Results From HBW Last Call

Matt Cool vs. Kash vs. Tony D-Match never even started before Kaos, Karnage, and Rough Cut ran out and hit them all with chairs. Venom, Rukkus, and Kid Krazy made the save with chair of there own.

Winner: No Contest

Ballz vs. Chris Starr-Very short match. Starr does a clothesline and a middle rope elbow for a two count. Ballz finishs him off with a brutal chair shot.

Winner: Ballz

Super Beast vs. Homeless Jay-Jay hits a dropkick for a two count. On the outside Beast whips Jay into a fence and then DDTs him on the ground. Back in the ring he hits a leg drop for a two count. He gets a chair but Jay hits a leg sweep on a chair for a two count. SUper Beast hits Jay with a chair and wins with a top rope leg drop with a chair.

Winner: Super Beast

Kaos vs. Young Blood for the hardcore title-Young Blood attacks Kaos from behind with a chair. He gets a two coutn on the outside of the ring. Young Blood throws him back in the ring and hits a clothesline and then DDTs Kaos on a chair. Cover only gets a two. Kaos low blows Blood and suplexs him on the chair for a two count. Back on the outside they fight in the crowd. Kaos suplexs Blood on the deck for a two count. Table in the ring as Blood hits the Young Blood Driver. Rough Cut runs in and nails Blood with a chair. Kaos hits a powerbomb through the table for the pin.

Winner: Kaos still the hardcore champion

Psycho vs. Venom w/ Kristen for the HBW title-Venom brings some light tubes to the ring. Venom does a clothesline and an elbow for a two count. Psycho does a dropkcik for a two count. Psycho rips off Venoms shirt and hits him with a light tube. He takes a piece of broken glass and digs it in Venoms bloody forehead! He hits him again in the back with a light tube. Venom reverses a suplex on a light tube for a two count. Kristen leaves and then comes back with a bunch of light tubes taped together which Venom breaks over Psychos back. Kristen gets a table and then put Psycho on it. Venom gets a ladder and hits the Last Call off the ladder through the table from the inside of the ring to the outside. He then pins him back inside the ring.

Winner: Venom still the HBW champion