Results From HBW Betryal

Homeless Jay vs. Kash-This is Kashs debut match. Jay comes to the ring with his shopping cart. Jay makes the referee help him put the shopping cart in the ring. Kash hits a dropkick and gets a two count on Jay. Jay hits Kash with a sit out pwoerbomb for a two count. Jay goes for a DDT but Kash counters and suplexs Jay. Kash goes for a powerbomb but turns Jay over face first into his shoppiong cart for the three count.

Winner: Kash

Matt Cool vs. Tony D-Both guys are also making their debuts for HBW. Tony D attacks Matt Cool from behind before their match even starts. He whips Matt into the corner and follows it up with a clothesline. Matt fights back with a bulldog that gets him a two count. Matt goes for a suplex but Tony D blocks it. Matt fights back with some knees to the chest and suplexs Tony out of the ring. Matt goes for an elbow of off the ring appron but Tony moves out of the way. Back in the ring Matt hits a DDT for the pin.

Winner: Matt Cool

Matt talks to the fans about how "cool" he is and how he wants a real challenge and not the guy he just beat. Ballz comes out and nails Matt with a chair.

Ballz vs. Chris Starr-Starr dropkicks the chair back in Ballz face. He goes for a pin but gets a two count only. Starr sets up the chair and sends Ballz into the ropes and does a drop toes hold into the chair. Ballz fights back with a clothesline. Ballz sets up Starrs and sends him into the ropes and hits a huge chairshot and pinned Starr.

Winner: Ballz

Kid Krazy and Rukkus vs. Rough Cut and Young Blood vs. Kaos and Karnage in a ladder match for the tag team titles (belts are hanging from the higher deck)-Krazy starts out with Young Blood. Young Blood hits the "young blood driver" early on. Rukkus is tagged in by Krazy and hits a handspring double backflip elbow in the corner and then a bulldog on Blood. Kaos and Karnage both attack Krazy and Rouch Cut on the outside which sends both Young Blood and Rukkus outside to help their partners. Krazy back in the ring dives over the top rope onto Karnage. Rukkus hits a handspring triple backflip on Kaos who is laid out on the outside of the ring. Rough Cut and Young Blood make their way up to the lower deck. Young Blood starts climbing up the ladder but Rough Cut sneaks up behind him and powerbombs him off the ladder threw a table. Rough Cut leaves through the HBW entrance as Blood is laid out on the table. Krazy starts climbing uo the ladder followed by Kaos. Two more tables are set up by Rukkus. Venom runs out and pulls Kaos off the ladder. Rukkus starts climbing up now followed by Karnage with a chair. Karnage hits both of them with a chair on the higher deck. Venom puts Kaos on both of the tables. He climbs up the ladder as Karnage sets up the chair stand on to reach the belts. Venom stops him and slams him on the deck. He helps Rukkus up who grabs the belts.

Winners: Rukkus and Kid Krazy still tag team champions

Krazy climbs on the chair and does a legdrop threw the tables Kaos is on!!! Yet another unbelieveable jump off the deck.

Venom vs. Super Beast fort the HBW title-Venom was accompained to the ring by the "queen of hardcore" Kristen. Super Beast brings in a few chairs. He sets two up and then one chair on both of them. He goes to suplex Venom but Venom counters and powerbombs Super Beast on the chairs. He goes for the pin. 1,2, but Beast kicks out. Beast hits a clothesline and then a DDT for a two count. Kristen goes to the back.She returns with a bunch of light tubes. Venom takes a light tube and busts it over the back of Beast. Beast hits a low bloe and then nails Venom in the head with a light tube. Super Beast goes to the back. He comes back with a table with light tubes taped onto it. Back in the ring Venom hits Super Beast with a few more light tubes. Venom goes for a suplex threw the table but Beast blcoks it and drop Venom down with a face first suplex into the ring. Beast brings the table into the ring and sets it up. Venom hits a powerbomb on Beast and put him on the table. Kristen brings some more light tubes and a roll of duct tape in the ring. She taped the tubes to Venoms chest. Venom climbed up the ropes and did a splash threw the table for the pin.

Winner: Venom