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A Whole New Attitude

The Show
RP Number: 2
Record: 0-0-0
Titles: B-2 Entertainment IC champion,B-2 Entertainment King of Hardcore champ,Former WccWF IC, ICW World champion, ICW IC champion, NLW World Champion, WCCWF, Kind of Hardcore champion, Former Violent Champion 2X
Tag Record: 0-0-0
Next Match: TAg Team championshiptitle tourney
Last Match: Shotgun

The Whole F'n Show
::The scene opens up inside The Main Attractions VIP room. The Show and Showtime are seen lookign at The WWK's promo. Showtime then begins to speak::

Showtime: Hey Show, you here these guys? Are they serious? They must dont know who they are dealing with. Beast must of forgotten how we whooped up on him on Flatlined.

The Show: He must of forgotten. I got a few words to tell them, the fans, and the tag team chapions. So come on Showtime and lets say a little something something.

::Show and Showtime get up and walk to the entranc way. Santana's Town by:Julez Santana plays as the crowd gives some thunderous boo's with some slight cheers. Show and Showtime come out and walk straight down to the ring. Show snatches the microphone from the ring annoucer and he then begisn to speak ::

The Show: Well, well, well. I see why I cant trust none of you fans. See to the all my viewers that are still sticking by me I respect that and I appreciate that. But to all these other son bitches that turn there backs on me all I can say is that they can go kick rocks! See I told the world that there was going to be a change. I said that The Show is dead and he has been reborn as Showzilla The Great. I shown you all that at Flatlined. See everyone thought I was going to knock Showtimes ass out, they thought I was going to strike him but I didnt, see I guess everyone forgotten that together me and Showtime made one of the most dominating teams ever in wrestling history. Everyone forgot about The Main Attractions!

::Show throws the mic to Showtime and SHowtime speaks::

Showtime: You are surely right Show. The Main Attractions are in town in B2-Entertainment. You people seen how me and Show destroyed Beast and none of his little possey members didnt do shit! See The Revolution is kicking major ass in B2-Entertainment and there isnt a damn soul thats goign to stop us. See if you look at The Revolution has a-lot of WCCWF blood. From a great WCCWF world champion to the greatest IC champion in WCCWF's history to the most controversial SOB that has ever step foot in the game! Mr. Controvery thats me.

The Show: Not only do we have a-lot of WCCWF blood we have some young cats that are the future of this company. Because when The Show hang those boots up and all the rest of us that has been in the game for so long says goodbye to the wrestling game for good, these guys are going to be future world champions. I'm not only talking about the guys in the Revolution. I'm talking about the new kids that are coming. I see that boy Sephorith or whatever the fuck his name is and I think he has a future.

D.J. Blaze: Now Show this is your very first TLC Hell ina cell. I know you have to be a little afraid of this structure. Beats has been in about four of these matches and he won everyoen of them.

The Show Yeah I heard about Beast and his various wars in this match. But trust me there is no fear in my body or my mind. I am focus, I am hype, I am ready for a tough challenge. Beats is the one who needs to be ready. See I dont want to know Beast past accomplishments and feuds, I just wnat to take him out once and for all. I broke his leg and tore his quad a year ago. See this long feud started in WCCWf, when I was Intercontinental champion of that fed. Beast tried his best on numerous occasions. A Payback I am going to end his dman carere. I am going to be the one h=who makes him famous. he has been in three TLC Hell in a Cell amtches I've been in none. But that doesnt matter because I promise you I will defy the odds and overcome the bull shit.

D.J. Blaze: Dont you think the way he lost the title was kind of messed up.

The Show: Yes I do. I mean he got the title taken away from him and he never received a rematch or got the damn title back. I would be pissed also but he has to face facts I am the champion now and I am going to be champion for a long long time. There will be no one that is going to stop me. Not Beast, not Assaisn, not jade, not Chris Carnage, nobody.

D.J. Blaze: O.k. lets say you will beat Beast at Payback will there be anyone you would liek to do any feuds or defnses.

The Show: You are mistaken Blaze it's WHEN I beat Beats at Payback. As I said before I'll defend this title against anyone at any time. If there is anyone that has some kind of beef with me then whoever it is, we can handle it in the ring.

Wrestle-Rama Roy: O.K. lets start talking about you and Below Zero Wrestling for a minute. Ever since you came to BZW you have been on a war path. You have been fighting for weeks and weeks. You have been in tourney matches you been in six-man tag, you suffered your first lost, the battle royal, now at temperature Rising it looks like you are going to do another thing. That thing is becoming word champion. The very first world champion of BZW. But to do that you have to go through Iceman and the winner of the Mack, Juan Fernandez match-up.

The Show: Yeah I know. I have to go through Iceman first and I promise I will go through him. See Iceman did a smart thing by talking to his mom and dad one last time because he knows that he is going to have a time to beat me in that ring. Iceman better get ready because I am going to melt his punk ass in that ring. What is he trying o do. Does he want to be another Dean Malenko wanna-be. I mean I call him the original Iceman in the wrestling business or he might wanna be the Iceman dude off of the little X-Men comic's. Well actually it doesnt matter because in that ring he is going to get his ass whooped in front of millions and milliosn of people that are watching in that ring and teh billions watching at home.

D.J. Blaze: O.K. But if you do get past Iceman you will have to face out of Mack or Juan fernandez.

The Show: Mr. Fernando and the slow Mack truck. I know they are ready and focus but they dont have the dedication and the ability that I do. See Juan fernandez is all talk and I promise I will knock his ass out in that ring ina matter of moments. juan cant back his words up because he is a sorry piece of shit. Juan will soon see just why I am the whole Fucking Show.

D.J. Blaze: What about Mack? he had a few words with you also.

:: Little radio commercials come on. After the commercials Wrestle-talk live comes back on the air::

Wrestle- Rama Roy: We are back. if you missed it you have missed many words of the B2E and BZW megastar The Show. he is going to be fighting Beats at the pay perview PAyback in a TLC Hell in a Cell and he will be one of the four men to try and be the first BZW world champion at Temperature Rising. Now if you havent ordered these pay perviews then do so. Get two T.V's and watch all both pay per views. Just call your cable company for the info. All both events will be very historic. Now Show lets talk abour the dream for a second. That dream of you as world champion.

The Show: Yeah dreams will surely come trueat the pay per view temperature Rising. That world title will be mine just a matter of hours. The time is ticking till the crowning of a new world champion in BZW. I promise you, I gurantee you, that I will walk in as one of the four men trying to fighting for that title. But I promise you I will leave that ring, that backstage area, that arena, that city, as the new world heavyweight champion of Below Zero Wrestling. MY B2-Entertainment Intercontinental title on one shoulder and my BZW World title on my other shoulder. And I will have a big smile on my face. A face full of pride and dignity.

:: Show phone rings. Show answers it and begins to speak::

The Show: Um hello. Wazzup. Damn I told you to stop calling me whenver I do interviews. Yes I will be there in time for the photo shoot. Oh, Halle Berry wants to talk to me about doing a movie with her. Tell her that we will talk about that during dinner. Now I'll tlak to you after the interview. Peace.

:: Show hangs the phone up and begins to speak to the D.J's::

D.J. Blaze: That I just hear Halle Berry and movie.

The Show: It's in the process right now. As I said before in the last interview with you all that I have a album coming out. It's a little album with me D.Jing. 50 cent and G-Unit, P. Diddy, Jay Z, and many more will be on the album also.

Rwetle-Rama Roy: Now you and Beast had a very long feud. Do you think this will be the final chapter or will you two will be having more matches and more different types of matches.

The Show: I hope it's the last because I am tired of beating his ass over and over gain. He just pops up and tries his best but he always end up on the short end of the sick. At Payback I am going to fianlly seal the deal in the war between me and Beast, once and for all.

Wrestle-Rama Roy: Well Show we are glad to have you on the show. Show we hope we have you again next time. Next week our guest will be Sting, Amazing Red, Low Ki, and the lovely Sable. Thank you everyone, God Bless, and we will see you next week.

::Show shakes the two D.J's hands and leaves as the camera fades black::
