Result From OOCW Backyard Brawl 2

Spazz vs. Twister vs. Maximum for the super juniors title-Spazz and Twister lock up. Spazz gets him into a headlock. Max then gets Spazz into a headlock. Twister shoots both of them into the ropes. He takes Spazz down with a shoulder block while Max leapfrogs over him. Max hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Twister ducks it and hits him with a hip toss followed by an arm drag. Max rolls out of the ring. Spazz then hits him with two arm drags. He then takes the legs out from under him for a two count. Twister does the same for a two count. They both go for dropkicks and miss and they both kip up. Max gets back into the ring and goes for a double clothesline but they duck it and hit him with a double back elbow. Spazz then dropkicks him out of the ring. He then climbs to the top rope and dives to the outside onto Max! Twister then climbs up to the top rope and does a moonsault off the top rope to the outside onto both of them and the fans chant OOCW! He then throws Spazz back into the ring and covers him for a two count. He then slams him down and goes to the top rope. He then hits him with a second moonsault and goes for the pin but Max pulls him off. Max then whips him into the corner and follows it up with a neckbreaker for a two count. He then slams him down and goes to the top rope. He goes for the Top Rope Leg Drop but Twister moves. Spazz then goes to the top rope and goes for the Swanton Bomb but Max moves out of the way. Twister then climb to the top rope and goes for another moonsault but Spazz moves out of the way. Spazz gets back up but Max hits him with a clothesline for a two count. Max then gives him a suplex for a two count. Max then climbs to the tope but Spazz gets up and shakes the ropes. Spazz sets him up for a superplex but Twister climbs the top rope and jumps over Max and gives Spazz a sunset flip off the ropes and he takes Max over with the superplex! The fans chant OOCW as Spazz rolls over onto Max for the pin. Maximum is eliminated. Spazz and Twister are left alone in the match. They get back up and they both hit the ropes. Spazz goes for a clothesline but Twister ducks it. Twister goes for one of his own but Spazz ducks it. Spazz goes to hit him with a back elbow but Twister ducks it. Twister goes for a DDT but Spazz shoves him off into the corner. Spazz goes to whip him into the other corner but Twister reverses it and whips him into the corner. Spazz puts the brakes on and uses the ropes to get his feet up and catch Twister with a head scissors. He then goes for a hurricanrana but Twister catchs him with a sit out powerbomb. Twister then climbs to the top rope and hits him with the Shooting Star Press for the pin.

Matt Cool vs. Kash for the TV title-The match never happens as Cool jumps Kash from behind with a chair as he is coming out. He continues to beat him down with a chair over the back and the head until he is busted open. He then throws him back into the ring and gives him a piledriver on the chair followed by the Neckbreaker. He then challenges him at the next show to an I quit match.

Kid Krazy and Rukkus vs. Young Blood and Rough Cut for the tag team titles-Krazy starts out with Blood. They trade punchs and chops in the center of the ring. Krazy gets the better of the exchange and whips him into the ropes. He then goes for a clothesline but Blood ducks it and hits him with a few more punchs. He then whips him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline of his own but Krazy ducks it and catchs him with a DDT for a two count. He then follows it up with a dropkick for a two count. He then whips him into the corner and tags in Rukkus. Rukkus hits him with the handspring back flip elbow followed by a bulldog for a two count. He then slams him down and goes for an elbow drop but Blood moves out of the way. Blood then hits him with a clothesline for a two count. He then slams him face first into the top turnbuckle and tags in RC. RC hits him with some kicks and punchs in the corner. He then distracts the referee while Blood chokes Rukkus in the corner. RC then hits him with a few more kicks. He then whips him into the other corner and follows it up with a backdrop for a two count. He then slams him down and tags in Blood. Blood hits him with a leg drop for a two count. He then hits him with another one for a two count. He then hits him with an elbow drop for a two count. He then goes for a suplex but Rukkus blocks it and gives him a suplex of his own for a two count. He then tags in Krazy. Krazy gives him some chops in the corner and then whips him into the other corner and follows it up with a splash and then a DDT for a two count. He then slams him down and climbs to the top rope but Blood shakes the ropes. Rukkus then goes after Blood and fights him on the outside. Rukkus gives him a powerbomb on the ground. RC goes for the Paper Cut but Krazy blocks it and gives him another DDT. He then follows it up with the Frog Splash for the pin.

Psycho vs. Kaos for the OOCW title-Kaos jumps him from behind and hits him with some punchs in the corner. He then whips him into the other corner and follows it up with a clothesline for a two count. He then slams him down and hits him with an elbow and a leg drop for a two count. He then goes for a suplex but Psycho blocks it and gives him a suplex of his own for a two count. Psycho then goes for a powerbomb but Kaos gets out of it and hits him with a DDT for a two count. Kaos then gets a chair and hits him across the back twice. He then gives him some kicks to the back. He then drags him into the center of the ring and drops his knee across his back several times. He then whips him into the corner and follows it up with a backbreaker followed by the Torture Lock. Psycho doesn’t tap out so Kaos releases the hold. Kaos then gives him a few more kicks to the back. He then follows it up with a slam on the chair. He then goes for the Kaos Theory but Psycho blocks it and hits him with a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count. He then goes for the Psycho Driver but Kaos blocks it and hits him with a DDT for a two count. He then gets him into a Boston crab. Psycho is about to tap out but he makes it to the ropes. Kaos goes for it again but Psycho kicks him off and hits him with a clothesline for a two count. He then goes for a powerbomb but Kaos gets out of it and goes for the Kaos Theory but Psycho blocks it and hits him with the Psycho Driver for the pin.

Note: the hardcore title match never happened because Super Beast was injured from the house of pain match at the last show. It will happen at the next show.