HBW Dead End

Venom is interviewed by JB. He says he will get revenge tonight on Karnage, Young Blood, and Rough Cut.

Young Blood vs. Homeless Jay for the hardcore title-Blood hits Jay with a chair for a two count. He sets a table up but Jay low blows him and hits him with a mini TV he brought to ringside. Jay gets a chain and wraps it around his hand and starts hitting Blood with it until Karnage runs in and hits Jay with a chair and he and Blood put him through a table with a double suplex.

Winner: Young Blood still the hardcore champion

Kaos runs out and attacks Karnage.

Kaos vs. Karnage-Kaos clotheslines his former partner and then drops an elbow for a two count. Kaos gets two chairs and sets them up together but Karnage nails him in the back with another chair and then powerbombs him on the two chair but only gets a two count. Kaos gets the chain left by Jay and uses it to bust Karnage open and then pin him with a inverted DDT.

Winner: Kaos

Spazz vs. Kash-Kash starts out with a dropkick and then a DDT for a two count. Spazz hits a cross body off the ropes and then suplexs Kash for a two count. Spazz throws him out of the ring and then dives over the top rope on to Kash. Spazz hits Kash with a sit out powerbomb and then a top rope leg drop. Kash comes back with a clothesline and then a suplex into a face buster for a pin.

Winner: Kash

Matt Cool vs. Maximum-Matt Cool comes out with a white shirt with the words “im cool” written on it. He attacks Maximum from behind and then slams him down and gives him a leg drop. He pins him for a two count. Maximum fights back with a clothesline and a drop kick. Maximum misses a splash off the top rope which allows Matt to hit a suplex and then his neckbreaker for the pin.

Winner: Matt Cool

Young Blood and Rough Cut vs. Psycho and Red Alert for the tag team titles-Red Alert starts out with Blood. Blood clotheslines him and then suplexs him. He slams him down and then tags in RC who gets a chair. But Red Alert low blows him and tags in Psycho who grabs the chair and hits RC with it. Blood runs in but then he is attacked by Venom with a chair of his own. Karnage runs in a hits Psycho with a bunch of light tubes and RC hits Red Alert with the Paper Cut. As Venom attacks Karnage he is then jumped by Kaos! Kaos is back with his partner Karnage! They team up with Blood and RC to attack Venom! RC pins Psycho to win the titles.

Winners: Rough Cut and Young Blood the new tag team champions

They get a table in the ring and then get ready to light it on fire again but Ruckus and Kid Krazy run out and make the save.