Results From HBW Climbing The Ladder

Here we are at HBW Climbing The Ladder. This could be HBWs last show because many people are trying to shut us down. But tonight we say screw the rules! HBW brings to you the most extreme show of backyard wrestling.

JB interviews a new wrestler Maximum. He says he will beat Spazz tonight.

JB goes for an interview once again with Homeless Jay who refuses to speak.

Maximum vs. Spazz-Spazz dropkicks Maximum and throws him outside the ring. Spazz goes to the top rope and dives out on Maximum. Back in the ring Maximum clotheslines Spazz for a two count. Maximum suplexs him and goes to the middle rope but misses a leg drop. Spazz DDTs him. Up to the top rope Spazz hits the swanton bomb for a three count.

Winner: Spazz

Tony D vs. Matt Cool vs. Homeless Jay in an elimination match-Matt Cool attacks Jay from behind. Tony D rolls up Matt for a two count. Jay hits them both with a double clothesline for a two count on Tony. Jay gets some weapons from his cart. He hits Tony with a garbage can lid and then hits Matt with a chain he wraps around his fist. Then he hits Matt with a chair. Matt is busted open. Tony hits Jay with a crutch from behind for a two count. Matt hits a low blow and then a neckbreaker on Tony and eliminates him. Matt hits Jay with a neckbreaker but only gets a two count. Matt gets Jays cart and set it up on two chairs. They stand on it and Matt drops Jay down across it and then gives him another neckbreaker for the pin.

Winner: Matt Cool

JB interviews Matt Cool who is all bloody. He is celebrating his win on what could be his last match on HBWs last show.

Karnage w/ Kaos vs. Kash-Karnage and Kash double team Kash with a clotheslines and then a suplex. Karnage pins him for a two count. Kaos gets a chair and hits Kash with it and Karnage gets the cover again for a two count. Kaos hits an inverted DDT but Kash kicks out of Karnages pin again. Kash fights back with a DDT on Karnage and a dropkick on Kaos. Kash pins Karnage for a two count. To the top rope Kash hits a splash for a two count as Kaos breaks it up. He throws Kaos over the top rope but Karnage hits Kash with a chair for a three count.

Winner: Karnage

Ballz and Super Beast vs. Rukkus and Kid Krazy for the tag team titles-Ballz and Rukkus start out. Rukkus DDTs him and then whips him into the ropes. Handspring backflip elbow by Rukkus followed by a bulldog for a two count. Super Beast is tagged and suplexs Rukkus for a two count. Krazy clotheslines Super Beast and Ballz throws him to the outside. Ballz is whipped into the ropes and Krazy hits him with a chair as Rukkus suplexs Beast. Rukkus dives over the top rope on Ballz and then Super Beast hits Rukkus and Krazy with a chair. Back in the ring Krazy ducks a chair shot and hits Beast with a Krazy Bomb on a chair and then Rukkus hits the 450 splash as Ballz is knocked off the apron of the ring by Krazy.

Winner: Kid Krazy and Rukkus still the tag team champions

Psycho comes out for an interview with JB. JB asks him who his opponent is going to be. Psycho says he doesnt know. Young Blood runs out but is attacked by Rough Cut. Psycho dives from he inside of the ring to the outside. They fight through the entrance and all the fans follow. Rough Cut is whiiped into a fence by Blood but he is then suplexed on the concrete by Psycho. Cover but Rough Cut breaks it up by hitting Pscyho with a chair and pins him for a two count. Blood hits Rough Cut with a chair and then hits him with a recycling bin for a two count. Rough Cut gets a bunch of light tubes and hits Psycho on the back with it anfd then digs a broken piece of it into Psychos head and busts him open. Back in the ring Rough Cut gets hit with a light tube of his own and then powerbombs him on a chair for a two count. Young Blood hits Psycho with a Young Blood Driver and pins him for the win.

Winner: Young Blood the new hardcore champion

Kaos vs. Venom w/ Kristen for the HBW title in a ladder match-The ladder is set up on the outside of the ring. The belt is hanging above our high deck. You have to use the ladder to climb up there and grab the belt. Kaos and Venom start trading chops. Venom sends Kaos into the ropes and clotheslines him. Kaos revereses a whip and sends Venom into a corner and then DDTs him. Then Kasod rops an elbow and a legdrop. Kaos gets the ladder and whips Venom into it when it is set up in the corner. Fans hand Kaos some light tubes and he breaks some over Venoms back. Kaos whips Venom into the ropes but Venom throws Kaos over the top rope. When Kaos is down on the ground Venom drops the ladder over the top rope down on to him. Back in the ring Venom gives Kaos a drop toe hold on the chair. Kristen gets a table and Venom sets it up. Venom nails Kaos in the head with a light tube and a chair that busts him open. He puts him on the table and climbs the ladder as Kristen holds it. Venom goes to the top and goes for a splash but Kaos rolls off and Venom goes through the table.Kaos sets the ladder up on the deck but Venom hits him with a light tube as he is climbing up. Venom starts climbing the ladder but Kaos meets him at the top. They fight until Venom knocks Kaos off through a table. Venom grabs the belt and wins the match.

Winner: Venom the new HBW champion