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The Profile of The Epitome of Hardcore,

Fed: CPW

Name: Hardcore Alex
Age: 28 Years Old.
Height and Weight: 5'10" 198 lbs
Hometown: Syracuse, NY
Theme Music: Sure Shot by The Beastie Boys
Trademarks Move: Hardcore Appetizer(Vandamninator-illegal)
Finisher: Hardcore Entree (Evenflow DDT)
Appearence: Hardcore usually wears a sleeveless Ecko T-Shit or sleeveless "Bring it Hardcore." shirt when wrestling with sagged Ecko Khakis and a white bandanna with chairs all over it covered by a "Hardcore Den" fitted baseball hat worn frontward and sideways a little that is tossed into the crowd every entrance. When not wrestling he will normally wear a Ecko Hooded sweatshirt or "Bring it Hardcore" zip up hooded sweatshirt with the same style of khakis and a "Hardcore Den" fitted baseball hat frontwards and sideways a little.

Frequently Used Moves:
Jumping Clothsline
Chair Shot
Release German Suplex
Springboard Moonsault pin
Triangle Choke Figure Four
Shooting Star Press
Swantan Bomb

Alliance: Neutral-Face
History: When Hardcore was 8 his parents abandoned him and his 11 year old brother and they took to the streets where they grew tough by resisting gangs. For a while Hardcore was in a gang, where he learned to breakdance, until he got jumped and kicked out for hooking up with the leader's girlfriend. 6 months later his brother was mudered in a gang drive-by when he was 18 and Hardcore was 15. At that point Hardcore was taken in by Rick Cradle, a Hardcore Wrestling trainer and trained him intensely for 2 years. Hardcore wrestled in Japan for a few months when he was 18 and gained popularity in a japanese death match win. It is very tough to get him to tap out.

Accomplishments: Coming Soon.
Titles Held: Brutal Havok Championship(2)

Check out my Signature Match, The Hardcore Den.

<-- Email Hardcore Alex

© All of Hardcore Alex's bio is copyright of Alex Nicklaw. The html used in the production of this site is also copyright of Alex Nicklaw. Any unlawful use or reproduction of this html, and I will hunt you down, tie a fork to your hand and stick it in an electrical socket. Thank You.