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10/2/02:Well, with a few site improvements and our first two members, looks like we are off to a fairly good start. There are still a few new links I need to add. But as soon as we have enough people we should be ready go. So sign up now for your chance at the World Wide Title. And tune back over here for any other special announcement we might make.

9/29/02 - Welcome to Hardknocks Wrestling!!! Come join and help us become one of the best feds on the net. We promise great ontime results and a pure quality fed as long as you guys participate with us. Our first show will be a PPV called "The Dawning". In that special event we crown ourselves the first HKW WORLD WIDE CHAMPION!!! So join now for a chance to win this title

The Boards
Uprising Card
Uprising Results
PPV Card
PPV Results



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