Torrie's Forward
Torrie is serious

Could it get any wrose for poor Torrie Wilson. First she loses her so called Tag Team Partner Nicole Bass, then Paul Heyman the new agent of Nicole Bass and current agent on her boyfriend Kurt Angle in WWE said that Torrie tried to hit on him!! Now Torrie and Kurt arent seeing eye to eye much.With Torrie's match coming up against Nicole Bass Torrie really needs Kurt to be with her and help her train but at WrestleMania Kurt will be facing Brock Lesner for his WWE title, another one of Torrie's so called "lovers".On Fury last week Torrie and Nicole took on Riot and Danger. After Lean Meow and Beulah came to the ring and attacked Danger, Nicole and Torrie won the match. But right after Lean and Beulah attacked Torrie beating her. Will Torrie win her match and with the help of Kurt Angle...or will Nicole and Paul Heyman prevail and ruin Torrie Wilson's life...tune in the to Critical Countion....

Torrie's Life
After Fury

Torrie is sitting in her hospital bed watching the tv that is connected to her bed. We see the Eminem video "Sing for the Moment" is on the tv. Torrie looks very into the song as her nurse walks in.

¤ºTorrie's Nurse [Patty Smith]º¤
Torrie you have a visitor.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I told you I dont want ANY visitors Patty jeez!!

Just then the door opens and Torrie and Patty both look in that direction. Kurt Angle walks in with a handful of roses and a teddy bear in the other hand.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Not even me?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Sorry Kurt I didnt think you would even come to see me.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Why on earth would you think that?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I thought you would believe that dirty fat bastard Paul Heyman.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
About what? You hitting on him? Come on now Torrie, do you really think Im that dumb. Why would you hit on...that!!

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Yea but I thought since he's your agent....[kurts cuts her off]

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Listen Torrie and I really want you to listen to me [Kurts walks over to her bed and sits down next to her, holding her hand] Paul may be my agent but you are the love of my life. I cant explain how much I love you and I think you feel the same way too. Just the thought of losing you makes me feel like I would never make it. Your what I think about everytime I step into a wrestling ring. Your what I think about all the time. I cant get you off of my mind and I dont think I ever will. Your my best friend and lover. You dont know how much you mean to me Torrie. I love you.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
[a tear drops from her eye] Kurt I love you so much. I thought that when Beulah and Paul were telling all these lies that you would believe them over me and I was going out of my mind at the thought of losing you over something so stupid. But now I see that you really do love me and I love you too Kurt I really do. [lays her head on Kurt's shoulder]

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
[kisses Torrie on the forehead and smiles] I would never leave you Torrie and you will always be the love of my life.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
[wipes her eyes with a tissue] Ok enough of the crying [smiles] Did you see what happen to me at the arena?

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
I seen a tape after I went to talk to Stephanie... [torrie cuts him off]

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Why did you go to talk Stephanie??

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
To ask where you were, then she said you were tooken to the hospital to be checked for injuries. I then found out about Paul and went to talk to him but him and Nicole were already gone.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
That big bitch has got it coming at Critical Condition. When I step into the ring with her Im not going to stop til I KILL HER!! There will be no laws or rules as to what I will do to her Kurt.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Nicole is a very big lady and well your....smaller then her. Do you really think you can handle her, I mean I dont even remeber the last time someone actually beat that woman.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Thanks Kurt I thought you were suppose to have faith in me.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
I do have faith in you I was just stateing a fact.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
As if I didnt know that Nicole is huge and out of her mind. But you know until Critical Condition Im going to have nothing on my mind but ripping that nasty bitch apart and I will make sure she realizes when she fucks with Torrie she will PAY!!!

Torrie stands up and grabs her gym bag off the floor next to her bed and sits it down on her bed. She takes out some clothes and then takes off her top. Huge red wilts are seen across her tan back. She puts another shirt on and zips her bag back up.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I have to get out of here now.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Are you cleared to leave?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I was just checked for injuries Kurt I wasnt having surgery.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Well I got the car outside lets go.

Kurt puts his arm around Torrie's shoulder as they walk out of the room as the scene fades.

Torrie's Life
At the hotel

We are in a hotel suite, with a large bed, a dresser with a huge mirror attached, a chair sitting by the window, etc. We also can see clothes scattered all over to floor, the cameraman moves over to the bed as we see Torrie Wilson laying the arms of Kurt Angle. They are both fast asleep, just then the alarm clock goes off and Torrie turns over and knocks the clock off of the bedside table. She rolls back over but Kurt is up now, he moves her over and slides his legs out from under the cover and picks up a pair of boxers laying on the floor and slides them on. He stands up and walks into the bathroom as Torrie lays there all smiles. She then slides out of the bed and stands up as we see she is naked!! We see her walk over to the dresser and pull out a pair of thongs and puts them on BUT she's still topless. All the fans hoping she turns around but their out of luck when she pulls out a bra and slides it on her arms and buckles it. Kurt walks out of the bathroom fully dressed now in his warm up suit with his "Submit" t-shirt under the warm up jacket. Torrie sits on the bed still in her bra and panties and Kurt sits down as well.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
What are you waiting for? You said we have to get up and go run now let go...move it missy.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I know give me a sec.

Kurt lays back on the bed and starts to fall asleep again...but Torrie pushes him and he falls off the bed. Torrie starts to laugh as Kurt stands up with a serious look on his face.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
You think that's funny, pushing the olympic hero, the WWE Champion Kurt Angle off the bed? Huh?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Oh dont get all worked up, I didnt push you, you well....fell.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Yea right I believe that. Get dressed.

Torrie stands up as Kurt hits her hard on her bare ass. Torrie turns around while rubbing her ass cheek.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
That's for pushing me off the bed.

Torrie laughs and walks over to the closet to get some clothes as the scene fades to a commerical.

Torrie's Life
Arriving with Kurt

Torrie is seen walking in the backstage doors with Kurt by her side. She is holding her purse in one hand as Kurt carries her 2 suitcases and her gym bag, he also has his WWE Championship over his shoulder. They make their way down the hall and into Torrie's locker room. Kurt sits the bags down, then practicly falls down on the couch looking very tired. Torrie smiles and sits down next to him and lays her head on his chest.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
What's wrong baby??

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
After all the things we did last night you decide that WE have to wake up at 6 in the morning so YOU can run a mile.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Well you ran it too plus you need to prepare for Wrestlemania so I was just helping you out jeez.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Im just tired that's all, training for this match against Brock is very tireing. I just dont think I can physically train anymore.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
You have to keep your title baby, I mean you live for that title. You love that title more then anything in the world.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Torrie this title is very important to me but right now your more important and your match tonight against Nicole Bass. I want you to be physically and mentally ready for this match. Your mind should be on no one else but Nicole Bass.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
What about Paul Heyman, you know hes going to try to weasel his way into this match?

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Listen dont worry about Paul, I'll take care of him. If he trys anything I wouldnt hesitate to break his friggin ankle.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
But hes your agent Kurt...

Kurt leans up in his seat and looks at Torrie very mad.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
I DONT CARE TORRIE!! All I care about is you, screw Paul Heyman hes nothing to me, he's my agent so what, this isnt WWE this is XWWA if I wanna kick his bald headed ass all over this place I WILL!!

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Kurt I really dont need you in a bad mood.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
I'v been in a bad mood ever since Nicole and her clan of ECW rejects attacked you!!

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Listen Kurt this is my Battle, not yours, I will handle this tonight in the ring. As long as you watch out of Paul I will handle Nicole.

Kurt sits back very angry as Torrie stands up.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Where are you going?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
I got a interview with Jennifer Day in 5 minutes.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Want me to come with you?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
No I'm ok, I can handle myself.

¤ºThe WWE Champion[Kurt Angle]º¤
Ok, I'll be here when you come back.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
You better be.

Torrie kisses Kurt quickly on the lips and walks out of the locker room. She walks down the hallway clicking her black boots and swaying her hips. She then see's Jennifer Day and walks up to her. Jennifer rolls her eyes.

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤
Your late.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
So...what's your point? Im Torrie Wilson I'll be late if I damn well want to got it?

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤

Torrie's Life
Interview with Jennifer Day

The camera comes back from a commerical break as Jennifer bring the mic to her lips and smiles her fake smile.

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤
Hello everyone, this is Jennifer Day, standing next to me is the woman that will being wrestling the Big Bitch Nicole Bass tonight. Torrie first off are you 100% after that attack by Beulah and Leia Meow on Fury?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Jennifer that attack on myself and Danger just proved to everyone that Team ECW is nothing but a bunch of reject that cant fight woman to woman they have to jump people from behind. They will pay in the very near furture but tonight all I care about is getting my hand on Nicole Bass.

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤
I know you hate her but do you really think you can handle Nicole Bass? I mean look at you?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
[looks down at herself] Look at me, Im beautiful, talented, smart, and I have the best man in the world. Yes Nicole may be big...well HUGE but tonight it wont matter how big she is.Now Nicole I am sure you are sitting in your locker room laughing hysterically at the television as you listen to what I am saying. I know you're tough... and you do too, and I can gurantee your thinking I have got to be out of my mind to think I can beat you. But you're wrong. Yes you may be bigger then I am, more built and have the advange, and I'm sure you have probably beat the hell out of most of the women here but just to let you know, you're gonna have to beat me to near death before I ever give up on getting beat by you. Every time you get me down I'm gonna get back up and every time you push I gonna push just a little harder and tonight you will know when I pin you 1..2..3.After I beat you fair and show you that Im not what you think I am you will have to respect that if your a real woman like you say you are.

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤
You seem alittle cocky.

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Cocky, havent you heard the Kid Rock song before Jennifer. I'm not cocky if I can back it up and trust me I will do just that. Nicole and Paul Heyman tried to ruin my life, they have tried to end my career on numerous occasions, lied to try and get my boyfriend to break up with me, all because she is jealous that woman like me made fun of her and called her names. But Nicole its not my fault your ugly, hell I tried to be friends with you but you turns your back on me to go with Paul. Now I have you fight you that's right now wrestle cause this match will be far from wrestling. You tried to end my career well Im gonna return the favor.

¤ºThe Stuck Up Interviewer[Jennifer Day]º¤
Woah, any last words you would like to say to Nicole?

¤ºThe Golden Bytch[Torrie Wilson]º¤
Nicole you will feel my wrath, its as plain and simple as that. Which is why tonight, I am going to teach you a lesson. I'm going to teach you when you mess with me I will get you back. And most importantly, I'm going to show you first hand, that size doesn't matter all the time, and that there are people that are fifty times as tougher as you and more powerful than you are Nicole and who the new bitch is around here. Nicole tonight I am going to be your WORST NIGHTMARE!!

Torrie pushes Jennifer and she falls on the floor. Torrie laughs as she walks down the hall and back into her locker room.


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