Results From HBW Backyard Revolution 2

Chris Starr vs. Kaos-Kaos brags to the crowd about how he injured Venom and how he was going to win the title. Starr hits a drop kick and a neck breaker to start the match. He goes for a suplex but Kaos blocks it and slams him down and drops an elbow. Kaos goes on to win after Carnage interferes and busts Starr open with a chair.

Winner: Kaos

Rukkus vs. Kid Krazy-A great rematch from the last show. Rukkus did his usual crazy spots. Rukkus goes for the 450 but misses. Krazy hits a Karzy bomb but only gets a two count. They fight on the outside and Rukkus hits a handspring triple backflip on Krazy. Krazy does a dive from the inside of the ring to the outside over the top rope on Rukkus. Rukkus goes for another 450 splash but is broken up by Carnage and Kaos. They hit Rukkus with a chair and then attack Kid Krazy. The ref stops the match.

Winner: No Contest

Super Beast vs. Homeless Jay-Jay brings it his shopping cart full of weapons. Jay and Super Beast start the match on the outside. They fight up the deck where the fan are sitting. Jay nails Super Beast with some vicious chair shots. They get back to the ring and Jay hits Super Beast with a music box. Then he hits him with a phone and then uses the cord to strangle him. They fight back to the deck again with Jays shopping cart. They set up a table. Super Beast hits Jay with a chair and stuff him in the cart. He pushs it off the deck and threw a table. He brings Jay back to the ring and pins him.

Winner: Super Beast

Carnage vs. Ballz-Carnage comes out and grabs a chair. As Ballz is coming through the entrance Carnage hits him with the chair. In the ring Carnage hits a DDT on the chair. Kid Krazy and Rukkus ran out and attacked Carnage. Kaos comes out but Rukkus dives out of the ring onto Kaos. They help Ballz pin Carnage.

Winner: Ballz

Rough Cut vs. Young Blood-Both men trae shots with steel chairs. They try to go for the pin but they both kick out. Rough Cut goes for "the final cut" on two chairs but Young Blood blocks it and dropkicks him. Young Blood goes on to pin Rough Cut with a "young blood driver."

Winner: Young Blood

Kaos vs. Ballz

Kaos pins Ballz with a suplex on a bunch of chairs. Match included Ballz htting a powerbomb from the inside of the ring to the outside on about ten chairs on Kaos and Kaos htting Ballz with a barbwire crutch.

Super Beast vs. Young Blood

Speaking of blood, Young Blood gets busted open early in the match by a brutal chair shot from Super Beast. Beast pins Blood with a top rope leg drop with a chair.

Winner: Super Beast

Venom comes out. He tells the fans that he is too injured to wrestle and that is why they are having a tournament for a new champion. Kaos and Carnage come out. Kaos says he is going to win the title tonight and that he wants who ever it was who helped Venom pin Kaos last week to come out. No one comes out. Venom goes to leave but Carnage and Kaos attack him and give him a double clothesline. Kaos gets a singapore cane and starts beating Venom with it. Venom is busted open by the cane. They rip off Venoms shirt and hold him over nthe ropes as Kaos continuses to hit Venom again and again with the stick. Kid Krazy and Rukkus come out and make the save for a bloody Venom. We still dont know who helped Venom win at the last show.

Super Beast vs. Kaos for the vacant HBW title-Kaos is in the ring with Carnage. Supert Beast is standing on top of the high deck where Venom was thrown off at the last show. He says if Kaos wants the title he is going to have to come up here for it. Super Beast hangs the belt up on top of the roof. He climbs down the ladder a makes this match a ladder match with the belt on the roof. Super Beast hits Carnage with a chair in the ring but Kaos hits a neck breaker. Kaos does a leg drop and an elbow then goes out for the belt. But Super Beast uses the ropes to spring himself up and dives to the outside on Kaos and Carnage. Super Beast goes up to the deck but Kaos comes from behind with a chair and hits him. Kaos drops the ladder across the back off Super Beast on the lower deck and then sets it back up and starts climbing to the higher deck. Super Beast follows him and they start fighting on the higher deck. Someone in a black mask comes out and nails Carnage with a chair to the back of the head. The masked person starts to climb up the ladder with a bunch of light tubes taped together. Kaos hits a DDT on the deck and gets a chair to stand on to reach up for the belt. But the masked person nails Kaos in the chest with light tubes. They help Super Beast up. Super Beast reachs a grabs the belt.

Winner: Super Beast and new HBW champion

Who could the masked person have been? Could it have been the same person who helped Venom win at the last show?