-:X:- The scene open ups at the arena where tonight's taping of WDW Raw is going to be held. Everyone is getting ready for the night including the 6'6'' Canadian Beast, known as Test. As Test is walking around the back stage area, Michael Cole approaches him ad begins an interview about tonight. -:X:-

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well Test, I'm glad I caught up to you.

:X: Test :X: Oh really Michael? Now why is that...is it becuase your career in the WDW is too crappy for you to go and interview the big guns of this place...like Austin and Michaels...you've gotta come and ruin my day?

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well no...not at all...I'm here to get an interview with you about your return match tonight...by no means was I trying to ruin your day.

:X: Test :X: Well Michael...I hate to break it to you...but just talking to you is ruining my day...so why don't you just get those crappy questions done with so I can go get ready for the match.

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well first of all...what do you think of the owners for putting you in this great debut match? I mean there is some great talent...and it should be great to see how everyone does.

:X: Test :X: Well Michael...it's not as great as you think...who is decent? No one...this is my match the entire way, becuase they failed to put anyone who can do anything in this match, it's just a bit hard to believe that they think that I am on the same level as...Jamie Noble or Lance Storm...they must really think I'm a joke...and well that is something I will not put up with...tonight I am going to show them why I should be in the main event...why I should be at the top of the list for the WDW...I am the best damn thing in this federation...the moment I signed contract...I was basically telling Shawn, Steve, and Hunter...to move thier asses over, becuase there isn't a damn thing they can do about me taking this place by storm...it is my time now Michael...and well I guess as th Pay Per View comes closer, I will have to show this...becuase I'm making a stride for the World Title...and I'm pretty damn sure that I can do it...becuase who's going to stop me Michael...WHO!?

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well if I had to say...I would go with Shawn Michaels...since he is the current World Champion.

:X: Test :X: Some World Champion he is...the night after his big win, he takes the night off? Damn Michael...a man who fought his ass off...and had to settle for the Intercontinental Championship...and well he's got to fight a great athelete...I think he should have had the night off as well...but what the hell am I saying...if they are real champions, those little american bitches shouldn't need any days off..it only proves how weak American's really are...just becuase they had a big match they need a break...that's bullshit Michael...I work my ass off day in and day out in order to make a name for myself...and I never take breaks...and you know why that is Michael...DO YA!?

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well I can't say I do...uh...What is the reason?

:X: Test :X: It's becuase I am Canadian! Not a crappy American like you...or Shawn...but I have Canadian blood flowing through my veins...and as a Canadian, I settle for nothing but the best...I hope the other men in the match realize that...and I hope the champions of the WDW realize that...becuase I am not going to go away...they are going to have to deal with me...until they either retire...or just cower to a different federation...becuase Michael...I am telling you right now...that Test is in the WDW...and becuase of that...The WDW is now the property of Test!

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well Test...you do realize that two other men in the match are Canadian too....I mean Lance Storm is briming with Canadian Pride...and you can't ignore the fact that Chris Jericho is also from the eh..hem...great country of Canada.

:X: Test :X: Well Michael...they aren't me...and I am all that matters...sure Lance is Canadian...but just becuase he is the nationality doesn't mean that he has the same fight in him that I do...becuaes I am superior to him in every way...I mean think about it is there any one who can kick as much ass as I can? No, there isn't, and Lance is only a good technical wrestler...if he doesn't get someone down on the ground so he can work on a man's legs...he's go nothing...nd I'm not going to let him get me down on the ground...that's for sure...I mean think about it Cole..it should be quite a sight to see Lance try to get medown to the canvas for any amount of time...I rarely go down...and when I do I get back to my feet as quick as possible...Lance can only wish to win tonight...becuase anything more isn't going to happen...isn't going to get him very far.

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well I think he is more than a technical wrestler...although that is his strong suit...what makes you think that, that is the only thing he does well?

:X: Test :X: Well Michael...becuase I haven't seen anything other than that kind of wrestling...he's always taking a guy to a mat...and going for the legs most of the time...that's what he does...much like the great Bret Hart...except Lance doesn't do it near as well as "The Hitman" pulled it off...I mean he is just so much worse...and I am going to show the world just how bad he is tonight when I kick his ass all over the ring, in my WDW debut...if anyone thinks that they are going to get a win over me...they must be retarded, becuase I definately have this win in the books...I am the biggest guy in the ring...and you can bet that I am going to use my size to my advantage...I mean I am getting stuck with a bunch of Cruiserweights...or close to cruiserweights in Jericho's case...it's just so funny...that I could be in a much better match...but instead I'm stuck in a dark matcha against tiny peices of crap.

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well why do you think they did so...I mean I thought the WDW was now property of Test...why would they put you in a match against people you don't feel are good enough to be in the ring with you?

:X: Test :X: Well I really don't know...maybe they are afraid that if they put their good wrestlers in the ring with me...the competiton would be too great...and someone may get hurt...where as if they throw me in the ring with some crappy people, who can't wrestle...they know I won't try as hard as I might...and that avoids me putting some of their great men on the shelf...and right now that is the only logical reason I can see for putting me in a match that I'm going to win with my eyes closed...I mean we have a wanna be legend...a wanna be rockstar...and the poster child for all americans. What else could we get in this match...a clown? Even thought Jamie Noble is pretty close to that anyways.

:X: Michael Cole :X: Uh...who's the poster child in the group?

:X: Test :X: Damn Michael...you are one dumb piece of shit...who is the only American in the entire match? Jamie Noble of course...and if he doesn't just illustrate this country to a T...I don't know what does...I mean think about it Michael...everyone of your beer swilling, fat ass junkies in the damn country looks up to Noble...becuase they wish they could live in a nice trailor like he does...instead of the crappy streets that they have to live on...it's pretty sad Michael...that a man that might as well wipe his ass with his bare hand...is the role model of many of your American childern...I mean how can you live in this country...how can you live with yourself Michael?

:X: Michael Cole :X: I don't know what you are talking about Test...no one looks up to Noble...in fact most of us think he is just scum...why would we think of him as a role model?

:X: Test :X: Well there's plenty of reasons that I can think of...I mean first of all, Americans are dumbasses so I wouldn't put it past them to think of a trailor park pig as a role model...second of all they are a bunch of drunken hicks...and I mean Noble has actually done something with himself...so maybe it would give all the other Americans something to look up to, kinda like...well he did pretty well for himself...maybe I can be that someday. And well America just sucks...so I don't know what the hell they would want in a role model...becuase they have the most screwed up view of the world...it's no wonder why the entire globe hates America's guts...and then they go and start a war...and they wonder why everyone hates them...it's all becuase you people are dumb as hell...think war is an answer to everything...and then to top it all off, you pigs act as if your shit don't stink...when in reality it has the worst stentch at all.

:X: Michael Cole :X: What are you talking about Test? I mean sure some Americans think they are better but isn't to say everyone is like that...most Americans are just hard working people...kinda like you.

:X: Test :X: I highly doubt that Michael, I mean come on...this country is riddled with problems that Canada never has to deal with...like poverty, homelessness...and well Murder...America has a whole bunch of it, and well that's just pathetic that you people would kill each other...usually over nothing...but I'm getting way off track here...simple fact is...Jamie Noble is nothing compared to me, and I"m pretty sure he will come up way short of defeating me tonight, becuase I just don't think it is possible for him to do anything here...I mean he's one of the worst people I've ever met...his personal hygene is the worst I have ever seen...so obviously he isn't too educated...so it really should be a hard thing for me to toss his tiny frame all over the ring...and basically do whatever the hell I want to him. I mean this match is really shaping up to be one hell of a fight...and I am poised to win this damn thing...becuase it sure seems as though the other competition is nothing but a bunch of weak sissies, haha.

:X: Michael Cole :X: How can you say that? I mean think about it Test...sure Lance Storm and Jamie Noble are easy...according to you...but you have yet to mention Chris Jericho...who is one of the most talented wrestlers that I have ever seen...What do you have to say about that?

:X: Test :X: Well Michael, I think that you need to watch more wrestling if you think Chris Jericho is good...I mean sure he had some succsses in the crappy WWE...but anywhere else he's just been a 2nd rate cruiserweight...and I mean there is no room for a cruiserweight to beat me, at any time, at any place...that is the one thing I will never let happen...becuase I just don't think that it's possible for some tiny bitch to get a win over me...and I have really set might sights on making sure that never happens...I mean if I let little cruiserweights beat me...I won't get shit for respect...and it'll take me forever in order to get that World Title that I want...and deserve...and it all starts tonight when I kick this shit out of the "Ayatolla of Rock and Rolla" and the rest of the guys in that ring tonight...I'm sure looking forward to a good win, and I'm not going to settle for anything less...I just hope those little bitches are ready for me...becuase I'm sure that if they aren't...you are going to see someone get hurt out there...and it's not going to be me, haha.

:X: Michael Cole :X: Well it's good to see your primed and ready for your match...and before I let you go are there any last words you have?

:X: Test :X: Well Michael...sure I do...first off...this match tonight is going to be such a blow off...unless one of these men become great overnight...history has proven that the group of men that I have to face tonight...are just crap...I don't know why I was put in a match with these crappy wrestlers...but I'll tell you this Michael...it will be the last time, becuase I am going to show the owners...just how good I am...and just how high I should be in the card...and all that crap...this is the era of Test...and it's only a matter of time before I get my hands on any title I can...the main one being the World Championship....That brings me to my next point...becuase the champions around here...aren't very good ones...becuase I know that any champion would want to go out and fight day in day out...instead of these crappy breaks that the World and Tag Champs are taking on Raw...but it doesn't matter Michael...becuase when I get the belt...I will make sure it's a competetive thing...becuase Test is not here to just play around...I am here to kick some major ass and make my name known in this fed! Now Michael...you've wasted enough of my time...so get the hell out of here!

:X: Michael Cole :X: Uh...ohk, thank you for your time...Test everybody...

-:X:- Test begins walking towards his locker room and Michael just walks the other way...but can be heard muttering "What an ass" as he walks off. The camera follows Test around a corner and then fades to black and goes to commerical. After the commercial the camera comes back and is still on Test...but now he is in his locker room with a fine young lady by the name of Stacy Keibler. The two are standing around talking about tonight's match. -:X:-

:X: Stacy Keibler :X: So Test, how are you feeling...I mean tonight is going to be a tough one...not becuase the guys you are facing are tough...but this is your first match in a long time...are you ready for it?

:X: Test :X: Of course Stac, Why wouldn't I be ready for this match? I mean it's against a bunch of people who I wouldn't even let wash my underwear...let alone wrestle with me...I'm pretty pissed I even have to go through this match...but I guess it's standard policy...but heh...I'm going to make sure I'm not in another god damn dark match next week...you can bet your ass on that one...tonight I'm going to show every that I am the best in this federation...and that no one can stop me...not even Shawn Michaels!

:X: Stacy Keibler :X: Yeah, it is kind of stupid how you are the best around, and yet you have to face these guys who would be at the bottom rung of the WDW ladder...unlike you who should be at the very top...but it's good that your going to go out there and prove yourself...so that no one can deny just how great you are. Just don't get to ahead of yourself or you may end up making a mistake that'll cost you the match...and that wouldn't be a good way to start off your WDW career.

:X: Test :X: Yeah...I know, that is why I'm not going to let anything happen that will keep me from winning tonight...I have this feeling that tonight is my night...even if we won't get to see a match between me and someone who is actually good...I am still going to have to have a match in front of this crappy american crowd...and maybe that will throw me off just a bit...but I am sure that I can get over it and take home this match with a win...none of those guys have a clue of how dominate I can be in the ring and tonight they are going to go for one hell of a ride as I drop each and everyone of those punks with one of my size 13s...that's a promise...because none of those guys are going to be going very far in this business...where as I am...so I'm going to send a messege out to everyone...that I will not tolerate crappy matches around here...that's for damn sure!

:X: Stacy Keibler :X: Well I'm glad to here that...it's good to know that the person I'm backing is someone who wants to do big things around here...or else I'd just be wasting my time...but you...I can see are looking for some big things.

:X: Test :X: Yah Stac...that's the truth...becuase I'm sure as hell looking for the biggest of the big...I am sending out an open challenge to any of the champs...or as I prefer to call them...chumps...to come on and take the Test...to see just how well they stack up as a Champion...I'm sure after a match with me they will realize the belt they hold really isn't thiers...and becuase I know people are afraid of losing thier titles to me...hell the chumps don't even need to put the belt on the line...I just want a chance to prove my self around here...and I am going to do just that...whether it's by driving Jamie Noble to the canvas or knocking out Jericho's front teeth tonight...or kicking Michaels ass in a non title match some other time...I am going to get the word out that I am not to be taken lightly...and that if you want to make it big in the WDW...you are going to have to go through Test!

:X: Stacy Keibler :X: Well that's good to hear then...becuase I know you can do it...but it's all about getting the job done tonight...you can't do anything about anyhting until you get that first win...and tonight better be the night it happens for you...becuase you are so much better than the other guys in the match...don't let anything stop you from taking them out...you need to win this match...you know it...I know it...hell the entire WDW knows it...so go out there and get the job done!

:X: Test :X: You got it Stac, I'll do just about anything for a pretty face, haha. But really...I am not going to let anyone of those guys push me around...I'll tell you that right now...there isn't a damn thing that anyone can do about me being in the WDW...and there isn't going to be a damn thing that anyone can do to stop me...once I get started...so I mean everyone better settle in for the long run...becuase in one month's time...I'm going to be the World Champion...no matter who likes it or not...I have the want...I want it more than any other person around here...and how I differenciate from those other punks...is I have the talent to back me up...I will get the job done it's only a matter of time...tonight is just the first step in launching me into my rightful position.

:X: Stacy Keibler :X: Well that is very good to hear...I'm really glad to see you ready to give it your all...but we have to get going...we have to meet up with the owners...before the match...so let's get going.

:X: Test :X: Ok Stac, I'm right behind you.

-:X:- Stacy walks towards the door, and Test gets a great look of her ass as he then begins to follow after her. They both walk out of the room, and the camera fades to black and goes to commercial as we get ready for tonight's Raw. -:X:-