairs. Psycho gets some light tubes and hits Matt with one over the head. He is busted open. Matt gets one of his own from a fans and breaks it with his foot and then clotheslines Psycho. He then takes the sharp glass and digs it into Psychos head. Psycho is now bleeding too. They fight back and fourth with chops and Psycho hits the Psycho Driver for the pin.

Winner: Psycho

Venom and Young Blood vs. Rukkus and Kid Krazy vs. Kaos and Rough Cut for the tag team titles-Kid Krazy hits the Krazy Bomb on Kaos for a two count as Blood breaks up the pin. Venom is tagged in and hits Kaos with a DDT and clothesline. Then he slams him down and hits legdrop and Rough Cut breaks up the pin. The disctraction allows Kaos to roll up Venom for a two count. Venom tags in Blood and Rough Cut is tagged in. Rough Cut hits the Final Cut but Rukkus breaks up the pin and hits a handspring backflip elbow in the corner on Rough Cut and then a bulldog for a two count. Blood hits Krazy with the Young Blood Driver and Kaos hits Rukkus with a inverted DDT for a two count as Benom breaks it up and throws him to the outside. Venom pins Krazy with a pile driver on a chair.

Winners: Venom and Young Blood still the tag team champions

Young Blood and Venom are waiting alone outside with the tag team titles as JB comes up to interview him. Before he can talk to them they are attacked by Karnage, Rough Cut, and Kaos.