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*Massacre #1*

-The screen opens, revealing an outside glimpse of the Weaping Willow Mental Assylum.The view alone gave the impression of pure fright.From the gates which were made of black steel,,standing 15 feet high, with postsshaped like large arrow heads on top awhich undoubtably were as sharp as a double edged sword.To see these gates would erase the thought in your mind of anyone escaping alive.The sound of various shriks and screams echoed out of the building filling the air and spiraling down long past the gates.It would be enough to make anyone gasp in horror.Every detail down to the grass, had a dreary, almost dark feeling about it.With the grey clouds closing in, it almost appeared as if even the sun didnt want to grace this wretched place with its presence.Within moments, two white colored WTVH5 news crew vans, and a purple BMW approach the gates.The door to the BMW swings open, and a pair of black high heel shoes step onto the gravel driveway.A woman of about 26 years of age, wearing a pink dress jacket and knee legnth skirt, with long blond hair held back in the front by a black barette steps out of the car. After slamming her car door she sets her blue eyes on the intercom and mini camera located inside the front of the gate.Walking briskily she goes over to the intercom.

Intercom-Hello,please state your name,who your here to see, and hold up some form of Identification to the camera for me to see.

Lady Reporter-My name is Donna Adamo, I am here to speak with Mr. Hannibal Lector.

-Donna reaches into her purse pulling out a WTVH5 photo ID tag and holds it up to the camera.-

Intercom-Alright, everything checks through Ms. Adamo, the gates will be opening in a minute.


-Donna turns and heads back to her car, and gets in.Within a minute the gates open and both the BMW and two news vans pull ahead down the gravel driveway to the designated parking area.As soon has Donna turns off the engine a loud scream from the building sends chills all over her body, and for a second the thought of turning back crosses her mind.Realizing that this story alone could greatly improve her career status she drives the thought away.As she quitely whispers to herself...-

Donna-Its only one interview, I can do this.

-Donna steps out of her car, carring a think black brief case, she closes her car door and looks over to see the camera crew guys unloading their gear and setting some of it up.She then turns her glance to the main enterance, where one of the Dr.'s opens the door.The Dr. steps out-

Dr.-Ah, Mrs. Adamo I presume?!

-Donna look starts walking over towards the Dr.'s direction.The Camera crew guys have just finished gathering their equipment, and start toward the Dr. as well.-

Donna-Yes, hello, I'm here to see Mr.Hannibal lector, could you direct me where to go?

Dr.-Yeah, sure follow me.

Donna- Alrighty, thanks, come on crew.

-The Dr. holds the door for Donna and the crew of camera guys to enter into the building.He gets in front of them and leads them to an elevator.They all step in, the Dr. hits the bottom marked LL and the doors close.-

Donna-What does the "LL" stand for?

Dr.-It just means Lower Level, its the bacement actually.

Donna-Oh, okay I never heard of any place holding patients in the bacement before.

Dr.-Lets just say they dont take any chances with Mr. Lector, he isnt exactly your average patient.

-A slight jerk is felt by all in the elevator,then a small bing noise is heard as the doors slide open.The Dr. exits the elevator first , Donna and the crew follow close by.A misty smell fills the narrow hallway, the walls are of grey bear cement and the floors as well.-

Dr.-Ok folks almost there, just around this corner.

-Just after they approach the corner stand two body gueards standing next to a metal detector-

Dr.-Here you are, the guards will see you the rest of the way.

Donna-Ok, thankyou for your help.

Dr.-No problem.

Gaurd-alright people, I need to deposit your keys,pens,paper,necklaces,and shoe laces into this box.Than I need you to walk through the detector for me alright? Any questions?

Donna,Alright whatever you say.

-Donna and the crew remove all the items as they were told and one by one step through the metal detector.-

Guard-Alright you all checked through please follow me.

-They all follow behind the gaurd down a short hallway, a folding metal chair stands in the middle of the hallway, facing a bullet-proof cell.-

Guard-Alright, here you are.

-Donna nods at the guard and slowly starts walking towards the cell.The camera crew follows closely by.Donna looks into the cell and sees Hannibal Lector quietly sitting on his bed with his hands folded neatly in his lap and a qwide smile across his face.Donna hesitantly sits down in the folding chair.the camera crew starts to set up the equipment.-