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GWFC Online!

The GWFC Perinial form The Centra Palladium on Centra

OH MY GOD! Of all my time playing the GWF that had to be one of the best cards I ever did! With so much going down it's hard to keep track of it all! It seems the Colonizers have the upper hand and the Centran fans are NOT happy! It was the first card and they nearly had a riot! Fortunatly the ring security team was able to restrain the more "vocal" fans.

No less than 5 wrestlers rolled out of the Palladium with injuries. Anarchy and Corporal Aegis both suffered minor injuries and will only be out one card. Prodigy was strechered out and will be down for 8 cards. Dreggs has a two card injury. And Max Shield will be out for 6 cards.

The Gladiator and FDF fued started off hot and should only get hotter! These two teams hate each other, and as we saw in the Code Enforcer (Euritar) v. Spike match wins and loses don't matter to these teams! Morpheus is looking into retraining both teams at every card to keep the carnage to a minimum.

Due to thier actions at the Perinial, Mandrill, Rebel Empire, Skinhead and TwinBlood are all facing possible suspensions. The verdicts should come down on Battle Zone.

And from the rumor mill, it seems Phantast has offered his services to the Theatre of Pain, sighting there need to combat Reynard B. Guile's influence for the Ninja Assassins. No word yet on if the Theatre accepted or not.

The next card will be Monday Night Battle Zone from the Ruins of Antilia. Most of the matches are Ruins of Antilia matches, so we should see some fireworks. The main event will be Thunder one-on-one with Lance At-Lasin a Ruins of Antilia match! Be sure to tune in here for all the results.

So there you have it, watch this site and keep on rollin', Dice that is! Until Sentry takes a shower! Adam "Smasher" Marrow

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My GWF 2087 fed.