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Table Page Layout VIII
Gravy's RP
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League Of Honour DEBUT

The screen opens up to Gravy sitting in his brand fricken new locker room. He is watching TV like he usually is. Suddenly a small man bursts into his locker room shouting something.


Gravy: Whoa dude, settle down. Now say it slower…what exactly do you want now


Gravy: You want an interview with “The Great One” do ya? Well since I am a nice guy, I will grant you your request

Man: YAY. Ok now my first question is----

Gravy: Whoa whoa whoa…settle down big fella. Now, what is your name

Jim: My name is Jim Giambi

Gravy: Ok, now ask your fucking question

Jim: Ok, now you are the NEWEST star to reach the LOH

Gravy: Don’t forget the GREATEST star to reach the LOH also

Jim: Oh sorry, my fault. You are now the NEWEST and GREATEST star to reach the LOH. What do you plan on doing here?

Gravy: Well how many titles can I get

Jim: Well there are three total for now

Gravy: Just give me all of them and we got a deal

Jim: But I cant give anything to you

Gravy looks at Jim, stonefaced.

Gravy: Give me the fucking titles now

Jim: I would if I could, but I cant so I wont. My son taught me that one

Gravy: Ok shut up and ask one of your stupid questions

Jim: Ok…there has been a lot of hype about this. Are you getting Confusion to come to the LOH with you so you two can tag up and win the tag titles?

Gravy: That is a good question. Though I don’t have an answer for it, it is still a very good question

Jim: If he did come here would you tag up with him

Gravy: Well me and him gotta talk about that one Jimmy. If he would want to, maybe we would…but maybe we wont. You just gotta wait and see like the rest of those idiots

Jim: Well you are in the FIRST EVER Bad Habit card…how do you feel

Gravy: I cant really say. I feel bad and sad

Jim: And why is that

Gravy: Well I feel bad for Gukas because he is going to get his ass pounded in our NO DQ match. And I will be sad when he is in the hospital crying

Jim: Wow…you seem pretty confident that you are gonna win

Gravy: That’s because I KNOW I am going to win

Jim: Ok, next question. How do you feel about the talent level here in the LOH?

Gravy: What kinda stupid question is that Jim? Gravy is here so it has have awesome talent you idiot

Jim: I mean how do you feel about the other wrestlers here

Gravy: Well I am going to kick all of their asses, and there is no doubt about that. Gukas shall be the first, but most definitely not the last

Jim: Is there anyone in perticular that you wanna face Gravy?

Gravy: Well…I have been really…how can I put this. I have been dying to face this Kore guy for a while now

Jim: Wasn’t Kore in the XWF

Gravy: Yup…infact he was the one that killed that fed. He and a few others single handedly destroied the XWF. And now they have come to the LOH. I should actually be thanking them rather then hating them.

Jim: And why is that

Gravy: Well by killing one fed, that makes this fed that much better because all of the talent (points to himself) from the XWF came here to the LOH.

Jim: I never thought about it like that

Gravy: That’s because you are a stupid idiot. Now ask another question

Jim: Ok…now I how exactly do you plan on winning the League Championship

Gravy: What kinda shit ass question is that you idiot. Oh my fucking gosh…how stupid are you. I am going to win all of the titles by kicking everyone elses asses

Jim: Sounds simple enough

Gravy: Yes Jim, yes it does

Jim: How do you feel about the owner ship of this fed

Gravy: Well as long as they don’t fuck up to much, they should be good enough. And they better not fuck with me either

Jim: Yes, you sound very threatening. Well thank you and good bye Gravy

Gravy: Get the fuck outta here stupid ass

Gravy kicks Jim in the butt and out of his locker room. Gravy reclines back in his chair and flips back on the TV. He sees a promo for the first Bad Habit card this Wednesday.

Match One: Reina Calloway vs. Kristi Calhoun Stipulation: None

Match Two: Gravy vs. Gukas Stipulation: No DQ

Match Three: Insanechainz vs. ??? Stipulation: None

Match Four: KoRe vs. Darkhan Stipulation: None

Gravy: What the fuck is up with those question marks in the damn card. Mystery competitors, I like.