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Lite it up Mother Fucker!!!-Johnny Fireball




Fade up from black. Empty street. Garbage cans are on the side of the streets. The sounds of footsteps fill the air. A young looking man comes running down the corner. He turns the next corner, the camera turns quickly to see him darting down the road. He nearly trips and falls over his shoe laces. The camera quickly follows to a house. The young man runs up the steps and into the house. He quickly makes it to the kitchen. There is nobody there. The camera man barely catches him. The young man is holding a letter in his hands. He looks at the camera man.


“This is the moment of truth man!”


The man quickly tears open the letter and throws the envelope onto the table. The camera quickly zooms in to see the address read: Sin Wrestling at the very top. The camera man gets back to the young man. His eyes slowly scanning the words. He gets to the bottom. He drops the letter on the table. He looks around, he looks at the camera man and a small smirk comes across the young mans face.




The man starts to jump around the kitchen knocking over anything that crosses his path. He runs out a back door which leads to the backyard. There is a tool shed in the far left corner, but more noticeably a ring made out of cardboard, with bungee cords for ropes and old water pipes for ring posts. The ring only sits about three feet high in the air, but it is pretty impressive for a homemade ring out of old cardboard boxes. The young man jumps up onto a old wooden fence and starts hollering towards the next door neighbors window.


“ Josh! Yo! Josh! Get your ass out here man!”


The window slowly opens and a punkish looking character pokes his head out the window looking pretty damn tired.


“ What the hell do you want Johnny? I just woke up dude. Leave me the fuck a lone so I can go back to sleep.”


“Come on man! It’s 4:30 in the god damn afternoon you ass hole. You should be awake anyways.”


“ Ok ok. What is so important that you couldn’t wait. It better be really damn important or I’m going to come out there and beat your ass senseless.”


“ You remember that letter I sent out about a month ago to Sin Wrestling?”




“ No, you don’t ya jerk, but that doesn’t matter, you are probably baked out of your mind right now aren’t you? So yeah, I sent them a letter and I finally got a letter back today in the mail.”


“ Does this look like a face that cares?”


“ Well no, but you are the only one around and I just had to tell somebody man. They actually accepted me man. It’s about damn time too. Man I still don’t understand why WWE or TNA didn’t pick me up I mean I sent about thirty five letters to each of them and each time the same damn answer. “Kid you are a crazy mother fucker and no we don’t accept you.” But finally somebody is willing to give this reckless piece of shit a chance.”


Suddenly the fence starts to get a little shifty. The old wood she couldn’t hold no longer. CRACK! Johnny Fireball crashes to the grass. He lies motionless on the ground while Josh just looks down at him. He looks at the camera and shrugs his shoulders. Josh jumps out the window in his briefs, balls almost hanging out for the world to see, he helps Johnny to his feet.


“ I’m fine, I’m fine. No need for help here Josh.”




Josh lets go of Johnny. Johnny crashes back down to the ground. Johnny crawls to the sidewalk and grabs onto the fire hydrant for support. Josh follows him chuckling to himself.


“ So when’s your big match man? You gonna invite all the boys for the backyard to come and watch you get your ass pummeled professionally?”


“ Well I guess I’ll get a few free tic…. Hey wait a minute. What the fuck did you just say? You don’t think I can win on the big level?”


“ Exactly.”


“ Oh ok…. Hey wait a minute. What are you trying to say then you piece of shit? I smoked your ass in that very ring over there! Don’t worry about me man, I know I’ll be able to hang with them.”


“Johnny, did you take your meds today?”


“ Josh, do I ever, EVER take my meds?”


Ahh point taken my good friend.”

“Go get dressed. We are supposed to meet the rest of the gang down at McDonalds in like ten minutes and don’t take your sweet ass time like you always do.”


Like usual Josh takes his sweet ass time just getting into the house. Johnny Fireball the next big Sin Wrestling superstar sits down on the steps of his pal’s house. He waits and waits. Finally Josh emerges out all punk’d out and ready to hit the town. Josh is a pretty big guy. About 6’1 195 lbs of walking punk. He plays the air drums while they walk down the street. People pass by staring at the two guys. Johnny pulls out his bitchin sunglasses out of the pocket of his tattered blue jeans. He’s sporting a faded blue Toronto Maple Leafs T-shirt on. He walks with quite a strut as well. Both Johnny and Josh jaywalk across the street almost getting whacked by a Beamer and a Volkswagon. Horns a honking and the middle fingers waving in the air, at last they reach the other side of the street. The boys make it to good old Micky D’s that has been getting the world fat for generations. Outside the other boys are waiting for Johnny and Josh to arrive. Doug and Alex are standing there. Doug is a bit like Johnny, he’s real small but boy can he put on a fight when he wants to. Alex is like Alex but a little bit shorter, with curly brown hair.


“Where the Hell have you assholes been?”


Alex barks at them.


“Yeah, I’m fucken hungry. This is bull shit waiting for you ass wipes to show up. I could have finishing by now.”


“Doug, you eat one French fry and you are full and then you puke it up you bulimic son of a bitch.”


Every starts laughing with the exception of Doug of course. The four backyard wrestlers shuffle into McDonalds for a scrumptious meal that is way over charged. They all get their food quickly and sit down by a near by bay window. They all start slamming down the food real quick.


“Guess what boys? I’m going to be in Sin Wrestling! They accepted me! So next month you’ll get to see Johnny Fireball, the crazy mofo lite it up!”


“You are joking right? What company in their right mind would pick up somebody that only has experience in a crap ass broken down ring in his own backyard?


“Sweet so we will get to see you commit suicide on live TV when you do something totally idiotic and die right smack down in the middle of a real ring. HOLY SHIT I CAN’T WAIT!”


“ Thanks for your support. This Sin Wrestling is just a show a month so it’s not a wicked heavy schedule that I’ll have to work. It’ll just get me seen on there and hopefully another federation will pick me up. XWF said they’d pick me up but because of lack of experience they wouldn’t hire me, well maybe after Legends and Assholes they will sign me to a hefty contract.”


“In your dreams man. Dude, you have our support. We just think you are god damn crazy. That’s all.


“ You know that means a lot to me guys. I won’t fail you bastards. I know Sin Wrestling took a big risk in signing me, but with big risk comes big reward.”

“ You know Johnny. You gotta toughen up before you get there, and there is no body better to get you toughened up but than none other than “ The Backyards.”


“ The Backyards” that is what the rest of the neighborhood calls these guys. By many in the town they are considered to be a gang, but they aren’t criminal. Well not all the time, just the odd shitting on somebody else’s doorstep or arson act, but other than that these guys are golden.


“ I guess that’s not a horrible idea. I mean a lot of these guys are going to be like 10 times my size so I better do something to get prepared for a beating. What did you guys have in mind?”


Alex, Josh, and Doug all rather round in a huddle excluding Johnny. Johnny jumps around and tries to hear what they say, but to no avail. Alex, Doug and Josh start to laugh and you hear Doug say oh that’s perfect. They break their huddle. They grab Johnny and go outside leaving one hell of a mess in McDonalds for the janitor to clean up. They let him go.


“ All right! What do you have for me? Do you want me to dodge traffic like you did a couple of years ago so I could work on my agility? Or is it the old tie Johnny to a naked trick and leave me in the park for everybody to see my pecker?”


“ We did that to you?”


“ What? You forgot about that? Two years ago, got drunk as hell. Tricked him into a match in the park on the walk home. Stripped him down and tied him to the old oak tree. Ha that was a great time. Johnny had a Mangina by the time he got himself untangled from the rope. Not to mention that it was in December.”


“ First of all. It wasn’t two years ago it was two weeks ago you asshole. And NO! Johnny didn’t have a great time.”


“Don’t worry man. We are going to do something that cruel to you yet. Let’s just say this. Go get on your disco pants and shirt because The Backyards are hitting the town tonight.”


Johnny Fireball smirks as he knows what is probably going to go on tonight. He nods and slaps high fives all around. The Backyards start their strut down the street taking up the entire sidewalk making innocent people almost get clipped by passing car as the scene fades out to black.