Info Page

Name:Brandon(a.k.a Screech)
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: Brentwood, NY
Sports: Cross-Country, Wrestling and Lacrosse
Status: Misribly single
Likes: ummmmm computers and sports really

Well I'm a real smart person, next year im going to be in honors English, Science, Math, and Social Studies. Now your thinking "Wow he is going to write a book." If you are thinking that then your correct... but... it's not your typical book. You know when embarassing stuff happens to you? Yes, well embarassing stuff always happens to me. So me and Brian(my cousin) were thinking "Hey why not write a book about it!!!!" That is what we are doing. The title "Shit happens... this shit really happened." I have most of the embarassing stories, but Brian has a few also. There are also a couple of nice but funny stories. So expect that book right after I graduate college.

10 Reasons to date a wrestler...
10)Always wears his headgear
9)Will eat anything
8)Knows when to oush and pull
7)Endurence, Endurence, Endurence
6)Goes hard from start to finish
5)Can work a two-on-one
4)Knows how to use his hips
3)Can score from any position
2)Never stalls on bottom
1)Knows how to ride

So girls take some hints man...PLEASE!!!

You know ur from LONG ISLAND.. when..
-You don't go to Manhattan, you go to "the City."
-You can correctly pronouce places like Hauppauge, Copaigue, Islip,Yaphank, Massapequa and Ronkonkoma.
-You know someone who went to Chaminade.
-Jones Beach Theater is the best place in the world to see a concert - CASE CLOSED!
-If you're not from Long Island or NYC, you're not really from New York.
-You don't go to the "shore," you go to the beach, of course.
-Your parents took you to Nathans or Carvel (on the way home from the beach).
-You can name at least 3 bands that came from Long Island.
-The seagulls and geese are everywhere!
-Either your parents or your grandparents lived in the city, Brooklyn, or Queens.
-"I'm going to the park."
-You or someone you know has owned an animal that came from North Shore Animal League.
-You've "cruised the 'Pike".
-You've been on News 12 at least once.
-When you hear Billy Joel's "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" you try to figure out what places on Long Island he's talking about (it's "Christiano's" in Syosset).
-Chances are, you don't have to go far to see your family.
-You know the exact streets that divided your school district, but you have no idea which election district you were in.
-Seriously now - do the Bills and the Sabres really play in New York?
-You know what Pergament, Modells, Genovese, King Kullen, and Waldbaums are.
-You are an Islander/Met/Jet fan or a Ranger/Yankee/Giant fan: there is no crossover.
-You know the location of 7 malls, 15 McDonalds and 26 7-11's.
-You vaguely recollect the fact that Roosevelt Field wasn't always a mall.
-It's called "gym," not P.E.
-You're used to the fact that one or more famous people are/were in your school district
-"No, I don't want mustard on that burger!"
-You pronounce it LawnGUYland, just as one word (or get accused of doing so by out-of-staters).
-You remember when Newsday first added color to Part II.
-You'd pay $8.75 for a movie.
-You visit somewhere else and are astounded to see that people actually stop at yellow lights.
-You just sort of assume that wherever you live, you'll be able to find good delis, good pizza, and good bagels.
-Your distant future might involve the state of Florida.
-You know several people that have moved to Florida from LI
-You're still waiting for that bridge to Connecticut.
-You've never seen a highway without street lights.
-You've watched a game show and wondered, "Why are these people so happy that they won a trip to New York?"
-You associate Fire Island with elementary school field trips, not gay men.
-You've said stupid things like "Strong Island."
-You get freaked out when strangers talk to you.
-The last time you smiled was when you prevented someone from getting on an on-ramp on the highway.
-Instead of referring to two or more people as "y'all," you call them "you guys," even if both of them are women.
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