HBW Homicide Results

Chris Starr vs. Homeless Jay-Jay came to the ring with a shopping cart full of weapons. Starr gained the early advantage by attacking Jay from behind. Starr grabbed and chair but Jay dropkicked it into Starrs face that knocked him out of the ring. Jay grabbed a mini garbage can out of his cart and put it over Starrs head and hit him with a chair. Back in the ring Starr gets the advantage again with a low blow. Now he gets a chain and starts to choke Jay. Jay uses the ropes to throw Starr out of the ring. Jay springs up on the ropes and hits a cross body on the unprotected ground. Jay makes the referee help him lift his cart into the ring. Jay gets two chairs and sets the cart up on the chairs. Jay bends over the ropes to grab Starr but Starr nails him in the head with a trash can lid and then hits him with a crutch. Starr finishs Jay off with a powerbomb on the cart.

Winner: Chris Starr

Kid Krazy vs. Rukkus-Rukkus does his usual stuff including a handspring double backflip elbow and a handspring triple backflip on the outside of the ring. Krazy hits crossbosy off the top rope but only gets a two count. Krazy sets a chair up and gives Rukkus a drop toe hold on the chair. Krazy covers him again but he kicks out at two. Krazy goes for the Krazy bomb but Rukkus blocks him and gives him a DDT. Rukkus pins him. 1,2, but he kicks out. Rukkus goes for a 450 splash but he misses. Krazy hits the Krazy bomb but Rukkus gets out of the pin. Rukkus goes on to hit another 450 splash for the pin.

Winner: Rukkus

Ballz vs. Super Beast in a fans bring the weapons match-Weapons included many light tubes, a garbage can, a cardboard box, and more. Both men got busted open early by trading shots across the back and on the face with light tubes. Ballz got the advantage with a clothesline out of the ring. Ballz slammed Super Beast threw the box and then hit him with the garbage can. Ballz pinned Super Beast with a top rope bulldog on a bunch of light tubes.

Winner: Ballz

Young Blood vs. Rough Cut in a thumbtack death match-This is a match I have been looking foward to. Not just because of the stipulation but because of the fact that both wrestlers are brothers! The thumbtacks are outside of the ring in a bag on a steel chair. Rough Cut goes for the tacks but Blood cuts him off with a clothesline and goes to the outside. He gets the back but Rough Cut uses the ropes to throw himself over with a huge dive that takes out Blood. Rough Cut gets the tacks and pours them in the ring and slams Blood down onto them. He whips Blood into the ropes but he reverses and gives Rough Cut a drop toe hold into the tacks. Blood takes some tacks and starts sticking them one by one into Rough Cuts head. Rough Cut is bleeding. Rough Cut gives Blood a low blow and then slams him down onto the tacks. He pins him but only gets a two count. He starts sticking tacks into Bloods head now. Speaking blood he is now busted open as well. Rough Cut finishs the match off with "the final cut" a DVD onto the tacks for the pin.

Winner: Rough Cut

Venom vs. Kaos for the HBW title in a HBW death match-Kaos attacks Venom and throws him out of the ring before the match even starts. Kaos hits Venom with a chair and pins him but Venom kicks out. Kaos gets a small plate of glass from one of the fans and sets it up on two chairs. Kaos jumps off the apron but Venom catchs him and drops him chest first threw the glass! Venom now has a bunch of light tubes. He puts them in the ring. Kaos hits Venom from behind again with a chair and then hits Venom with the light tubes! Venom back is all cut up again from the light tubes. He gets more tubes from the fans. He breaks one with his foot and digs the glass in Venoms head. They fight up the deck where all the fans are sitting. There is a ladder set up that Kaos is climbing. Venom gets back up and goes after him followed by the referee. They are now up on a smaller deck. They are fighting on the deck. A door opens on the deck and someone hands Venom light tubes which he uses on Kaos. He pins Kaos on the deck to retain the title.

Winner: Venom and still HBW champion

As Venom is celebrating Carnage comes out and climbs up the ladder onto the deck and attacks Venom. Kaos and Carnage are now both attacking Venom. They set Venom up and threw him off the deck threw three tables!